
  • 网络The Campaign;election campaign;election
  1. 说到“两面讨好”,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)正是围绕这一立场组织其选战的。

    Talk about having it both ways . Barack Obama organised his election campaign around this position .

  2. 希望超级PAC不会劫持整个选战&只有两位候选人能够避免这种局面发生。

    Let us hope that the super-Pacs do not hijack the entire campaign . Only the nominees can prevent that .

  3. 经历了被普遍誉为首次互联网选战的争夺,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)掌权刚刚4周,就已开始确立自己首位真正的多媒体总统的地位。

    Four weeks after coming to power on the back of what was widely dubbed the first Internet election campaign , Barack Obama is establishing himself as the first truly multimedia president .

  4. 这可能为他在1月21日南卡罗来纳州初选之前的选战注入新的动力。民调显示,他在南卡罗来纳州的支持率与纽特金里奇(NewtGingrich)不相上下。

    That could inject new momentum into his campaign before the South Carolina primary on January 21 , where polls tie him with Newt Gingrich for the lead .

  5. 他是不是在选战中痛斥公司利润,誓言改变北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA),来自芝加哥而且与工会有着紧密联系的社区干事?

    Or is he the community organiser from Chicago with tight links to unions , who railed against corporate profits in his campaign and vowed to alter the North American Free Trade Agreement ?

  6. 希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)已敦促美国国务院尽快发布她担任美国务卿期间从私人账号发出的电子邮件。正处于第二次总统选战中的希拉里正艰难应对公众舆论。

    Hillary Clinton has urged the state department to quickly release emails she sent from a personal account during her tenure as US secretary of state , as she struggles to maintain control of the narrative surrounding her second campaign for the presidency .

  7. 反对派领导人齐塞凯迪表示,这场选战一定不能推迟。

    Opposition leader Tshisekedi says the contest must not be postponed .

  8. 民意调查已经成了初选选战最典型的假事件。

    Polls have become the quintessential pseudo-events of the preprimary campaign .

  9. 你爸爸会在这里进行一周的选战。

    And your fatherwill be here all * Week campaigning .

  10. 你的意思是我们就眼睁睁放过这个被操纵的选战?

    So are you saying we just let this rigged election slide ?

  11. 奥巴马通过攻势猛烈、资金充足的选战取得了胜利。

    Mr. Obama prevailed through an aggressive and well-funded campaign .

  12. 这一选战多半会在希拉里和特朗普之间展开。

    In all probability it will be Mrs Clinton against Mr Trump .

  13. 爱德华兹的支持会给奥巴马的选战带来什么?

    What does Mr Edwards 's endorsement bring Mr Obama ?

  14. 这将是我最后的一次选战,至少作为候选人是如此。

    This will be my final campaign , at least as a candidate .

  15. 假新闻民意调查已经成了初选选战最典型的假事件。高级报纸;严肃报纸

    Poll have become the quintessential pseudo - event of the preprimary campaign .

  16. 表示在全部的选战活动中他们正远离亲以色列的偏见。

    say they are turning away from the pro-Israel bias in both campaigns .

  17. 专家一致认为,奥巴马的选战从头到尾,几乎没有任何瑕疵。

    Experts agree that Obama ran a nearly flawless campaign from start to finish .

  18. 朱利安尼希望把佛罗里达作为跳板,起动自己的选战。

    Giuliani plans to use Florida as a springboard to jump start his campaign .

  19. 选战程序策略模式之建构

    The Structure Model of Election Campaign Process Strategy

  20. 善于运用选战策略。

    Be good at making use of strategy .

  21. 还有人分析,这条新闻让人可以从总统选战中抽离出来,缓一缓神。

    and theories that the news was a welcome distraction from the presidential campaign .

  22. 里克·佩里有可能加入选战,令一些保守派人士感到兴奋。

    Some conservative activists are excited by the prospect of Perry joining the race .

  23. 这场选战的篡改者可以毫无痕迹地操纵电子信号。

    The election was fixed by something that can manipulate electronic signals without a trace .

  24. 活动案,一系列相同主题诉求,以达成宣传目标的活动布什的总统选战是石油公司出钱的。

    campaign ( n. ) Bush 's presidential campaign was paid for by oil companies .

  25. 选战前的失业率也创造了自上个世纪四十年代以来的新高;

    Unemployment has not been this stubbornly high in the run-up to an election since the1940s .

  26. 以往,政治对手曾经在艰苦的总统选战后联合起来,获得积极效果。

    Political rivals have joined forces in the past after bitter presidential campaigns with positive results .

  27. 选战结束后,你认为政局接下来又会如何发展?

    What do you think is going to happen next now that the election is over ?

  28. 他曾谈到过,要在贸易协定中严格执行劳工标准,但也可能是选战中的浮夸辞令而已。

    He talked about aggressively enforcing labour standards in trade agreements but perhaps that was campaign rhetoric .

  29. 不可否认的是,经验上的欠缺,已成了奥巴马本次选战中最为致命的弱点之一。

    It is undeniable that lacking of experience has become Osama 's fatal weakness in this campaign .

  30. 首先实际访谈选民意见的汇整,以确立候选人进行选战策略的准则。

    So , we interviewed voters and summarized their opinions to propose the criteria of election campaign .