
  • 网络porphyrin
  1. 卟啉类化合物电致发光性能研究进展

    Research Progress in Electroluminescent Properties of Porphyrins

  2. 通过计算结果分析,为研究金属卟啉类化合物的催化机制提供了参考依据。

    The reference materials have been giv - en on catalytic mechanism of metal porphyrins .

  3. FTIR-PAS技术在卟啉类化合物中的应用(Ⅲ)&乙酰丙酮-meso-四-(对-氯代)苯基卟啉稀土配合物的红外光声光谱卟啉类光敏剂的合成与性质研究

    Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Photoacoustic Spectroscopy to Porphyrins Studies (ⅲ)── FTIR-PAS of Lanthanide Acetylacetonate-meso-Tetra ( para-chlorophenyl ) Porphyrin Rare Earth Complexes

  4. 对模拟细胞色素P-450的卟啉类化合物的研究

    Model for cytochrome P-450

  5. 结果:用DDQ脱氢氧化叶绿素系列化合物的C17C18单键形成双键,从而合成卟啉类化合物。

    Results : The C 17 - C 18 single bond of chlorophyll a was dehydrogenated with DDQ to form double bond , and the porphyrin derivative was obtained .

  6. 金属卟啉类化合物(包括金属酞菁)是一类结构非常特殊的化合物,它们具有许多独特的性质,应用也十分广泛。

    Porphyrin-like compounds have special structures and unique characters .

  7. 本论文选择卟啉类化合物和希夫碱分别与金电极形成单分子膜并研究了二者的动力学过程。

    This thesis has studied kinetic process of porphyrin and schiff base compounds .

  8. 化学发光分析法研究珍珠卟啉类化合物抗自由基的作用

    Effect of Porphyrin Compounds from Pearl Powder on Free Radical with Chemiluminescence Assay

  9. 卟啉类化合物在染料敏化太阳能电池敏化剂方面存在着巨大的应用潜力。

    Porphyrins have the great application potential on the sensitizer of dye-sensitized solar cells .

  10. 对于光敏剂的研究主要集中在四苯基卟啉类化合物及其金属络合物,由于激发波长短,对动物组织穿透能力差,不能用于深层肿瘤的治疗。

    The study of photosensitizer was mainly on tetraphenyl porphyrins and its metal complex .

  11. 卟啉类化合物也因为其特征的光物理和光化学性质受到研究者的关注。

    Porphyrins are also a class of promising materials because of their special photophysical and photochemistry properties .

  12. 不对称卟啉类化合物由于其特殊的光电性能及良好的稳定性,在材料学和生物有机学等领域的研究中占有重要的地位。

    Porphyrins are valuable compounds in materials and bioorganic field because of their unique optical properties and good stability .

  13. 在这一部分,从卟啉类化合物的结构、分类方面简单介绍了卟啉类化合物的研究进展。

    In this section , there is a brief introduction which is from the structure and classification of porphyrin compounds .

  14. 卟啉类化合物广泛存在于自然界中,它们与生命活动密切相关,在生物和仿生系统中发挥着重要的作用。

    Porphyrin compounds widely distribute in nature , they are expected to play key roles in biological and biomimetic systems .

  15. 本论文包括以下几个方面的内容:(1)综述了卟啉类化合物的应用、核苷卟啉类化合物的合成应用和嘌呤核苷类化合物的应用及合成进展。

    The main contents were summarized as following : ( 1 ) Recent research in application of porphyrin was reviewed .

  16. 实验结果提示,卟啉类化合物的化学结构与光动力敏化效应有关。

    It was suggested by the experimental results that the sensitizing effects were related to the chemical structure of porphyrins .

  17. 探讨了这两种方法的合成条件,结果表明与经典法比较微波法合成卟啉类化合物,不但能缩短反应时间,而且操作简便,同时也可提高产率。

    Results indicate that the method of microwave not only can shorten reaction time , but also can improve productivity . 2 .

  18. 现用于共振光散射法测定核酸的试剂主要有卟啉类化合物、金属螯合物和有机小分子染料三类。

    Three kinds of agents are employed in resonance light scattering technique : porphyrin combinations , metal complexes and organic small molecular dyes .

  19. 基于卟啉类化合物能优先聚集于肿瘤细胞的优点,将卟啉类化合物作为载体携带抗癌活性分子,从而得到新的复合抗癌药物。

    New composite anti-cancer drugs will be obtained by carrying anticancer moleculars with porphyrin compounds on account of their preferential assembling on tumour cells .

  20. 卟啉类化合物广泛的存在于生物体中,由于其独特的结构和良好的光敏性能,引起了广泛的关注。

    Porphyrin compounds exist in a wide range of organisms , which has attracted attention extensively due to its unique structure and perfect photosensitive properties .

  21. 多年来,卟啉类化合物以其独特的结构和性质引起了人们浓厚的兴趣并被广泛应用于诸多研究领域。

    For many decades , the porphyrin derivatives attracted great interests and were widely studied in many research areas as for their unique structures and properties .

  22. 卟啉类化合物由于其独特的生物特性和光学性能,已经被广泛作为光敏剂,用于癌症、心血管等疾病的光动力疗法治疗。对其结构的改进成为这一领域的热点课题。

    Porphyrin derivatives , due to their exclusive biological and optical properties , have been wildly used as photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy of cancer and cardiovascular diseases .

  23. 卟啉类化合物的特殊、优良性能倍受多个领域科研工作者的青睐,以卟啉类化合物为染料的染料敏化太阳能电池更是激起了世界各国相关研究者的浓厚兴趣。

    The specific and excellent properties of porphyrins intrigues researchers in many fields , especially the investigators who dig themselves into Dye Sensitized Solar Cells ( DSSC ) .

  24. 本论文一共分为四个部分:1.卟啉类化合物因其具有优良的光电特性和稳定性而受到研究者的青睐。

    This paper is consisted by four paragraphs as follows : 1 . Because of its excellent photoelectric properties and stability , Porphyrin and its derivatives are favored by researchers .

  25. 本论文对若干新型卟啉类化合物和卟啉聚集体开展了量子化学计算和光谱研究,将有助于深入了解其结构和电子态性质,并为相关体系的实际应用提供依据。

    In this thesis , several new porphyrin analogues and porphyrin aggregates were studied with quantum chemistry calculations and spectroscopic experiments , so as to reveal their structures and electronic properties .

  26. 所以,调控卟啉类化合物及其衍生物的分子间弱作用可以很容易地通过在卟啉环或其衍生物的外围引入不同的官能团(实际上是通过引入官能团来引入非共价弱作用)来实现。

    Tuning the intermolecular interaction of such kind of tetrapyrrole derivatives can be easily reached by introducing functional groups ( actually additional non-covalent interactions ) onto the peripheral positions of porphyrin ring .

  27. 卟啉类化合物构成叶绿素等生物大分子的核心部分,作为原初电子给体参与植物光合作用的一系列重要过程,因此也是模拟光合作用的重要化合物。

    Porphyrins and their relatives are the cores of chlorophyll molecules . As the primary electron donor , they participate in a series of important process in photosynthesis . So porphyrins are the significant compounds in artificial photosynthesis .

  28. 近年来,随着大环类药物的迅猛发展,卟啉类化合物在药学研究方面的发展极为迅速,已经成为当前卟啉化学研究重要的前沿课题之一,得到了人们的广泛关注。

    In recent years , with the development of that macroring drug , the development of porphyrin compounds is very rapid in pharmaceutical research , become one of the advancing topic in porphyrin chemistry , and attract many people to pay attention to them .

  29. 卟啉类化合物具有较好的光学性能,目前作为光敏剂被广泛用于多种肿瘤的诊断和光动力治疗。同时在其他领域也有广泛应用,已成为人们研究的热点。

    With good optical properties , porphyrins have been widely used as photosensitizer for clinical diagnose and photodynamic therapy of many kinds of cancer , while they have also been widely used in many other fields . Porphyrins have become the hot spot of science research .

  30. 本文分别以卟啉及其酞菁类化合物为稳定剂合成了一系列的金属Pt纳米复合物,对其进行了相关表征并应用于光催化分解水反应。

    Pt nanocomposites functionalized by porphyrin and phthalocyanine molecules were prepared , characterized and using the nanocomposites as photocatalyst for water splitting .