- 名Sunni;Sunnite

The neighborhood was a battleground for Shiite and Sunni militias .
But this is at the cost of Sunni alienation , a political benefit for Isis .
Sunnis are a large majority of the Afghan population .
That is exactly what enrages and frightens the Sunnis .
A radical Sunni cleric in the UK went further , describing the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed an act of war .
The most immediate challenge for Mr Abadi is to turn Sunni tribes against Isis and stall the Kurds ' drive towards independence .
NPR 's April Fulton reports , the speech by the Shia cleric comes as Iraqi troops began a push against Sunni insurgents .
One of the most influential Sunni clerics , the Sheikh of al-Azhar in Cairo , has condemned attacks on protesters taking refuge in mosques .
King Salman , who succeeded the late King Abdullah in January and recentralised power around himself and his family , served notice in March that he would fight Shia fire with Sunni fire .
Oil majors including Exxon-Mobil and BP have started evacuating staff from Iraq as Sunni militants battle for control of the north 's main refinery and clashes continue to rage across the country .
Senator Carl Levin of Michigan told CNN 's Late Edition that , once the situation in Fallujah is under control , efforts must be made to get the Sunnis involved in the political process .
However , the overnight strikes set the stage for a broader , more direct confrontation between Shia Iran and Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies in the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) .
Tal Afar is home to a large population of ethnic Turkmens , whose relations with Iraq 's sunni Arabs , in both neighboring Kirkuk and Mosul , have been in recent years .
The result was a ministry that was widely considered to tolerate corruption and petrol smuggling and which helped fund both insurgents in the Sunni regions and militias operating in Basra .
The civil war in Syria claims ever more lives and is spilling over into a wider Sunni-Shia confrontation .
The new advances by Isis came as tens of thousands of Iraqi volunteers and Shia militia started to move north from Baghdad as the government sought to wrest back towns over-run by Sunni insurgents .
The Sunni Taliban fighters have always been bitter rivals of Iran 's Shia regime , but there is evidence that they may have been thrust together by the remorseless logic of my enemy 's enemy is my friend .
The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran , Qom and Najaf , and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis .
The trigger was the arrest of more than 100 men in the entourage of Rafi Issawi , Mr Maliki 's Sunni minister of finance .
A similar move by police units controlled by the prime minister forced Tariq al-Hashemi , a Sunni deputy prime minister , into exile in 2011 .
One of the country 's two vice-presidents , Tareq al-Hashemi , a Sunni , is being tried in absentia for alleged links to terrorism .
Some Shia politicians , including Muqtada al-Sadr , a young cleric with a strong following who was long branded a dangerous firebrand , have even voiced sympathy with Sunni demands .
Syria 's government lost its highest-ranking Sunni member , Prime Minister Riad Hijab , in what his spokesman called a defection to the opposition as the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad inflames sectarian emotion in the Middle East .
The bombing occurred in Darra Adam Khel , an area near Pakistan 's tribal regions where Taliban-led militants have been active.Hundreds of worshippers had gathered at the Sunni mosque , which was severely damaged in the attack .
Iyad Allawi , a secular Shia who heads the main Sunni bloc in parliament and is Mr Maliki 's chief opponent there , has been weakened by defections from his party .
If Syria disintegrates into sectarian war ; if Sunnis take revenge on alawites ; if all that changes is the identity of the oppressor , not the nature of the oppression ; the savage tools of the past will retain their appeal .
To minimise their expected losses , the Kurds are bent on ensuring that all the non-Sunni minorities , such as the Christians , Yazidis and Shabaks , vote for a Kurdish-led list of candidates .
Despite one incident in January when police opened fire on a mob in Falluja , an ever-restive Sunni city , killing five , security forces have for the most part avoided confronting protesters .
Hardline sunni MP Iyad Samaraie told Al-Baghdadia TV that " everything the Kurds have done , including their constitution , since the U.S. - led invasion ... should be considered null and void . "
Barzani , the regional president of Iraqi Kurdistan laid out how the top positions were divided , with current Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki , leading an expanded , second-place alliance , retaining his post , and the Sunni-backed bloc of former prime minister Ayad Alawi taking leadership of parliament .