
  • 网络Partially Cost
  1. 在已知各个决策单元价格信息的情况下,在实施FGL成本效率测评模型之前,可首先判定一部分成本无效的决策单元,同时简化了成本效率的测评过程。

    Some cost-inefficient DMUs can be found before FGL cost efficiency evaluation under known price information . Hence cost efficiency evaluation process can be simplified .

  2. 不过今年腾讯加大了在游戏上的赌注,斥资86亿美元购入芬兰游戏开发公司Supercell多数股权,由一个投资者财团负担部分成本,并保持Supercell管理层不变。Supercell出品的游戏包括《部落冲突》(ClashofClans)。

    This year , however , it doubled down on its bet by paying $ 8.6bn for a majority stake in Clash of Clans developer Supercell , passing on some of the cost to a consortium of investors and keeping the Finnish developer 's management in place .

  3. 阿迪达斯称这部分成本今年将会下降。

    Adidas says they will fall this year .

  4. 任何一种解决方案花费部分成本即可提供有状态体验。

    Either solution would provide a stateful experience at a fraction of the cost .

  5. 估算工作组成部分成本的一种方法。

    The work is decomposed into more detail .

  6. 高校有限度的负担部分成本。

    University bear the partial cost limitedly .

  7. 该公司表示,增加的这部分成本主要涉及按揭业务。

    The company said much of the addition costs were related to its mortgage operations .

  8. 目前,随着大学生开始返校,其中一部分成本体现得尤为明显。

    One part of that cost is especially apparent just now as students return to universities .

  9. 针对上述问题,本论文采用滴流床反应器替代搅拌釜反应器,以达到降低该部分成本的目的。

    Trickle bed reactor , which could reduce the manufactural cost , was adopted to substitute BSTR .

  10. 还有,政府亦会在收回全部或部分成本的速度上,作适当的弹性处理。

    Furthermore , the government will apply suitable flexibility in determining the pace of full or partial cost recovery .

  11. 即便其中只有一部分成本可归因于中国的试验,那也是一场代价高昂的试验。

    Even if only part of that bill was attributable to the China experiment , that is a costly laboratory .

  12. 如果税收部分成本要由红利基金支付,我们会设法让全球各地分摊。

    If parts of the cost of the tax are paid out of the bonus pool , we would seek to globalise it .

  13. 诉讼费用会降低利润,因此通常来说会让摩根大通在税收方面受益,从而抵消一部分成本。

    Legal fees lower profits , so typically JPMorgan would get a tax benefit from paying them , offsetting some of the cost .

  14. 所有人都知道,联邦开支的问题与医疗福利成本激增有关,而这部分成本却不属于“强制减支”的范畴。

    Everyone knows that the federal spending problem involves the soaring cost of healthcare entitlements , which are not covered by the sequestration .

  15. 为减轻原材料成本上涨带来的冲击,所有消费品公司都开始通过提价,将部分成本转嫁给消费者。

    All consumer companies have sought to mitigate the impact of higher materials costs by passing some of them on to consumers through raised prices .

  16. 第一部分成本通过参考临床试验设计得到,第二部分通过收集127份病历资料的费用得到。

    The preventive costs were got according design of clinical trials . The second part was obtained by recording the costs of 127 patient diaries . 4 .

  17. 这部分成本更令人担忧:即便这些部门的营收增长能够超过成本的增长(情况也确实如此),汇丰也很难有效地控制开支。

    This is more worrying : even if revenue growth in those units outstripped rising costs , which it did , it will be hard to cap expenses decisively .

  18. 物价水平只对间接费中部分成本存在显著影响,对这些费用的控制同样要借鉴对材料费控制的经验,使得这些费用的形成不随物价上涨而上涨。

    Price level is only significant impact on part of the indirect costs , we should make the formation of these costs do not rise with the price increases .

  19. 去年它的营业总额达到8亿欧元(11亿美元),接近经济危机前的最高值,而且关闭三家德国下属公司可以削减部分成本。

    Last year 's turnover of £ 800m ( $ 1.1 billion ) was near the pre-crisis peak , and the closing of three German subsidiaries should cut costs .

  20. 随着集群技术的出现以及开放源码软件日益得到采纳,现在只需要传统高性能机器的很少一部分成本就可以构建一台超级计算机了。

    With the advent of clustering technology and the growing acceptance of open source software , supercomputers can now be created for a fraction of the cost of traditional high-performance machines .

  21. 在计算的同时,分析影响各部分成本的因素,以及降低的可能性和需要采取的具体措施。

    In the process of calculating , factors that affect part of the cost , the possible cost reduction and the concrete measures for reduction to be taken should all be analyzed .

  22. 用户使用改进工具,只需以一台新磨机的小部分成本,就可将这种磨机转变成循环磨机。

    The retrofit " kit " enables users to convert the mill to a circulation mill , similar to the company 's Q line , at a fraction of the cost of a new mill .

  23. 而在玩具供应链环境下的各个环节企业中,相当一部分成本的浪费是来自于玩具供应链的信息流通不畅而造成的仓储物流成本过高。

    Enterprises in all aspects of the toy supply chain environment have a considerable portion of the cost of waste from warehousing and logistics costs caused by poor flow of information within the toy supply chain .

  24. 政府加快了签证办理手续,还设立特别区提供进一步减税优惠,为跨国公司提供补贴,用于弥补在日本开设业务的部分成本。

    The government has accelerated visa-issuing procedures , set up special regional zones , which offer further tax breaks and is offering subsidies to global companies to cover some costs of establishing operations in the country .

  25. 比如旅行社得决定该不该将其传统分支为基础的业务的部分成本用于提供网上服务,以与飞机航线等其他公司竞争,因为后者直接通过在线连接向顾客出售服务。

    In the airline business , for example , traditional national carriers faced with feisty , low-cost new entrants had to decide whether to join them ( and thus compete with themselves ) or to remain aloof .

  26. 如果算上这部分成本,并将其总和与金融危机的总社会成本进行比较,情况就全然不同了,不再是金融业一味受到无耻的纵容,而制造业一再遭到忽视。

    If you do add them , and compare their sum to the total social cost of the financial crisis , the picture is no longer one of unabashed mollycoddling of the financial sector and neglect of the manufacturing sector .

  27. 线性生产模式下,铝企业不对环境污染进行治理,造成了巨大的社会外部成本,这部分成本不需要企业自身来承担,因此铝企业成本只包括生产经营成本。

    In linear producing mode , aluminum firms do not curb environmental pollution , causing huge social external cost , but they do not have to pay for this , the cost of aluminum firms is production and operation cost .

  28. 为应对这些挑战,物流企业专注于通过在中心化的投递和取件点重新整合需求,来减少所谓的最后一英里派送成本。这部分成本可能占到整个供应链成本的四分之三。

    In response , logistics companies focused on reducing so called ' last mile ' delivery costs , which can make up three quarters of overall supply chain costs , by re-aggregating demand at central drop off and pick up points .

  29. 一位香港律师相信,如果证实存在欺诈行为,就可能导致抵消欠款的民事和解,让卡特彼勒收回收购年代煤机的部分成本。

    One Hong Kong lawyer believes that if any fraud were established , it could lead to civil settlement that might be discounted against the value of the loan notes , allowing caterpillar to claw back part of the cost of the era deal .

  30. 更换卡车轮胎的昂贵成本及矿场主高达6位数的薪酬水平,在近期内不可能下降;但能源成本将会随着油价回落&这部分成本占多元化矿业公司总成本的20%。

    Expensive replacement truck tyres and six-figure salaries for mine-site chefs are unlikely to moderate any time soon . But energy costs , which for the diversified miners account for up to 20 per cent of overall costs , would fall with oil prices .