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jìn yán
  • offer advice or an opinion
进言 [jìn yán]
  • [suggest; advise] 臣子向君主提出建议或劝谏。泛指向人提出意见(含尊敬或委婉的口气)

  • 贸然进言

  1. 我要向市长就城市规划问题进言。

    I will speak to the mayor in regard to city planning .

  2. 只要有适当的机会,没有什么专业成就是年轻移民无法达到的,他表示,为证明这一点,他带了八位能说会道start资助学生向财政部长进言。

    With the right chances , no professional achievement is beyond young migrants , he said , and to prove it , he had brought along eight articulate start students to talk to the finance minister .

  3. 本文试通过对CUBA与NCAA篮球联赛由于社会文化层面的不同而造成的发展差异进行比较分析,为我国CUBA进一步发展而进言献策。

    This paper compared the differences of the development between CUBA and NCAA basketball tournament caused by their different culture , and we expected to give some promising suggestions for the further developing of CUBA .

  4. 为戏剧艺术表演团体改革进言

    Suggestions on the Reform in Performing Troupes of Drama and Art

  5. 向智者进言常常引来一场争论。

    A word to the wise usually starts an argument .

  6. 进言之,城市化已经成为本届政府的施政重点。

    Consequently , urbanization has become a key policy of the current government .

  7. 下级进言被视为不得体、难对付、缺乏团队精神。

    Subordinates who speak up are seen as awkward , difficult and lacking in team spirit .

  8. 可是他冒着两种危险;一是他将得不到忠实的进言;

    but he runneth two dangers : one , that he shall not be faithfully counselled ;

  9. 求你容婢女向你进言,更求你听婢女的话。

    Please let your servant speak in your ears , and hear the words of your servant .

  10. 人与人之间最大的信任就是敢于进言的信任。&培根

    The greatest trust between man and man is the trust of giving counsel . - Francis Bacon

  11. 聪明人既知道如何接受也知道如何拒绝别人的进言。

    An intelligent person not only knows how to take advice , but how to reject it .

  12. 它们本应向布鲁塞尔和国会山进言,支持自由贸易。

    They should be beating down the doors in Brussels and Capitol Hill to advocate for free trade .

  13. 金融刑法立法理念的宏观分析&为金融刑法改革进言

    A General Analysis on the Legislative Idea of Financial Criminal Law & Proposal for the reform of financial criminal law

  14. 于是他们起程,行了很遥远的路,才到达罗马。走进议院,就进言说。

    And they went to Rome , a very long journey , and they entered into the senate house , and said .

  15. 这位国王很讨厌朝廷里的一位官,因为那位官比较正直,常常进言一些规劝国王的话,所以国王比较讨厌他。

    This official was very honest , and often counseled the King in a straight forward manner . Therefore , the King disliked him very much !

  16. 10月28日,北京发展改革委员会举行了听证会,这一听证会邀请了25名社会人士进言献策。

    On October 28 , the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform organized a public hearing which invited 25 members of the public for comment .

  17. 有胆量进言的同事本可以对他说:“你也许想让董事会讨论一下吧?”

    A colleague with the guts to speak up would have said to him : " you might want to run that past the board . "

  18. 进言之,政治角色年龄资格的设计实际上体现的是政府在不同群体间对政治资源或利益的分配。

    Moreover , the design of qualification of the age of the political role actually shows that the government allocates political sources or interests among different groups .

  19. 侍者斗胆低声进言,考虑到旅馆的尊贵及其习惯,这么做多半不合适。

    The waiter ventured to whisper that it was perhaps inexpedient to carry out the order , in consideration of the dignity of the house and its custom .

  20. 也就是说,运算器进言的全体操作是有控制器领没的控制信号去指挥的,所以它是履行部件。

    That is to say , all the operations of what the arithmetic unit goes along are commanded by the control signal the unit sends off , so it is an executing component .

  21. 优秀的企业迫切需要组织成员之间知识信息共享与沟通,需要每位员工积极的参与到企业创新中,需要有敬业精神、敢于对企业组织的现状和发展进言献策的员工。

    Excellent enterprise is an urgent need for knowledge sharing for information between communication . There is an urgent need for each employee to actively participate in corporate innovation and for each employee to show their ideas .

  22. 进言之,如果存在先于本质,而当我们存在的时候,我们也在创造我们的形象,则这个形象是适用于所有人类和我们所处的整个时代的。

    If , moreover , existence precedes essence and we will to exist at the same time as we fashion our image , that image is valid for all and for the entire epoch in which we find ourselves .

  23. 正在《每日邮报》上连载的一本新书称,英国外交大臣杰克·斯特劳曾在最后关头向首相布莱尔进言,请他不要做出英国参加伊拉克战争的决定,但被拒绝。

    British Foreign Secretary ( Minister ) Jack Straw made a last-minute plea to Prime Minister Tony Blair not to go to war on Iraq , but the plea was rejected , a new book serialized on Mail daily claimed .