- restore environment

Relationship between EH value and redox environment in marine sediments
Monitoring of the redox environment caused by city tail water discharged into Changjiang Estuary and effect on it forms of Hg , Cr
The deep groundwater beneath 200 m is the paleo-sealed water recharged in late Pleistocene Epoch under the reduction environment .
Environmental factors such as types of sediments , temperature , organic matter , redox conditions , pH were found to affect levels and distribution of MBP in sediments .
With Mo / Mn ratio combining with V / ( V + Ni ) ratio as an indicator of redox environment , a strongly anoxic environment is determined as one of the important features in LF .
The sulphur in ore-forming fluid is of multiple sources , and its activity is related to the oxygen fugacity . The activity of H_2S is down in the high temperature reduction environment .
The coarse sand area in the north section of route belongs to strong oxidizing environment , and others areas of route are deoxidizing or transition environments .
The report shows that some of North America 's largest polluters reduced their pollution during this period . Study on the Change of Redox Environment in the Aquifer Polluted by BTEX and Enhanced Natural Attenuation
THE FORMATION OF REDUCTIVE ENVIRONMENT AT GROUND SURFACE AND ITS ECOLOGIC INFLUENCE IN XINCHANG OIL & GAS FIELD The conversion rate of H2S depends on the reductive environment as well as the content of the volatile matter in the coal .
The arseniasis areas are mostly deposits of river and limnetic facies or marine bed with clay , clayey and organic mud , and belong to environment with rich organic matter .
C O H system is the most important fluid species in the interior of the Earth . Determination of its compositions at high pressure and high temperature is crucial for understanding the Earth evolution and its redox condition , and the research of fluid inclusion .
AVS contents in the surface sediments ( 0-5 cm ) were very low . The contents gradually increased downwards , reached the maximum at the depth of 10-20 cm , and then decreased , indicating that AVS contents were controlled by the redox circumstance in sediments .
Investigations of aryl-isoprenoids in sedimentary organic matter suggest that these compounds are the diagenetic products of certain precursors from photosynthetic green sulphur bacteria Chlorobiaceae , indicating that its source rock was formed in an intense reductive environment .
The redox condition in rapid infiltration treatment system of organic wastewater
Active iron and redox environment of sediments in the southern Bohai Sea
The crude oil from the environment of high salinity and reduction .
Redox condition in land infiltration system under different temperatures
The Cometabolism Degradation of Perchloroethylene under Fe Reducing Environment
They belong to the black sedimentary rocks formed in a reducing environment .
Relation of active iron and redox environments in the sediments of Bohai Sea
Mixing of hot fluid with cold fluid was responsible for precipitation of native copper .
The high value in the Lanzhou basin corresponds to deoxidation environment and fine mudstone .
Oxidizing reduction environment and later transporting erosion are two important conditions for gem mineral enrichment .
Moreover , Pr / Ph < 1 indicates that the deposit formed in a reducing environment .
The relative enriched area of magnetic minerals may represent the favorable reduction environment of uranium deposition .
In well logging , the natural potential parameters has obvious reaction to oxidize and reducing environment .
Glauconite , authigenic pyrite , iron-manganese oxide and so on can be used to reveal redox environment ;
The gammacerane index of individual sample is up to 1.3 , indicating a high-salinity and strong-reduced environment .
It has long been known that control of the intracellular redox environment is vital for proper cellular function .
The sulfide ( especially troilite ) contained in coal seams is representative a kind of strong reducing environment .