
jìn ɡōnɡ zhàn
  • offensive warfare;offensive war
  1. (八六)日战争战场作战的基本方针,是外线的速决的进攻战。

    The basic principle of field operations for the War of Resistance Against Japan is quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines .

  2. (七五)述这样的战役和战斗的作战方针,一句话说完,就是:外线的速决的进攻战。

    In a word , the above operational principle for fighting campaigns and battles is one of " quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines " .

  3. 比赛形势决定了他们要打防守战而不是进攻战。

    Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game .

  4. 上面说过的战役和战斗的外线的速决的进攻战,中心点在于一个进攻;

    In quick-decision offensive campaigns and battles on exterior lines , as discussed above , the crucial point is the offensive ;

  5. 运动战,就是正规兵团在长的战线和大的战区上面,从事于战役和战斗上的外线的速决的进攻战的形式。

    Mobile warfare is the form in which regular armies wage quick-decision offensive campaigns and battles on exterior lines along extensive fronts and over big areas of operation .

  6. 第四章主动地灵活地有计划地执行防御战中的进攻战、持久战中的速决战、内线作战中的外线作战

    Chapter IV initiative , flexibility and planning in conducting offensives within the defensive , battles of quick decision within protracted war , and exterior-line operations within interior-line operations

  7. 防御战本来容易陷入被动地位,防御战大不如进攻战之能够充分地发挥主动权。

    It is easy to fall into a passive position in defensive warfare , which gives far less scope for the full exercise of initiative than does offensive warfare .

  8. 灵活地使用兵力,环绕于为着进攻战这个中心;计划性的必要,主要地也是为了进攻的胜利。

    Flexibility in the employment of forces revolves around the effort to take the offensive , and planning likewise is necessary chiefly in order to ensure success in offensive operations .

  9. 所以,集中兵力,采用包围迂回战术,是实施运动战即外线的速决的进攻战之必要条件。

    Therefore concentration of forces and the use of encircling and outflanking tactics are the prerequisites for mobile warfare , that is , for quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines .

  10. 梅西米毫不留情地摒除了米歇尔主张打防御战的异端邪说,运用他陆军部长的职权,竭尽全力装备好陆军,准备打赢一场进攻战。

    Messimy having fervently stamped out Michel 's heresy of the defensive , did his best , as war minister , to equip the army to fight a successful offensive .

  11. (八六)抗日战争战场作战的基本方针,是外线的速决的进攻战。不解决这些条件,而求战役或战斗的速决,是不可能的。

    86 . The basic principle of field operations for the War of Resistance Against Japan is quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines . Unless these requirements are satisfied , it is impossible to achieve quick decision in a campaign or battle .

  12. 斯大林格勒一战将停止法西斯的进攻,这一战是带着决定性的。

    The Battle of Stalingrad will stop the offensive of fascism and is therefore a decisive battle .

  13. 主要进攻方式为运动战的边路传中战术,其次为中路直传空当战术;

    The main attacking way is the tactic crossing from side in movement , another attacking way is the tactic passing straight to the open space .