
  • 网络mini fridge;Mini Refrigerator;Mini Bar
  1. 迷你冰箱被装在一个轻便坚韧的竹制骆驼鞍里,骆驼们可以载着它轻松穿越环境恶劣的沙漠。

    The mini fridge is housed in a bamboo saddle that is lightweight and durable enough for camels to easily carry it across miles of rough terrain .

  2. 南昌教育学院的大二学生,20岁的程启明(音译)最近就搬走了他的迷你冰箱、洗衣机和小电视机。

    Cheng Qiming , 20 , a sophomore at Nanchang Education College recently got rid of his mini fridge , washing machine and a small TV set .

  3. 每间房间都有迷你冰箱、私人保险箱、超薄卫星电视、免费宽带上网接口、独立的淋浴间、CD播放机等高科技设施。

    Each suit has some hi-tech establishments such as mini-fridge , a private coffer , a Ultra Fine satellite TV , a free LAN connection , a independent bathroom and a CD & player and so on .

  4. 在哈尔登,监室里包含贴着瓷砖的浴室,迷你冰箱和平板电视。

    At Halden , rooms include en-suite bathrooms with ceramic tiles , mini-fridges and flat-screen TVs .

  5. 作为骆驼移动诊所计划的一个部分,非洲一些国家开始给骆驼穿上靠太阳能发电的迷你冰箱。

    Some of the African countrys camels are carrying the solar-powered mini fridges on their backs as part of a test project that uses camels as mobile health clinics .

  6. 小女孩费力地撕开礼物盒的每一片包装纸,最终露出了纸盒上迷你冰箱的图片,同时小女孩的妈妈在一旁拍摄视频。

    As her mother videotapes , the toddler painstakingly takes off every bit of paper , ultimately uncovering a box with a picture of a mini refrigerator on it .

  7. 你只需向一个迷你冰箱大小的服务器发出播放请求,数据流就会通过多样的互联网服务供应商进入你的起居室中。

    Viewers request a show from a server the size of a mini fridge , setting in motion a stream of data that flows through a variety of Internet service providers to their living rooms .

  8. 每个房间都有一张非常硬的特大号床,有扶手椅和搁脚凳、迷你吧台,还有冰箱。

    A very hard , king size bed , armchair and ottoman , mini bar , and refrigerator are in each room .