- purchasing cost

When P2P second-hand markets do not exist , the retailer has more motives to open up second-hand markets when marginal wholesale price is high .
If the different stock cost was considered , the retailer with low cost would have the possibility of IT investment .
To keep his business running , Li had to cut the purchase cost .
How much output is produced depends on the amount of existing capital . cost-plus approach
If premium lines sell at higher prices , mainstream lines allow them to keep input costs down and improve their gross margin .
Purchase cost control is to purchase quantity and unit price of the stock control , focus on the purchase of the unit price control .
Finally when the wholesale price is high , the retailer will choose to reduce his inventory and stimulates the second-hand market demand , so that the retailer can maintain his profit by selling more units twice .
Base on classical newsboy model , this paper main talk about following questions . The first , introduce newsboy model with goods cost constraints , research on newsboy model with shortage cost constraints and promote cost constraints and get optimum solutions of the models .
On the basis of a basic model , the market equilibrium price , market share and profit were considered with the IT investment or without IT investment . The conditions of IT investment and the market equilibrium were researched concerning the retailers with different stock cost .
Get a supply according to different levels and complete basic sale limit in this district .