
sù dònɡ shí pǐn
  • quick-frozen food
  1. 速冻食品(水饺、汤圆)生产缺陷的改善

    Improvement of defects in quick-frozen food ( dumplings ) production

  2. 我国速冻食品的现状及其发展前景

    The actualities and developmental prospect of quick-frozen food in China

  3. 销售这些饺子的是日本烟草(JapanTobacco)旗下一家子公司。该公司立即召回了由同一供应商天洋食品(TianyangFood)生产的23种速冻食品。

    The dumplings were sold by a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco , which immediately recalled 23 frozen-food products made by the same supplier , Tianyang Food .

  4. 这项由速冻食品公司BirdsEye委托开展的调查还表明,家庭烹饪健康饮食的情况比一些人之前预想的要好很多,这一部分要归因于一些消费者开始学习烹饪。

    The report , commissioned by frozen food company Birds Eye , also makes clear that the family meal is limping on in far better health than some have suggested , thanks in part to a resurgence in cooking from scratch by some consumers .

  5. 含pvL的金葡菌主要在生牛乳、肉制品、速冻食品中,这些二次加工的食品与温度,卫生,人口流动性大有关。

    PvL containing Staphylococcus aureus in raw milk , meat products , frozen food , these two processing of food and temperature , health , population mobility related .

  6. 接着对JL连锁超市速冻食品的品类管理策略与战术,即六个品类策略和商品组合战术、品类陈列战术、商品定价战术、商品促销战术四个具体的品类战术进行了定性和定量的分析。

    Then the qualitative and quantitative analysis are conducted over the category management strategy and tactics on frozen food of JL chain store ; they are six category management strategies as well as combined commodity static , category display static , commodity pricing static and commodity promotion static .

  7. 速冻食品及发展速冻食品的必要条件

    Quick Frozen Foods and Essential Conditions for Developing Quick Frozen Foods

  8. 通用磨坊还打算在中国进军速冻食品以外的领域。

    General Mills is also looking beyond frozen food in China .

  9. 我准备速冻食品和影碟。

    I set out a frozen dinner and a TV tray .

  10. 小体积速冻食品中心温度检测的实验研究

    Experimental research on center temperature measurement of small volume quick frozen foods

  11. 速冻食品的解冻质量及发展趋势

    Quality of Unfreezing and Development Trends of Quick-frozen Food

  12. 第三届中国国际肉类制品、速冻食品及其加工、包装设备展览会

    The Third International Meat and Frozen Processing Packing Equipment Products Exhibition for China

  13. 速冻食品和抗生素之类重要的革新产品。

    Major innovations such as frozen food and antibiotics .

  14. 速冻食品存在的卫生问题及控制措施

    Hygienic Problems and Control Measures of Quick-frozen Food

  15. 变性淀粉在速冻食品中的应用

    Application of modified starch to quick frozen food

  16. 速冻食品的发展潜力巨大

    The enormous potential of the frozen food industry

  17. 毛细管气相色谱法测定速冻食品中的山梨酸和苯甲酸

    Determination of sorbic acid and benzoic acid in fast frozen food by gas chromatography

  18. 近年来,全球速冻食品市场总量在不断增加。

    In recent years , the world 's total frozen food market was increasing .

  19. 速冻食品质量控制方法

    Research on Quality Control of Quick-frozen Food

  20. 我国2010年速冻食品机械发展战略

    The Development Strategy of Fast Freezing Food Machine of China up to the Year 2010

  21. 你也许得把手伸进去,翻找你所要的速冻食品包。

    You may have to dive in and burrow for whatever frozen packet you want .

  22. 速冻食品专用油的制备研究

    Preparation of special oils for quick-frozen food

  23. 速冻食品是一种以低温快速冻结方式生产的食品。

    Frozen food is a kind of food produced by low temperature and fast-freezing style .

  24. 你在我们的超级市场发现许多罐装和速冻食品,是不是?

    You find many tinned and frozen foods in our supermarkets , don 't you ?

  25. 本文论述了速冻食品的质量控制、良特性及发展前景。

    This text discussed the quality control , choiceness speciality and development of deepfreeze foodstuff .

  26. 采购:肉,水果,蔬菜,速冻食品,婴儿食品,调味料。

    Buy : Meat , Fruit , Vegetable , Frozen food , Baby food , Sauces .

  27. 速冻食品生产线多为传统的继电器控制,易发生故障。

    The fast frozen food processing line is controlled with traditional relays and breaks down often .

  28. 适合超市存放各类速冻食品、肉类及冰鲜、海鲜产品。

    Suitable for supermarkets to store fast frozen food , meat , cold food and seafood .

  29. 本文介绍了小体积速冻食品中心温度的检测方法。

    This article introduces the method on center temperature measurement of small volume quick frozen foods .

  30. 如令,所谓的方便食品和速冻食品在欧洲就像在美国一样走俏

    So-called convenience and frozen foods are now as popular in Europe as they are in America