
tuì shāo
  • bring down a fever;bring down(allay) a fever;remove fever
退烧 [tuì shāo]
  • (1) [bring down(或allay) a fever]∶不发热了

  • (2) [remove fever]∶一个人的体温由高于正常降到正常,也说退热

退烧[tuì shāo]
  1. 美林,泰诺都可以退烧,缓解感冒症状,但不治病。

    Merrill Lynch , Tylenol can bring down a fever , to alleviate cold symptoms , but does not cure .

  2. 阿司匹林能够退烧。

    Aspirin should help reduce the fever .

  3. 医生们尝试用通便药物催泻以使他退烧。

    The doctors attempted to reduce his high fever by inducing diarrhea with a purgative .

  4. 她已经退烧了。

    Her fever is gone .

  5. 这个生病的小姑娘整夜躺在床上,处于生死关头,直到退烧才脱险。

    The little sick girl lay all night between life and death until her fever was gone .

  6. 医生说当病人退烧时危险期就过去了。

    The doctor said that when the patient 's fever broke , the crisis would be passed .

  7. 对乙酰氨基酚,醋氨酚晶体化合物,C8H9NO2,用于化学合成和医药疼痛和退烧。

    Acetaminophen , A crystalline compound , C8H9NO2 , used in chemical synthesis and in medicine to relieve pain and reduce fever .

  8. 甲:德思嘉,你看来面色仍然很苍白,你觉得怎样?乙:好了一点,已经退烧,但我仍然觉得有点虚弱。

    A : Tasha , you still look very pale .

  9. 有好点的退烧药吗?

    Do you have some good medicine for a fever ?

  10. 为了退烧,他打了一针盘尼西林。

    He received an injection of penicillin for his fever .

  11. 我的父亲退烧了,但我还在发烧。

    My father is gone , but I still have a cough .

  12. 如果您不退烧的话,就再来找我。

    If your fever lingers , come to me again .

  13. 用扑热息痛糖浆给婴儿退烧。

    Use paracetamol syrup to reduce faver in infants .

  14. 这种药马上使他退烧了。

    The medicine acted on his fever at once .

  15. 退烧前随时记录体温变化。

    Make down every change in the temperature until the fever has gone .

  16. 大山:我要吃什么药来退烧呢?

    Dashan : What should I take for it ?

  17. 这是冰枕,让你赶紧退烧

    It 's a cold compress , it 'll bring your fever down .

  18. 你退烧的时候,他们就去打听消息了。

    They went out scouting when your fever broke .

  19. 退烧后的亚洲房地产

    Real Estate in Asia - an alternative investment

  20. 医生用药片给他退烧。

    The doctors treated his fever with pills .

  21. 我给你打一针青霉素退烧。

    I 'll give you a shot of penicillin to bring down the fever .

  22. 楼市退烧市场面临盘整房价变动是众望所归?

    Changes in the office property market is facing anti-fever favor with the market ?

  23. 所以,医生根本不会把冰浴作为退烧的常用治疗手法。

    For that reason , ice baths are not a popular treatment for fever .

  24. 您可以服用口服退烧药。

    You can take oral anti-fever medicine .

  25. 我们可以拿“试图用冰浴退烧”来做个类比。

    An analogy would be like trying to treat a fever with an ice bath .

  26. 这药是退烧的。

    This is for reducing your temperature .

  27. 有什么药可以退烧?

    What drug can reduce a fever ?

  28. 儿童退烧药尼美舒利被指可致死。

    Fever-reducing drug may cause kid deaths .

  29. 这种药使我退烧了。

    The drug cured my fever .

  30. 昨晚我吃了些药,但仍没退烧。

    I took some medicine last night , but fever doesn 't seem to go away .