
  • 网络transport supply
  1. 运输供给要与需求相适应,并适度超前。

    Transport supply and demand to adapt , and moderately advanced .

  2. 从运输供给看,长江干散货船是长江运输的主力船型,其运力占长江船舶总运力的85%左右。

    One the other hand of transport supply , bulk cargo ship is the main ship type in the Yangtze River , which is about 85 % of the total shipping capacity .

  3. 本文第一部分考察了SCP分析框架和铁路运输供给、需求的影响因素。

    In the first part , the paper represents the SCP framework and the factors influencing the demand and supply of railway transportation .

  4. 运输供给与经济社会发展适应性分析

    The Adaption Analysis Between Transportation Supplies and Economic Society Develop

  5. 交通运输供给与需求均衡的理论研究与实证分析

    Study on Equilibrium Theory of Transportation Supply and Demand

  6. 内河运输供给分析的理论、方法与实证研究

    Theoretical , Methodological and Empirical Studies on the Supply Analysis of Inland Water Transportation

  7. 提速对铁路运输供给影响的若干问题研究

    The Study of Some Issues on the Influence of Speedup on Rail Transportation Supply

  8. 运输供给的品质特性

    Quality Characteristics of Transportation Supply

  9. 水力结构就是植物在特定的自然环境条件下,为适应生存竞争的需要所形成的不同形态结构和水分运输供给策略。

    The hydraulic architecture is the strategies of water transport and morphological structure of plants adapted to survival competition in the natural environment .

  10. 交通运力作为运输供给的主要承载者,其结构现状直接影响运能供给,影响经济建设和社会发展目标的实现。

    Traffic capacity works as the main carrier of traffic supply , which structure affects directly to supply , economy construct and social development targets .

  11. 长期以来,我国的公路管理体制是在计划经济和公路及公路运输供给紧张的情况下建立的。

    Chinese highway administration system was built up on the conditions of the planned economy and the lack highway transportation supply for a long time .

  12. 反过来,经济社会发展的日新月异,也对公路运输供给能力及服务水平提出了越来越高的要求。

    By contraries , the fast development of economy and society also demands more and more from highway transportation in the fields of transport ability and service .

  13. 内河运输供给是综合运输供给体系的一个组成部分,在中国社会经济中占有重要的地位和作用。

    As a part of the supply system of comprehensive transportation , inland water transportation ( IWT ) plays an important role in Chinese society and economy .

  14. 绿色植物叶进行光合作用制造有机物,通过茎的韧皮部向下运输供给根的需要。

    The organic matters were produced through photosynthesis by the leaves of the green plants and were transported down to meet the need of root through the bast of the stem .

  15. 伴随着城市的迅速扩张,城市交通运输供给日趋紧张,城市客运出现了供需失衡的局面,于是黑车应运而生。

    With the rapid expansion of cities , urban transport supply has become tighter , urban passenger demand and supply imbalance situation there , so the " unlicensed cars " came into being .

  16. 内河运输供给篇从系统的角度论述了内河运输供给的构成,提出内河运输供给的分层次发展目标;

    The part of inland water transport supply expound the composition of inland water transport supply from the angle of the system , put forward levels development goal of the inland water transport .

  17. 提出运输供给的品质特性由可达性、时效性、技术经济保障、经济性以及舒适性5个方面构成,并重新建立评价指标体系加以量化描述。

    The quality characteristics of transportation supply includes accessibility , timing , technical and economic guarantee , economy and comfortableness , and all of which are quantitatively discussed in details by establishing new evaluation index system .

  18. 然后结合铁路运输供给差异性的衡量方法,以及旅客出行过程,确定了考虑与不考虑运输组织可控性两种情况的网络阻抗计算方法。

    The network impedance calculating methods of considering or non-considering the controllability of transport organization are proposed , on the basis of the methods on measuring the differentiation of passenger transportation products and passenger travel process .

  19. 在考察中国铁路运输供给和需求各自的影响因素的基础上,本文对中国铁路运输供需缺口进行了实证测算,从企业行为和市场结构的角度分析了导致中国铁路供需缺口长期存在的原因。

    Based on the investigation of the factors influencing supply and demand of Chinese railway transportation , the paper estimates the demand-supply gap of Chinese railway transportation then analyses the reasons from the angle of enterprise conduct and market structure .

  20. 此外,运输供给能力扩张的严重制约以及信息和通信技术为核心的高新技术群的迅速发展和产业化等交通外部环境的准备充分为发展综合运输体系奠定基础。

    In addition , the expansion of transport supply capacity have in the serious constraints , and the core technology in the information and communication technology have developed faster and industrialization . All above have been ready to develop integrated transport .

  21. 道路交通作为长株潭城市群国民经济的基础性、先导性产业,同时又是资源占用型和能源消耗型行业,其交通运输供给能力相对较弱。

    The highway transportation is not only the foundational and precursor industry of national economy of Chang Zhu Tan city group area , but also is the resources taking and the energy consumption profession . Its ability of transportation supplying is oppositely weak .

  22. 而能否准确把握运输供给的品质特性又是促进运输供给与运输需求的有效衔接及进一步挖掘潜在运输需求的关键所在。

    And it is not only the key to promoting the effective meeting of transportation supply and demand , but also the key to excavating the potential demand , that is how to understand and define the quality characteristics of transportation supply correctly .

  23. 一方面,高速铁路融入原有交通格局,能够增强整个交通系统的运输供给能力,可以大大缓解长期以来我国运能紧张的局面,能为旅客提供高质量的运输服务。

    On the one hand , high-speed rail enter the existing traffic pattern , can enhance the supply capacity of the whole transport system , and can greatly ease the tension situation of transport capacity which has long been in China , and can provide high-quality transportation services for passengers .

  24. 军事科学中军事单位支持战斗单位的所有活动,包括运输、供给、通讯、医疗辅助。

    Muster relevant units of water and power supply , medical and rescue and transportation to assist the fire fighting and rescue work .

  25. 药隔和药壁组织通过质外体或共质体途径运输Ca2+供给花粉的发育;

    Calcium was transported in anther wall and intervening connective tissue via symplast and apoplast system , meeting the need of microspore and pollen development .

  26. 推进铁路运输有效供给的增长是行业政策的根本目标,应该通过市场实现协调型的铁路运输发展政策。

    The essential target of railway transport industry policy is to increase its effective supply in transport market , and this harmonious policy must be put in effect through the market .

  27. CH-46是双螺旋桨式的进攻飞机,主要用于运输部队,供给和设备。

    The CH-46 is a dual-rotor assault helicopter mainly used to transport troops , supplies and equipment .

  28. 第一章对我国成品油运输市场的供给和需求情况进行了分析。

    In the first chapter , the author analyses to supply & demand of Chinese refined products shipping market .

  29. 阐述了交通运输需求与供给行为的理论,并研究了交通运输结构系统和数学模型。

    The supply and demand of traffic volume are discussed , some problems of transportation system and their mathematic models are studied .

  30. 为此,高速铁路的建设和引入既有枢纽成为铁路运输提高自身供给能力的重要举措。

    The construction of high speed railway and introducing it into a rail transport is the important initiatives to improve its ability to supply .