
dào kǒu
  • level crossing;road junction
道口 [dào kǒu]
  • [crossing;road junction] 铁路轨道、公路与另一条铁路轨道或公路的平面交叉

道口[dào kǒu]
  1. 关于黄陵道口平交改立交设计方案的探讨

    Probe into Design Scheme of Turning Grade Crossing into Grade Separation at Road Junction of Huangling

  2. 基于随机Petri网的平交道口建模及事故率分析

    Modeling and Accident Rates Analysis of Level Crossing Based on Petri Nets

  3. 这条路在经过平面交叉道口后岔开了。

    The road branches after the level-crossing .

  4. 基于Internet的交通道口事故监测管理系统的研究

    Study on Monitoring and Management System for Traffic Accidents at Cross Road Internet Based

  5. 基于DSP和以太网的铁路道口监测系统

    A Railroad Crossing Monitor System Based on DSP and Ethernet

  6. 基于PLC的企业铁路道口安全控制系统研究

    Research on Security Control System of Railway Crossing Based on Programmable Logic Controller

  7. 内听道口上下径高度:(4.13±0.85)mm;

    The height of internal acoustic porus was ( 4.13 ± 0.85 ) mm ;

  8. 基于GPS和GPRS的铁路道口预警装置的研究

    Research on early warming device for railway crossing based on GPS and GPRS

  9. 用滑动AR谱分析方法对唐山地震前后的张道口短水准资料进行了分析。

    The short-base levelling data at Zhangdaou is analysed by the moving AR spectrum analysis .

  10. 铁路道口无人监控的WSN应用研究

    Application research of WSN in unattended supervising railway crossroad

  11. 对大型车站、道口、大型个体工程等处则建立连续运营GPS差分基准站,采用动态差分GPS数据与其它传感器数据组合定位的方案,以提高列车定位的精度。

    It is also pointed out in the thesis that when trains are running in railway line , using double receivers , fusing GPS single point position units with other locating sensors is of great value .

  12. 论文还利用Visualc++的软件平台搭建了一个道口图像监控系统的演示环境,初步验证了系统算法的合理性和可实现行;

    And all the algorithms have been validated in MATLAB . The thesis also uses Visual C + + to make a demo for railway crossing video surveillance system , which preliminarily proves the algorithms to be rational and realizable .

  13. 铁路行政许可授权电子政务信息系统是针对成都铁路局下辖铁路危险货物托运、危险货物承运、超限超长超重集重货物承运、铁路道口施工资格申请与审核的一套Web信息系统。

    The railway administrative licensed e-government information system is a web information system designed for the application and audit of the dangerous goods consignment , dangerous goods carriage , overloaded overlong overweight container carriage and railroad crossing construction qualification under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Railway Bureau .

  14. 改进了Gao等(1994)方法,并用以计算潮汐汊道口门落潮干道的垂线平均流速。

    Improvements to the Gao Collins ( 1994 ) method are suggested to obtain long term depth averaged current speeds within the central ebb channel of a tidal inlet system .

  15. 本文提出了一种以ARM和嵌入式技术为基础,采用CDMA无线网络实现远程道口数据的实时传输,以及时了解道口状况的无线铁路视频监控系统。

    A remote long-distance railway intersection inspecting wireless system based on ARM and embedded system is presented in the paper , which uses the wireless network of CDMA for railway intersection inspecting data transmission and case getting .

  16. 基于PAM-CRASH的铁路道口防撞护栏碰撞仿真

    Railway crossing guardrail crash simulation based on PAM - CRASH

  17. 外耳道口部与峡部的距离,以5~8mm者居多,占被测耳数的88.2%。

    The distance between the orifice and the isthmus of the external auditory meatus measured 5 to 8mm in 88.2 per cent of all ears measured .

  18. 共焊接X70钢D1016mm焊口1252道,焊接一次合格率95%,同时在300道实验口焊接施工中创下了X射线、超声波检测连续百道口100%合格的施工纪录。

    It has make a construction record that the qualification rate of continued one hundred welding joints is 100 % with X ray & ultrasonic inspection among 300 experiment joints welding construction .

  19. 根据铁路道口安全管理的需要,本文设计开发了一套基于DSP和以太网技术的铁路道口监测系统,介绍了它的硬件组成和软件结构。

    According to the security requirements of Railroad Crossing , a set of railroad crossing monitor system based on DSP and Ethernet technology is designed . The structure of its hardware and software are presented . The monitoring network integrates the Internet perfectly .

  20. 去年某一天的傍晚,住在纽约州卡梅伦(Cameron)的埃德里奇从自家花园抬头往外看时,发现一名神情茫然的司机困在附近的一个铁路道口上,对朝着她的车子疾驰而来的火车浑然不觉。

    Looking up from her garden one evening at her Cameron , N.Y. , home , Ms. Eldridge saw a confused 81-year-old driver stuck at a railroad crossing nearby , oblivious to the train speeding toward her car .

  21. 构建了5道口分拣系统的控制结构,用OMRON的可编程控制器编程软件CX-P设计了PLC梯形图。

    PLC is used to control the system , the control framework of five exits sorting system is set up and Omron 's PLC software CX-P is used to design PLC trapezoid table .

  22. 文章对叠加在ZPW-2000A型无绝缘轨道电路上的DX3型道口信号设备错误报警问题,提出了合理的解决方案。

    The paper suggests a good solution for solving the problem of wrong alarm by DX3 type crossing signal equipment on ZPW-2000A jointless track circuit .

  23. 结果例1MRI示内听道口外瘤体直径约1郾5cm,术前语频纯音听阈平均在30dB,能引出ABR各波。

    Results In case one , MRI showed the diameter of tumor outside of internal auditory meatus was 1.5 cm while the average of pure-tone hearing threshold was 30 dB HL and normal waves of ABR can be evoked .

  24. 利用微机技术、单片机技术、传感器技术和RS-232方式,完成对铁路道口信号设备实际运行情况的实时监测,为实现道口信号设备状态维修提供基础设备。

    Using the techniques of micro-computer , single-chip , transducer and RS-232 interface , we developed a system to offer real-time monitoring over the working status of signaling equipment at railway crossing , which can serve as a basic device for condition-based maintenance of signal equipment at crossing .

  25. 此外,还用改进的Gadd公式确定口门涨、落潮流输沙率,计算中引入汊道口门流速频率分布函数的定义。

    For determination of sediment transport rates due to flood and ebb tide currents , the Gadd equation is modified through a definition of the frequency distribution function of current speeds within the harbour entrance .

  26. 基于灰度投影的铁路道口视频电子稳像

    Electronic image stabilization for railway crossing video based on gray projection

  27. 火车在平面交叉道口与一辆小汽车相撞。

    The train collided with a car at the level crossing .

  28. 厂内铁路、公路道口信号微机控制系统

    Computer Control System for the Signal of Road and Railway Junction

  29. 钢丝绳牵引式道口电动栏门

    Steel rope drawing the motor - driven door of railway junction

  30. 无人看守铁路道口自动预警装置设计

    The Design of Automatic Alarming Device for Railway Cross without Watch