
bù jiàng
  • military officers under one's command;inferior officer
部将 [bù jiàng]
  • [inferior officer] 古代指部下将领

  • 瑜部将 黄盖曰。--《资治通鉴》

部将[bù jiàng]
  1. 交通部将公布这次会议的记录。

    The Department of Transport is to publish the conference proceedings .

  2. 交通运输部将督促网约车平台与驾驶员签订正式劳动合同,落实驾驶员权益保障责任。

    The Ministry of Transport will require ride-hailing platforms to sign formal labor contracts with drivers and clarify the platforms ' responsibilities to the drivers they employ .

  3. 在国民大会(NationalAssembly)审议这项提案之前,司法部将在未来几个月考虑来自公众和政府机构的意见。

    The Justice Ministry will consider opinions from the public and government agencies for several months , until the National Assembly considers the proposal .

  4. 为支持新的贷款项目,美国财政部将从7000亿美元的资产救助计划(troubledassetreliefprogram)中拿出200亿美元资金。

    The US Treasury is to provide $ 20bn of funds from the $ 700bn troubled asset relief program to back the new facility .

  5. 部分报道认为,索尼最近受到的攻击可能与即将上映的《采访》(TheInterview)有关。《采访》是一部将在圣诞节上映的喜剧片。

    Some reports have linked the recent Sony hack to the upcoming release of The Interview , a comedy set for release on Christmas day .

  6. 下周,英国财政部将与相关投行、公司就其伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)计划举行为期两天的会议。该计划于4月发起,目的是提高各方对伦敦人民币交易的认知。

    The Treasury will meet with investment banks and companies next week for a two-day conference on its City of London initiative , which was launched in April to raise awareness of renminbi trading in London .

  7. 英特尔投资部将向总部设在深圳市的薄膜太阳能研发制造和解决方案供应商创益科技发展有限公司(TronySolarHoldingsCo.)投资2000万美元。

    Intel Capital will invest $ 20 million in Shenzhen-based Trony Solar Holdings Co. , a maker of thin-film solar-power equipment .

  8. 他还补充到:“对于已受理的UFO目击事件,国防部将停止相关的调查行动。”

    He added : " MOD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them . "

  9. 发言人称,随着UFO热线的关闭,国防部将停止对不明飞行物报告的追踪与调查。

    Any reports made would now not be investigated or followed up as the hotline had been closed , a spokesman said .

  10. msc客户服务部将装箱检验报告正本转交箱管部,经核查确认无误后,msc将安排货物的出运。

    MSc CSR Department deliver original survey report to MSC equipment department for the double checking , if no problem , shipment will be load on board .

  11. 财政部将高度依赖美联储(fed)和联邦存款保险公司(fdic),以补充其有限的资金,因为上述机构调配资金无须经国会批准。

    Treasury is leaning heavily on the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to augment its limited funds because these agencies do not need congressional approval to commit funds .

  12. sequester和sequestration意味着财政部将中止或取消设置的支出金额。

    The budgetary terms , sequester and sequestration , mean that the Treasury Department will withhold or cancel a set amount of spending .

  13. AIG和美国财政部拒绝就出售股份一事置评。上月,美国财政部将持有的优先股转换为普通股,从而获得了现有股份。

    AIG and the US Treasury , which obtained its stake when it converted preferred shares into common stock last month , declined to comment on the share sales .

  14. 下周,劳工部将发布月度失业报告。NPR新闻,YukiNoguchi华盛顿报道。

    The Labor Department will release its monthly unemployment reports next week.Yuki Noguchi , NPR News , Washington .

  15. 一份最新报告显示,苹果公司计划今年推出3部手机--其中两部将是iPhone7系列最新版本,而另外一部则是iPhone10周年纪念手机--iPhone8。

    A new report has revealed that Apple plans to launch three handsets this year - two will be updates of the iPhone 7 family and the third is the 10th-anniversary handset -- iPhone 8 .

  16. 明年6月或7月,中国文化部将向Unesco申报,要到11月份才会有结果。

    In June or July , the Ministry will make its application to Unesco , but the results won 't appear until the following November , Mr. Bian says .

  17. 在itc于5月做出初步裁决之后,美国商务部将于6月下旬作出初步裁决。

    The initial determination by the ITC in May will be followed by an initial determination by the commerce department in late June .

  18. 美国财政部将利用tarp计划中的剩余资金来带动民间资本,为收购银行问题资产(随衰退加剧而出现问题的证券及常规贷款)提供资金。

    The Treasury will match private capital with remaining TARP money to capitalise funds for purchasing assets from banks both securities and conventional loans turned sour by the deepening recession .

  19. 工信部将推进贫困村宽带和4G数据网络覆盖,鼓励电信运营商推出扶贫专属资费优惠,为贫困村提供优质且低成本的网络服务。

    The ministry will work to provide both broadband and 4G data network to the villages , and encourage telecom operators to offer special discounts on network charges to provide quality internet services at a low cost .

  20. 根据这份文件,美国商务部将“暂时恢复原有的与向中兴通讯和中兴康讯(ZTEKangxun)出口、转口和(国内)转交有关的许可证政策”。

    According to the document the US Commerce Department would " restore temporarily the status quo ante licensing policy pertaining to exports , re-exports , and transfers ( in-country ) to ZTE Corporation and ZTE Kangxun . "

  21. 将让市场放心的是,沙特石油部将继续由风评良好的技术官僚执掌——沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(SaudiAramco)董事长法立赫此前就曾被传将接替这一职位。

    Markets will be relieved that the oil ministry will remain in the hands of a well-regarded technocrat - Mr al-Falih , chairman of state oil company Saudi Aramco , had previously been tipped for the position .

  22. 在结束对谷歌收购ITA软件公司的调查后,联邦贸易委员会和司法部将决定谁的专业经验更多以及是否启动正式调查。

    The Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department will decide which has more expertise and whether to launch a formal investigation once scrutiny into the Google 's plan to buy ITA Software is done .

  23. 广受期待的汇率报告决定的是相关国家是否因贸易目的而操纵汇率,但《舒默-格雷厄姆法案》(Schumer-Grahambill)仅仅关注失调的汇率。美国财政部将于4月15日发布汇率报告。

    While the much awaited currency report from the US Treasury , to be released by April 15 , decides whether exchange rates have been manipulated for trade purposes , the Schumer-Graham bill merely looks for misaligned currencies .

  24. 这三家航空公司均属于寰宇一家(OneWorld)航空联盟,并试图从美国交通部获得反垄断豁免权。美国交通部将于本周对此做出初步答复。

    The carriers , which belong to the OneWorld alliance , have sought antitrust immunity from the US department of transportation , which is set to issue its preliminary response this week .

  25. 斯佩林斯表示,美国教育部将努力使这一趋势保持下去。

    Spellings said her agency would work to continue the trend .

  26. 铁道部将在12月10日推出新版火车票。

    Ministry of Railways will introduce new edition tickets from December10th .

  27. 下午在英格兰南部将有雨。

    There will be rain in southern England during the afternoon .

  28. 农业部将继续在全国范围内检测家禽样品。

    The Ministry will continue to test poultry samples across the country .

  29. 教育部将与明年年初奖励表现最好的州。

    The Education Department will award the first grants early next year .

  30. 在以后相应的日期预定部将跟踪这些预定并实行。

    Reservations will follow up traces for reservations on the associated dates .