
  • 网络Enter the working state;gradually entering the best working state;cut loose
  1. 如果写入它们,则可以预期该页将进入工作状态直到下次重新启动该iis。

    If they are written , you can expect the page to work until the next time that IIS restarts .

  2. 显示范围由键盘键入并存如EEPROM(X25043)中,显示单元在掉电后自动读入数据并进入工作状态。

    The scale of display was saved into EEPROM ( X25043 ) by typing keyboard . Displaying unit automated reading data and entering work state .

  3. 他们可以马上进入工作状态。

    They can sit down and get to work straight away .

  4. 进入工作状态最好的方式就是开始工作。

    Work is the best way to get working .

  5. 我想我还是最好赶紧进入工作状态。

    I guess I 'd better get to work .

  6. 努力进入工作状态,项目不完成则不要分心。

    Set the ball in motion and be relentless until you complete the project .

  7. 一两个星期后他开始进入工作状态,干得更好了。

    In a week or two he began to get into gear and work better .

  8. 要在完成一些任务或者已经开始进入工作状态后检查私人邮件。

    You should check your personal email only after you have a few tasks completed or underway .

  9. 如果你不能,这种方法会帮助激励你,并让你进入工作状态,把注意力集中在如何能够成功上。

    If not , this will help kick you into gear and keep your eye on the prize .

  10. 开发商和神经系统科学家合作,挑选出了最有可能激发工作者进入工作状态的音乐。

    The developers worked with neuroscientists to pick music most likely to inspire workers to enter the zone .

  11. 一旦机器进入工作状态,它们就会持续工作下去。

    Once the machines have been put in working order , they will keep on doing the work .

  12. 当所有索进入工作状态时结构的体系从机构转变为具有一个自应力模态的、可刚化的稳定体系,各单元的内力迅速增大。

    The system structure changes to a self-stress , stiff and stable structure when all cables are at working condition .

  13. 实际上,当你坐下来开始工作时,你需要几分钟来进入工作状态。

    When you sit down to work , you spend a few minutes just getting settled in before you 're productive .

  14. 我已经进入工作状态,我开始采用我的健康食谱,我做好了准备。

    " I 'm working out , I 'm eating my healthy food I get prepared ," she said with a sigh .

  15. 下面是5个小建议,这些小变化可以帮你在周末之后轻松进入工作状态。

    Here are five little small changes you can make , to make it easier to get back to work after a weekend .

  16. 从事这些工作的车辆不但必须时刻做好进入工作状态的准备,还必须拥有良好的经济性和精良的装备。

    The vehicles used must be ready to swing into action at any time , they must be economical and perfectly equipped for the job .

  17. 如果你的工作不忙(实际上87%的员工都不忙),那就更难进入工作状态了。

    If you 're not engaged with your work and 87 percent of workers aren 't it 's even harder to get into the swing .

  18. 对电子标签来说,电子标签被激活后进入工作状态,并向阅读器返回自身所存储的信息。

    For electric labels , they would be in the working state and offered to the stored information carried by themselves to readers after being activated .

  19. 通过这种方式,你第二天可以迅速进入工作状态,即使你第二天得到的只有20分钟的空档。

    That way , you 'll be able to just slide back into the task the next day even if all you get tomorrow is your 20-minute oasis .

  20. 因此,快速或者甚至是稍微提前一点进入工作状态说明你有时间观念,你确实很在乎工作和别人时间。

    So be prompt or even a bit early to show that you are time conscious and that you do care about your job and other people 's time , as well .

  21. 每当机器进入工作状态,它们会把让它们做的工作进行下去,直到电路断开或坏了为止。

    Whenever the machines have been put in working order , they 'll keep on doing the jobs they have been " told " to do until they are turned off or break down .

  22. 在电路故障排除后,过载保护PTC热敏电阻冷却并恢复到低阻态,同时电路也进入正常工作状态。

    After the clearing of the circuit trouble , the PTC Thermistor begins to cool and come back to the state of low resistance , and then the circuit enters normal working condition .

  23. 调控在役结构进入良性工作状态的装配误差法

    The Assembled Error Method to Adjust Controlled Structures in Service into a Good Working State

  24. 修理过程马上开始,经过一个负指数分布的修理时间后系统又重新进入正常工作状态。

    A repair process then starts immediately , the system will back to the normal situation after a repair time which is exponentially distributed .

  25. 当计时器到达后,该休眠节点就被唤醒,进入正常工作状态。

    As soon as the timers reach the time they were set , the sleeping nodes will be waked up and go into the working state .

  26. 介绍了Z源逆变器的基本原理和控制方法,分析了Z源逆变器的非正常工作状态,给出了避免其进入非正常工作状态的方法。

    The basic principles and control methods are introduced . The non-normal working state of Z-source inverter and the methods of restrain are also discussed .

  27. 为了有效地预防在地震作用下进入塑性工作状态的结构可能出现的动力不安定塑性累加破坏,本文引入了动力安定(Dynamicshakedown)约束。

    The first theorem of dynamic shakedown is employed as a part of the constraint in order to prevent potential accumulative collapes while a structure works plastic state during earthquake .

  28. 36E电子设备是某型飞机光电雷达中的核心部件,主要负责接收主计算机送来的指令并控制光电雷达进入不同的工作状态。

    In some battleplan 36E is the core component of photoelectric radar , which is in charge of receiving the controlling information from the master computer to control photoelectric radar 's different operation .

  29. 告警器根据不同的控制命令,进入不同的工作状态,得到不同的结果数据报文(设备状态信息报文、侦收结果信息报文和调机结果信息报文)。

    The laser warning device receives this control order , and then enters into the corresponding work status .

  30. 不仅如此,最重要一点,他比乔布斯或沃兹尼亚克的年纪大,不愿意为了苹果的成功而进入癫狂的工作状态。

    Additionally , he was significantly older than Jobs or Wozniak and felt unwilling to put in the relentless work required to make Apple a success .