
jìn kǒu shānɡ pǐn
  • import commodity ;import goods
  1. 法定检验的进口商品未经检验的,不准销售,不准使用。

    No import commodity subject to statutory inspection that has not been inspected may be sold or used .

  2. 2.n.零售商人零售商抗议对进口商品的禁令。

    The retailer is protesting against the ban on import goods .

  3. 面对廉价的外国进口商品,经营规模小的商人无法与之抗衡。

    Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports .

  4. 廉价进口商品充斥着市场。

    Cheap imported goods are flooding the market .

  5. 要从俄罗斯进口商品,乌克兰公司就需要俄罗斯卢布。

    To import from Russia , a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles .

  6. 欧盟自美国进口商品同比下降13.2%;对美国出口商品下降8.2%。

    Trade with the United States recorded a significant drop in both imports ( - 13.2 % ) and exports ( - 8.2 % ) .

  7. 按照我国现行的进出口统计制度,FDI的实物投资是作为进口商品记入进口总额。

    The entitative investment of FDI belongs to imports according to our present statistical system .

  8. Parallelimport(平行进口商品)指的是未经产品知识产权所有人允许而从别国进口的非仿冒品(真品)。

    A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner .

  9. 颇受欢迎的进口商品连锁超市VillaMarket表示,新鲜水果和蔬菜业已告罄。

    Villa Market , a popular supermarket chain that specializes in imported goods , said it was running out of fresh fruits and vegetables .

  10. vt.&vi.出口,输出n.输出,出口;输出物去年我们的出口商品超出了我们的进口商品的价值。

    export Last year our exports exceeded our imports in value .

  11. 鉴于美联储准备(FederalReserve)退出向金融市场注入大量廉价货币的政策,投资者目前对那些国家如何为进口商品付款、如何为债务融资持怀疑态度。

    With the Federal Reserve preparing to wind down policies that flooded financial markets with cheap cash , investors are questioning how those countries will pay for imports and finance debt .

  12. 普鲁士的FrederickI采取制约进口商品的政策,在1704年对巧克力征税。

    The policy of restricting the importation of foreign produce leads Frederick I of Prussia to impose a tax on chocolate in1704 .

  13. 分别以本实验室建立的RT-PCR扩增体系和进口商品化RT-PCR扩增体系,对乙型流感基质蛋白(B-M)基因进行检测。

    Influenza B martrix protein M ( B-M ) gene was detected by RT-PCR using amplification system established by both ours and the imported commercial kit .

  14. 欧盟(EU)针对其视为定价不公平的进口商品征收额外关税的做法,已受到世界贸易组织(WTO)的谴责。从鞋类到釉面砖,世贸组织的这一态度对多种产品都有潜在影响。

    The European Union has been rebuked by the World Trade Organisation for the way it imposes extra duties on imports it deems unfairly priced , with potential implications for a wide range of products ranging from shoes to glazed tiles .

  15. 但高级政府官员依然反对参议员们提出的解决方案,这项法案会要求商务部(CommerceDepartment)在收到投诉后对货币政策开展调查,然后征税,增加进口商品的成本,抑制汇率操纵行为。

    But senior administration officials remain opposed to the senators ' solution , a measure that would require the Commerce Department to investigate currency policy after a complaint is filed , then impose duties to raise the cost of an imported good to counter currency manipulation .

  16. 美国的钢铁产业和其它产业一道,对美国西弗吉尼亚参议员杰伊•洛克菲勒(JayRockefeller)上月提出的一项法案表示支持。这项法案将使美国的产业更容易摆脱中国进口商品的围困。

    The steel industry joined other US industries in supporting a bill introduced last month by Jay Rockefeller , senator for West Virginia , that would make it easier to win relief against Chinese imports .

  17. 挪威化肥公司Yara将通过改进非洲的港口设施来改善获取化肥以及其他进口商品。

    The Norwegian fertiliser company Yara will improve port facilities in Africa to improve access to fertilisers and other inputs .

  18. 本文利用Hummels等人(2001)提出的垂直专业化指标,计算我国出口产品中所包含的进口商品的价值比。

    Using Hummels ( 2001 ) had proposed vertical specialization index , we can calculate the value of the imported goods contain in our export products .

  19. 再运用ADF检验、协整分析、误差修正、格兰杰因果等统计分析方法,进一步分析进口商品结构中初级产品进口和工业制成品进口分别对经济增长的长期和短期影响。

    After that , this paper use statistical analysis tools such as ADF test , cointegration , error correction and Granger causality to further analysis the long-term and short-term effects causing by structure of imports of primary products and manufactured goods which promoting economic growth .

  20. 石油类产品依然是最主要的进口商品;

    The main imported commodity is still the products of petroleum ;

  21. 他们把倒闭归咎于廉价的进口商品和经济衰退。

    They blamed the closure on cheap imports and the recession .

  22. 如果一个商人打算进口商品,他就会发出询问。

    When a businessman intends to import , he makes inquires .

  23. 计算进口商品的总量出口主要商品量值表

    Reckon the total volume of imports Value of major commodity export

  24. 进口商品和跨国品牌是否在中国更受欢迎?

    Will imported products / multinational brands more popular in China ?

  25. 人民币升值会降低中国进口商品的价格。

    Chinese appreciation makes goods from other countries cheaper to import .

  26. 从波兰的进口商品额每年已达一百万美元。

    Import from poland have rise to $ 1m a year .

  27. 他们的出口商品额在去年第一次超过了进口商品额。

    Their export exceeded import for the first time last year .

  28. 他们必须控制廉价的进口商品。

    They ought to put a curb on cheap imported goods .

  29. 进口商品构成促进经济增长的机理分析

    Analyzing the Mechanism of Imported Goods Structure Promoting Economic Growth

  30. 按人口计算的总产量计算进口商品的总量

    Per capita gross product reckon the total volume of imports