
  • 网络premotor cortex;Premotor area;Pre-SMA
  1. 清醒猕猴前额叶和运动前区神经元多感觉活动的观察

    Polysensory neuron activities in prefrontal and premotor cortex of awake monkeys

  2. 动物实验发现,非人灵长目动物的运动前区皮质、感觉运动区、额叶、顶叶、颞叶岛盖、眶额皮质和扣带回皮质与吞咽功能相关。

    Animal experiments have found that the non-human primates , premotor cortex , sensorimotor area , frontal , parietal and temple operculum , orbitofrontal cortex and cingulate cortex are associated with swallowing function .

  3. 两组中,与简单计算任务相比,执行复杂计算任务时前额皮层、运动前区和顶下小叶的LI均下降,而额下回后部LI增加。

    In two groups , the difficulty of task increased the laterality of prefrontal cortex , premotor area , and inferior parietal lobule decreased , but the laterality of posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus increased .

  4. 在执行简单计算和复杂计算时,右利手组前额皮层、运动前区LI大于左利手组,额下回后部LI小于左利手组,顶下小叶偏侧化程度两组接近。

    During simple and complex calculation , the laterality index of prefrontal cortex and premotor area was higher in right handed group than that in left handed group , but the laterality of inferior parietal lobule had no significant difference .

  5. 功能磁共振成像评价动词生成任务中运动前区激活

    Functional MRI evaluation on activation of premotor area in verb-generation task

  6. 我们要做的是接入大脑,一个叫做运动前区皮质的区域。

    The way we like to do that is to tap into the region of the brain called pre-motor cortex .

  7. 猴运动前区皮层神经元在顺序行为中的放电活动

    Neuronal activity of monkey dorso-lateral premotor cortex during tasks of figure recognition guided motor sequence vs memorized spatial motor sequence

  8. 损毁或行为电生理研究表明:运动前区背外侧部、基底神经节以及前额叶皮层腹侧部在条件性运动学习中起至关重要的作用;

    Lesion or electrophysiological studies have demonstrated that the dor - sal premotor cortex ( PMd ), the basal ganglia and the ventral prefrontal cortex ( PFv ) play a critical role in conditional motor learning .

  9. 简单计算和复杂计算均可见左侧前额皮层、双侧运动前区/中央前回、额下回后部、额内回、扣带回前部、颞下回后部、顶下小叶激活。

    Dorsal lateral of left prefrontal cortex , bilateral premotor area , posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus , medial frontal gyrus , and cortex around intraparietal sulcus , posterior part of inferior temporal gyrus , were all activated during simple calculation and complex calculation task .

  10. 结果①语义选择的相关脑区包括右侧额上回(BA6区)、右侧扣带回、左侧额中回(BA9区)、双侧运动区和运动前区、左侧顶下小叶;

    Results ① The functional localizations of the selection of semantic task included BA 6 area in the right superior frontal gyrus , right cingulated gyrus , left middle frontal gyrus ( BA 9 area ), bilateral motor areas and premotor areas and left inferior parietal lobule .

  11. 7例患者均完成了健侧手的动作任务,且有6例患侧辅助运动区、运动前区有激活(85.7%)。

    All the hemiparetic patients can finish the unaffected ipsilateral fingers task , six of them showed PM area of the affected side activated ( 85.7 % ) .

  12. 猴大脑内侧皮质运动区投射到运动前区的神经元的分布

    Spatial Distribution and Density of Medial Motor Cortex Cells Projecting to Premotor Cortex in Monkey

  13. 结果:电针后患者双侧第一躯体运动皮质区、运动前区及顶上小叶和健侧的补充运动区发生明显的代谢功能变化。

    Results : The significant changes of metabolic function were exhibited in MI , PMC , Lps bilaterally , as well as the SMA of healthy side after acupuncture .

  14. 结果:与运动准备有关的激活主要集中在双侧运动前区(PMC)前部,双侧后顶叶(PPC)后部;

    Results : Bilateral anterior premotor cortex ( PMC ) and posterior aspects of posterior parietal cortex ( PPC ) were primarily activated during the preparation period .

  15. 结果正常受试者吞咽动作的激活部位位于感觉运动皮质外侧、岛叶、扣带回前部、运动前区,眶额皮质、小脑。

    Results The swallowing center was distributed in lateral of motor and sensory center , insular , anterior cingulated gyrus , premotor region , orbitofrontal cortex and cerebellum .

  16. 三维重建显示第一运动区的激活信号主要位于对侧中央沟的中外侧,补充运动区的激活信号位于运动前区(Broadman6区)近正中的内侧面。

    Three-dimension reconstruction demonstrated active signal of primary motor area were mostly located at the middle-lateral surface of the contralateral central sulcus , and signal of supplementary area were located at the mesial surface of the pre motor area ( Broadman 6 ) .