
  • 网络transportation market;transport market
  1. 然后以旅客运输市场定位为基础,设想了以提高运输服务质量和列车虚糜最少为目标函数的客流组织方案;以能够最大化输送直通客流为目标的OD客流调整算法。

    Afterwards , based on the passenger transportation market positioning , the paper envisages organization scheme of passenger flow , to improve the transportation quality and at least train virtual MI . At the same time , OD flow adjustment algorithm is built , maximizing conveyor through passenger .

  2. 甘肃省道路旅客运输市场发展对策研究

    Research on Measures to Develop Road Passenger Transportation Market in GanSu

  3. 运力供给方面,国内LPG船公司规模普遍偏小,运输市场不够规范。

    Domestic LPG shipping companies are generally small and the transport market is not up to standard .

  4. 通过分析加入WTO后冷藏运输市场发生的变化,结合铁路冷藏运输现状,提出了在新经济下振兴我国铁路冷藏运输业的发展思路。

    The paper puts forward the ideas about how to development our railway refrigeration transportation under the new economy by analyzing changes of refrigeration transportation market after entering the WTO and combining with its actuality .

  5. 随着中国综合运输市场的不断成熟和WTO的加入,中国铁路运输业正面临着日益严竣的竞争压力,迫切需要提升竞争实力。

    With the continuous maturing of the synthetic transport market of China and the China 's entry into WTO , Chinese railage trade is confronted with an increasingly critical competitive pressure , and urgently needs to enhance its competitve strength .

  6. 而且我国加入WTO后,货运代理等服务市场逐步放开,国外的跨国公司凭借先进的服务理念、管理方式与运作技术,纷纷抢滩中国外贸运输市场,货运代理市场呈现出空前激烈的竞争态势。

    With entry into the WTO , freight forwarding market gradually opened up . Foreign multi-national companies with advanced services , management and operation technology , have swarmed into Chinese foreign trade transport market . Freight forwarding market has shown unprecedented fierce competition .

  7. 近年来,由于天然气运输市场对天然气二程转运的需求,小型LNG运输船的设计与建造逐渐成为了航运业关注的焦点。

    In recent years , second transfer of LNG is increasingly required in the LNG transport market , so more and more attention has been put to the design and construction of small LNG ships .

  8. 同时,FFA的远期运费市场与干散货即期运输市场之间由于其自身的依存性,二者的运费价格总存在某种相关的内在联系,通过研究FFA可以预测实体市场的价格。

    Meanwhile , because of inter-dependence between future freight transport market of FFA and the spot markets of dry bulk , the two prices have internal relations , we can predict the price of spot market through the study of FFA .

  9. 本文将国际原油运输市场所面临的风险作为研究的主要内容,采用基于VaR-GARCH模型的风险度量方法对这些风险进行度量研究。

    This thesis takes the risk of the international crude oil shipping market as the main research content and measure the risks based on VaR-GARCH model .

  10. 本文将金融研究中广泛使用的GARCH模型应用于国际油轮运输市场,考察运价指数波动规律,分析波动形成的原因,并对其进行简单的评价。

    The GARCH model is an important type of time series model and has already been widely used to model economic and financial time-series data . This thesis applies it in international tanker freight market to explore the rules and reason of volatility and makes a concise assessment .

  11. 由于集装箱运输市场受到多种因素的影响,由中国出口集装箱运价指数(CCFI)的历史数据构成的时间序列信号中含有很多噪声。

    As the container transport market is affected by many factors , there is a lot of noise in the time series signal which is constituted by the historical data of the China Container Freight Index ( CCFI ) .

  12. 铁路货物运输市场准入法律问题研究

    Studying the Legal Problems on Access to Railway Freight Transport Market

  13. 道路运输市场竞争与垄断结构分析

    An Analyses on Competitive and Monopoly Market Structure of Road Transportation

  14. 铁路行包运输市场营销策略的研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategy of Railway Baggage and Parcel Transportation

  15. 国际集装箱运输市场特点及我国的对策

    Feature of International Container Shipping Market and Poliny of our Country

  16. 中国铁路在运输市场中的功能、地位和发展

    The Function , Role and Development of Chinese Railway in Transportation Market

  17. 国际集装箱运输市场的现状、趋势及对策

    International Container Transportation Market : Status , Trends and Solutions

  18. 货物运输市场需求与供给的机理研究

    Research on Mechanism of Demand and Supply in the Freight Transport Market

  19. 道路运输市场发展的英国特色

    The Characteristic of the Development of the Road Transport Market in Britain

  20. 我国道路运输市场监管问题研究

    A Study on the Supervision of the Road Transportation Market in China

  21. 加快铁路国际集装箱运输市场的开发

    Speed up in Foreign Trade and International Container Transport Market

  22. 我国旅客运输市场占有率分析

    Analysis of the Market Share of Passenger Transportation in China

  23. 企业的中间层理论以及中间层组织在运输市场中的作用

    Firm Theory of Intermediaries and Their Roles on Transport Market

  24. 我国道路运输市场发展现状及问题研究

    Development Status and Problems of Road Transport Market in China

  25. 甘肃省道路运输市场化水平分析及建议

    Analysis and Suggestions on the Marketization Level of Gan-su Road Transportation Market

  26. 文章的最后一章对我国沿海集装箱运输市场的前景进行了展望。

    The last part is the prospects of the coastal container shipping .

  27. 改革铁路建设基金理顺运输市场关系

    Reform Railroad Construction Fund and Balance Relations Among Transportation Market

  28. 铁路运输市场准入法律制度的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Legal System of Railway Transport Market Access

  29. 不仅班轮运输市场欣欣向荣,不定期船运输市场也蒸蒸日上。

    As the result , the shipping market is also very prosperous .

  30. 在学习中实践航空运输市场监管

    Keep Learning for Better Practice of Air Transport Market Supervision