
  • 网络reverse logistics system
  1. 基于Voronoi图的家电回收逆向物流系统的研究

    Research on Reverse Logistics System of Family Appliance recycling Based on Voronoi Diagrams

  2. 为此,有必要对集成的定位路径库存问题(Location-Routing-InventoryProblem,LRIP)进行研究。目前,仅有少数学者对逆向物流系统优化中的LRIP进行了研究。

    So , it is necessary to study on integrated ( Location-Routing-Inventory Problem , LRIP ) . At present , only a small number of scholars have studied on LRIP in reverse logistics system optimization .

  3. 基于XML/JSP的逆向物流系统的数据集成

    Data Integration of Reverse Logistics System Based on XML / JSP

  4. 考虑回收定价的随机逆向物流系统优化研究

    The Optimization of Stochastic Reverse Logistics System with Core Collection Pricing

  5. 家电产品回收体系与逆向物流系统模型的研究

    Research on Recycling Household Appliances System and Reverse Logistics System Model

  6. 基于循环经济的手机逆向物流系统的构建

    Construct the Mobile Phone Reverse Logistics Systems Based on Recycling Economy

  7. 逆向物流系统和技术

    Line conveyors and logistics systems Reverse Logistics Systems and Techniques

  8. 探讨了企业逆向物流系统结构;

    The structure of business negative logistics system is studied and discussed .

  9. 制造型企业逆向物流系统的网络构建研究

    Research of Designing Reverse Logistic Network System for Manufactory Enterprises

  10. 电子行业逆向物流系统构建及运作研究

    The Study of System Construction and Operation for Reverse Logistics in Electronic Industry

  11. 废旧电器的逆向物流系统规划模型研究

    Study on the Model of Reverse Logistics System Planning for Waste Electrical Appliance

  12. 基于这项原则,作者设计了逆向物流系统。

    Based on this principle , the author has designed a reverse logistics system .

  13. 初探基于第三方物流的区域性逆向物流系统

    Regional Reverse logistics system based on third-party logistics

  14. 面向钢铁工业的逆向物流系统的重用策略及其优化方法研究

    Recovery Strategies and Optimization Methods for Reverse Logistics System in Iron and Steel Industry

  15. 零售业逆向物流系统研究

    Research on Reverse Logistics System of Retailing

  16. 逆向物流系统的运行机理

    Operation Mechanism of Reverse Logistics System

  17. 最后,还对废旧家电逆向物流系统规划进行了论述。

    At last , we also discuss the system planning of reverse logistics of disused household appliance .

  18. 论述了废旧家电逆向物流系统激励机制的原因,激励机制的构成以及逆向物流的委托代理机制。

    The paper discusses the cause and form of motivation mechanism of reverse logistics and principal-agent theory of reverse logistics .

  19. 本文主要研究逆向物流系统构建中的一个重要方面:网络设计与优化。

    The paper focuses on one of the main aspects in the construction of reverse logistics system : network design and optimization .

  20. 逆向物流系统主要由政府、企业、回收站和公众消费者等四个主体与废弃物、绿色技术两个客体组成。

    Reverse logistics system consists of four subjects : government , corporations , recycling bins , public consumers and two objects : offal and green technology .

  21. 物流系统理论,尤其是逆向物流系统理论,为研究医疗废弃物回收系统提供了一个全新的视角和手段。

    Logistics system theory , especially the reverse logistics theory has provided a brand-new visual and means for the study of medical wastes collection and transportation system .

  22. 根据逆向物流系统与正向物流系统的关系,将逆向物流网络分为两类:与正向物流独立的逆向物流网络,与正向物流整合的逆向物流网络。

    Based on the links with the forward logistics system , the reverse logistics network is classified into two kinds : the unattached network and the integrated network .

  23. 可持续发展也已确定为我国的发展战略,但我国至今尚未建立一个完善的废旧家电逆向物流系统。

    Sustainable development has also been the development strategy of our country , but we haven 't built a reverse logistics system of disused household appliance so far .

  24. 零售价格竞争的生产商逆向物流系统决策研究中小商业企业聚集经营能够产生聚集效应,具有竞争优势。

    Study on the reverse logistics decision making for a manufacturer under retail price competition The cluster of small and medium commercial firms produces cluster effect and consequent competitiveness .

  25. 除了交易信任缺乏的影响外,一个主要的原因便是缺乏一套完整的逆向物流系统服务于电子商务。

    Except for the impacts of lacking trading - trust , one of the main reasons is lacking a set of complete reverse logistics system to serve E - Business .

  26. 在模式研究的基础上构建了造纸业逆向物流系统,设计了系统的功能模块、层次结构和物流流程图,并对系统运行机理进行了分析。

    Based on the study of modes , the author constructs reverse logistics system , designs functional modules , hierarchical structure and logistics flow chart ; the system operation mechanism is also studied .

  27. 最后通过废旧电脑逆向物流系统的成本与风险分析,对模型的求解过程作了详细说明。最后,总结全文,提出展望。

    Calculating process of the model is detailed illustrated through the analysis of reverse logistics system cost and risks of the waste computers . Finally , the conclusion and research prospect are put forward .

  28. 本文就造成电子产品逆向物流系统不确定性的一些因素进行了分析和研究,并提出了逆向物流量预测模型,以帮助企业更有效、更经济地实施逆向物流。

    This paper is to analyze the factors caused the uncertainties and build up a mathematical model for forecasting the quantity of the take-back products , which will help the companies implement the reverse logistics efficiently and effectively .

  29. 紧接着就在研究了逆向物流系统结构的基础上,站在第三方逆向物流企业的角度分析构建了第三方逆向物流网络;

    Close behind the paper research the structure of reverse logistics ' network , and stand on the aspect of enterprises of the third party reverse logistics analysis how to construct the third party reverse logistics ' network .

  30. 一个有效的方法是对逆向物流系统进行分析与设计,形成相应的模型,在模型的基础上进行优化与重组,然后再将模型实施到实际的流程中去。

    An effective method is to analyze and design the reverse logistics , forms the corresponding model , carries on the optimization and the reorganization based on the model , then implements the model in the real business process .