
  • 网络Vagus Nerve Stimulation;excess vagal tone;VNS
  1. 结论:毛花甙C的强心作用与迷走神经兴奋作用可能分别参与了阵发性房颤伴有与不伴有左心室收缩功能障碍患者的复律机制;

    Conclusion : The cardiotonic and parasympathetic stimulating effects of deslanoside probably take part in the defibrillation of PAf with and without SI respectively .

  2. 推测脾阴虚患者血浆胃动素水平升高与迷走神经兴奋性增高、胃肠道内环境受损,消化、吸收功能低下有关。

    It is conjectured that the plasma motilin level in SYD was related to excitability of vagus nerve , disturbance of gastro-intestinal internal environment , indigestion and malabsorption of GI tract .

  3. 结论:MS的发生与自主神经调节功能障碍(迷走神经过度兴奋、交感神经张力不足)密切相关。

    Conclusion : The pathogenic mechanism of micturition syncope is closely related with the dysfunction of the regulation of autonomic nerves system ( the excessive excitation of vagus and the insufficiency of the sympathetic excitation ) .

  4. 放置宫内节育器引起迷走神经过度兴奋综合征13例报告

    Vagal Syndrome Caused by Putting IUD & Reports for 13 Cases

  5. 二方协同作用,可增加胆汁排放的内冲击力,为结石排出创造了条件。硫酸阿托品可阻断利胆效应,提示利胆效应与迷走神经的兴奋性存在密切关系。

    Atropine sulfate can block the cholagogic effect suggesting the effects of the two decoction are related to excitation of vagus nerve .

  6. 结论(1)平行秋千摆动中迷走神经活动显著增强,反映迷走神经兴奋水平的HF应作为前庭耐力评价的重要指标。

    Conclusion The vagal nervous activity was markedly increased during swing .

  7. 结论卧床使交感和迷走神经的活性都降低,放松训练明显提高了迷走神经的兴奋性,而低氧训练明显提高了交感神经的兴奋性。

    Conclusion Fangsong training counteracted markedly the reduction in vagal activity , while hypoxia training counteracted markedly the decrease in sympathetic activity .

  8. 结果显示:模型组大鼠LHA神经元对胃迷走神经刺激的反应特征与对照组无显著性差异,而VMN神经元对胃迷走神经刺激的兴奋性反应时程延长(P<0.01),刺激强度降低(P<0.01)。

    However , the duration of excitation responses of VMN neurons of the model group was significantly longer than that of the control group after the gastric vagal nerve stimulation ( P < 0.01 ), and the required stimulation intensity decreased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .