
  • 网络Sector Loan
  1. 而同期巴西、土耳其、波兰等国的私人部门贷款与GDP之比也上升了20个百分点。

    In Brazil , Turkey and Poland , private sector credit has meanwhile risen by as much as 20 percentage points of GDP .

  2. 咨询公司凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)提供的数据显示,中国私人部门贷款与GDP之比由2007年的107%升至2011年的127%。

    In China , private sector credit has risen from 107 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 127 per cent last year , according to Capital Economics , a consultancy .

  3. 基于上述担忧,美国资本市场监管委员会(committeeoncapitalmarketregulation)建议,美联储现存任何对私部门贷款,若担保不足,都应被转移至联邦政府的资产负债表。

    Based on these concerns , the Committee on capital markets regulation has recommended that any existing Fed loans to the private sector that are insufficiently collateralised should be transferred to the federal balance sheet .

  4. 实际上,自1950年以来,在经济复苏的第一年里,美国私营部门贷款(不包括抵押贷款)占GDP的比例平均下滑0.1%,非金融企业贷款所占比例下滑0.6%。

    Indeed , since 1950 , US private sector borrowing ex-mortgages has declined an average 0.1 per cent of GDP in the first year of recovery , with non-financial business borrowing declining 0.6 per cent of GDP .

  5. 不过,私营部门贷款的增长从未在复苏过程中发挥重要作用。

    Yet increases in private leverage never play a significant role in recoveries .

  6. 有效地管理公共部门贷款担保或股权担保计划。

    Manage availably public section loan guarantee or ownership of a share guarantee plan .

  7. 对国有部门贷款存在不合理倾斜。

    Third , unreasonable priority service in credit business to nation-owned enterprises is given .

  8. 同意关于私营部门贷款和投资决策的一般廉洁审核原则;

    Agreement on general integrity due diligence principles relating to private sector lending and investment decisions ;

  9. 政府的贷款担保令日本航空的抵押资产得以释放,可用于向私营部门贷款。

    Loan guarantees free up collateral that can be used to secure funds from private sector lenders .

  10. 另一方面,由于乡镇政府自有资金来源枯竭,必然选择向金融部门贷款,因而导致了风险向金融机构的二次积聚。因此,金融机构信贷具有财政意义上的转移支付职能。

    Second , since the internal funding sources are narrowing , governments turn to banking sector , the thus risks transferred .

  11. 这种债券得到了抵押或公共部门贷款的担保,但投资者有权从发行者的资产负债中进行追索。

    They are secured against pools of mortgages or public-sector loans , but investors have a claim against the issuer 's balance sheet .

  12. 最新数据显示,哥伦比亚、印度尼西亚、土耳其和俄罗斯等国4月份私人部门贷款年化增速都已达到或超过20%。

    The latest data show private credit grew in April at annualised rates of 20 per cent or more in Colombia , Indonesia , Turkey and Russia .

  13. 公共部门贷款担保或股权担保计划可以用于减少创新型中小企业融资的风险。

    Public section loan the guarantee or ownership of a share guarantee plan can used for decrease creative type inside the risk of the small business enterprise margin .

  14. 这些美元积聚在中国央行手中,后者把它们投资于证券、美国国债和机构债券、以及其它看似安全的美元基金其中一些基金最终也是由可疑的私营部门贷款作为担保的。

    The central bank accumulated those dollar holdings , which it invested in securities , Treasury and agency bonds , and other seemingly secure dollar funds , some of which were also ultimately secured by dodgy private-sector loans .

  15. 2007年至2009年间,英国私人部门净贷款(收入与支出之间的差额)占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例大幅增长了9.8%。

    Between 2007 and 2009 net lending – the gap between income and expenditure – of the UK private sector jumped by a massive 9.8 per cent of gross domestic product ( see chart ) .

  16. 农业部门调整贷款(简写为ASAL)[世界银行]

    Agricultural sector adjustment loan - ASAL [ World Bank ]

  17. 同时要加强银行信贷部门的贷款审查职责。

    At the same time , we must strengthen the bank credit departments of the loan review responsibilities .

  18. 这一转变被人解读为,有关部门承认贷款额度一贯不被银行理会,因此是无效的。

    The shift was seen as an admission by the authorities that quotas were routinely ignored and therefore ineffective .

  19. 通用汽车曾表示,复苏计划要想产生效果,至少需要额外60亿美元来自非政府部门的贷款。

    The auto maker has said needs at least an additional $ 6 billion in loans from non-U.S.governments for its viability plan to work .

  20. 为了抵消财政紧缩带来的衰退影响,欧洲央行已反复放松货币政策,以促进对私人部门的贷款。

    To offset the recessionary impact of the fiscal tightening , the ECB has repeatedly eased monetary policy to encourage lending to the private sector .

  21. 这项框架统一了适用于所有一系列手段的政策,其中包括部门调整贷款、结构调整贷款以及减贫支持信贷。

    The framework unifies policy that applies to a whole range of instruments , including sectoral adjustment loans , structural adjustment loans and poverty reduction support credits .

  22. 第三世界的央行则直接向私人部门提供贷款,以至于它们的账簿上满是各式各样的不良资产。

    Third world central banks , on the other hand , did a lot of direct lending to the private sector , and had all sorts of dodgy assets on their books .

  23. 投向私营部门的银行贷款已经连续两个月下降。

    Bank lending to the private sector has fallen for two months .

  24. 欧元区经济的重要部门难以获得贷款。

    Important parts of the eurozone economy are cut off from credit .

  25. 政府支持企业实体还购买了私营部门的抵押贷款。

    GSE entities have acquired private-label mortgage bonds too .

  26. 设立专门的贷款部门,加大贷款力度;

    Setting up special loan departments to increase loans ;

  27. 挑战霸王部门质疑按揭贷款房贷将花多少冤枉钱?

    Challenges despot sector questioned why the number of mortgage loans will spend money ?

  28. 此外还有私人部门的银行贷款和权益敞口,大约为1000亿欧元。

    To this sum must be added private sector exposure through bank loans and equity , roughly another € 100bn .

  29. “扭转”操作的目的是降低长期借贷成本,从而向企业部门和抵押贷款领域提供更多的贷款。

    This aims to lower long-term borrowing costs , and thus supply more credit to the business sector and mortgage world .

  30. 他的该方案可以使得借款人较容易地继续持有可调息抵押贷款,并通过政府住房部门对这些贷款重新提供资金。

    His plan were make it earlier for borrowas holding adjust rate mortgages to re-finance those loans to the government housing authority .