
  • 网络Method Quotient
  1. 然后,他解释道,将生产商作为切入点也有很大困难。

    Then he explains that producers are difficult to target as well .

  2. 他补充道,一些著名商学院的很多毕业生因腐败行为而被捕,已经迫使商学院进入了一个有效反省时期。

    He adds that the number of graduates of prominent business schools being caught in corrupt practices has forced a period of useful introspection at the schools .

  3. 多诺万补充道,尽管写商学院论文时的作弊并不会如此严重,但这些从顶级商学院毕业的学生们可能会进入商界,并会为之眩惑。

    While cheating on a business school paper might not be quite so grave , these graduates from top business schools are expected to come in to businesses and dazzle .