
tuì yì jūn rén
  • Veterans;ex-serviceman
  1. 2011年,美国退役军人福利管理局降低了退伍军人“证明”自已曾遭受性侵犯的证据门槛,这有助于她们获得与创伤后应激障碍(简称PTSD)相关的残疾福利。

    In 2011 , the Veterans Benefits Administration lowered the threshold of evidence for veterans to " prove " they were sexually assaulted , which helps them qualify for PTSD-related disability benefits .

  2. 我们可以让退役军人改善赈灾行动

    And we can use veterans to improve disaster response .

  3. 是个聘用退役军人的灾难管理组织

    we were a disaster response organization that was using veteran service .

  4. 我把我们自己视为一个应对灾难的退役军人组织

    we see ourselves as a veteran service organization that 's using disaster response .

  5. 我被安排到太子港领导一支由退役军人和医疗专业人员组成的队伍。

    I found myself in Port-au-Prince , leading a team of veterans and medical professionals

  6. 没错,但他是退役军人

    He read the manual . Yeah , but this guy 's a soldier .

  7. 没有好好融合退役军人

    was a very inadequate veteran reintegration ,

  8. 我大部分手下都是退役军人

    Most of my men are ex-military .

  9. 我们意识到,那些退役军人非常善于应变灾难。

    we realized something . Military veterans are very , very good at disaster response .

  10. 而恰恰我们这一代的退役军人做得到,只要我们给他们机会

    and this generation of veterans has the opportunity to do that if they are given the chance .

  11. 近来调查发现有92%的退役军人愿意在退役后继续服务社会

    Recent surveys show that 92 percent of veterans want to continue their service when they take off their uniform .

  12. 但是当你遣送25个退役军人到乔普林市,他们找回同样的社群感

    But you drop 25 of those veterans in Joplin , Missouri , they get that sense of community back .

  13. 要关爱退役军人,他们为保家卫国作出了贡献。

    We shall take better care of our retired servicemen and women - they have made great contributions to this country .

  14. 我们的残奥队很荣幸有海军退役军人代表,在阿富汗服役时失明,

    And on our Paralympic team , we 're honored to be represented by a Navy veteran who lost his sight while serving in Afghanistan

  15. 男性,退役军人,三十来岁,百发百中的神枪手也许是“绿色贝雷”或别的特种部队的,善于分析,忍耐性强,表面上不感情用事

    Male , ex-military , 30s , precision sharpshooter , maybe green beret or some specialty team , analytical , stoic , outwardly not emotional ,

  16. 陆克文星期四晚上对退役军人发表讲话时,没有提及哪些国家未来会形成威胁。

    In his speech late Tuesday to retired soldiers , Prime Minister Kevin Rudd did not spell out which countries could pose a threat in the future .

  17. 亚伦•亚历克西斯,海军承包商和海军退役军人,在华盛顿特区工业生产基地边逃跑边与警察交火,最后被击毙。

    Aaron Alexis , a Navy contractor and former Navy man , engages police in a running firefight through the Washington DC industrial complex , before being shot and killed .

  18. 街头歌剧团里有三名退役军人、一名建筑师、两名音乐教师,以及其他出于各种原因没有栖身之所,只能露宿街头的人。

    The Streetwise Opera itself includes three ex-servicemen , an architect , two music teachers , or who for different reasons , found themselves without a home and on the street .

  19. 甘姆比-派利是皇家飞行队的退役军人,是一位慈父般和蔼的人,级别较低的官员经常把他称为“老爹”。

    Gambier-Parry , a veteran of the Royal Flying Corps and a genial paternalist to whom junior officers would refer as ' Pop ' , had thereafter spread his wings much further .

  20. “待办事项”清单列表的很多项目中有退伍军人公司可能会让一些从伊拉克和阿富汗回来的退役军人们重返重建美国的工作岗位上。

    A lot of the items on the " To-Do " list is a Veterans Job Corps that could potentially put some veterans who are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan to work rebuilding America .

  21. 美国商学院称,来自退役、希望转业军人的申请大幅上升。

    Schools in the US report a sharp rise in applications from service personnel leaving the military and looking to switch careers .