
ɡuò shāi
  • sift out;sieve
过筛 [guò shāi]
  • (1) [sieve]∶使通过筛子或筛网材料

  • (2) [riddle]∶使粮食、矿石等通过筛子,进行挑选

  • (3) [select]∶比喻仔细选择

  • 先把该解决的问题过筛一下

  1. 面粉过筛加入后中迅速拌匀后再加热。

    Add the sieved plain flour , quickly mix well & reheat .

  2. 吸入物变应原过筛试验和总IgE检测在变应性鼻炎诊断中的应用

    Application of Phadiatop and total IgE in diagnosis of allergic rhinitis

  3. 结果表明:SA检测可作为鉴别小儿恶性病的过筛试验。

    These results showed that serum SA detection was a better indicator for malignant disease screening .

  4. 检测LpⅠ型抗体的快速过筛试验

    A rapid screening test for determination of the antibodies against Legionella pneumophila serogroup ⅰ

  5. 目的探讨变应原皮肤点刺试验和CAP过筛检测在儿童哮喘中的应用价值。

    [ Objective ] To approach the value of allergen skin prick test and CAP sieving detection in children with asthma .

  6. 提出过筛连通法并结合运用BP神经网络技术,解决了读数图像缺陷字符和相似字符的误识问题。

    The problems of reading defect characters of images and misrecognition of similar characters can be solved by a kind of sifting-connection algorithm and the application of BP neural network technique .

  7. 结论改良胺试验是一种新型、简便、快捷的方法,可为临床诊断BV提供一种快速过筛方法。

    Conclusion The ameliorated-Whiff test is a new , convenient , and rapid method for screening BV .

  8. 进行吸入性变应原皮肤试验,检测其外周血中嗜酸性粒细胞计数,采用瑞典法玛西亚CAP系统进行吸入性过敏原过筛定量(血清特异性IgE)测定,其结果与36例正常组对照。

    The blood serum eosinophilic granulocyte and inhalant allergen skin test were detected . The serum specific IgE was measured by Sweden Pharmacia CAP system .

  9. 分年龄段能量过筛实验是利用VegaExpert的能量过筛功能,检测不同年龄段人群的生物能状态。

    Energy filtration of various ages experiment is to make use of Vega Expert to sift out the energies in order to test the human energy conditions of different ages .

  10. 将样品粉碎、过筛并悬浮在乙醇TritonX100溶液中制成悬浮液。

    Polyethylene sample was crushed , sifted and then suspended in ethyl alcohol-Triton X-100 solution .

  11. Phadiatop吸入性过敏原过筛试验的初步应用及评价

    Application and evaluation of Phadiatop in diagnosis of respiratory allergy

  12. [方法]用过筛法筛选、VBO诊断血清作血清分型,K-B法作药敏试验。

    Domestic VBO diagnostic serums were used for typing the strains and K-B method was used for antibiotic susceptibility .

  13. ZS系列分层筛适应于流水作业,是大小颗粒比例不等过筛连续出料的理想设备。

    ZS series vibration sieve is suitable for in line production . It is an ideal device for granule that has uneven size to sieve continuously .

  14. 结论:部分CIU患者血清中有功能性的循环自身抗体存在,自体血清皮肤试验可作为CIU自身抗体的过筛试验。

    Conclu-sions : A positive ASST may indicate the presence of circulating functional au to antibodies in the serum of some patients with CIU .

  15. 目的:探讨吸入物变应原过筛试验(Phadiatop)结合皮肤点刺试验在变应性鼻炎诊断和治疗中的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the value of Phadiatop and spot skin test in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis .

  16. 方法对145株嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌感染临床资料进行统计分析和药敏试验,协同过筛法检测金属β-内酰胺酶(MBL)。

    METHODS In this study , 145 cases with S.maltophilia infection were analyzed and their susceptibility was tested . The synergetic screening test was applied to detect metallo - β - lactamases .

  17. 主要工艺参数为:辅料经粉碎后80目过筛,24目造粒,60℃沸腾干燥30min。

    The main parameters are : the ingredients are sifted by 80 mesh sieve after ground , made granule by 24 mesh sieve , fluidized-bed drying at 60 ℃, 30 min.

  18. 采用手捡法和Cobb过筛法共获得农田土壤动物标本5495个,隶属6门11纲22目61科2亚科35属。

    Seventy-two soil samples were collected and 5495 soil fauna individuals were obtained by hand-sorting and the Cobb methods , belonging to 6 phyla , 11 classes , 22 orders , 61 families , 2 subfamilies , and 35 genera .

  19. 采用量子共振检测仪VEGA,通过进行全脑开发与多元智能训练,我们分别测定了青少年实验组(16人)和对照组(10人)的能量过筛值。

    The paper presents the brain exploitation and allround aptitude training . We test the youngsters energy screen results of the experimental team ( 16 ) and the normal team ( 10 ) ( have the brain exploitation and allround aptitude training ) by the quantum resonance spectrometer VEGA .

  20. 结果表明:由CIII类型胚性愈伤组织建立起的分散性良好的悬浮细胞系,经过孔径(φ)为40μm的尼龙网过筛,可以获得单细胞悬浮系;

    The results showed that single cell suspensions could be obtained by screening with nylon net (ф 40 μ m ) from well-scattered suspensions initiated from Type III embryogenic callus .

  21. 试验采用音乐、噪声、静息为应激源,让被试接受10min的刺激,并在刺激前后进行能量过筛,统计结果显示:(1)人体在应激前后的皮肤电的综合情况变化具有显著差异;

    We use music , noise and rest as the arouse material , make subjects under stimuli for 10 minutes and make out the . Results : ( 1 ) The integration change of galvanic skin has significant difference after arousing ;

  22. 将得到的棒状聚合物研磨过筛后,运用平衡结合实验研究了头孢氨苄分子模板聚合物的结合性质,Scatchard分析表明,在所研究的浓度范围内,在聚合物中形成了两类不同的结合位点。

    The bulk polymer was ground up sieved and investigated in equilibrium binding experiment to evaluate the binding characteristic of the cefalexin-imprinted polymer . Scatchard analysis showed that two classes of binding sites were formed in the imprinted polymer under the studied concentration .

  23. 目的探讨并建立在临床微生物实验室可用于常规过筛检测金属β内酰胺酶(BKA)的方法,为临床合理选择抗生素提供确切的依据。

    Objective To discuss and establish a method for screening of the metallo β lactamase in the clinical microbiology laboratory in order to help choosing antibiotics . Methods The enzyme inhibitor was EDTA .

  24. 采用新鲜土样直接测定、过筛孔径3mm、液土比10:1、振荡时间60min、浸提液不经保存直接用连续流动分析仪测定效果较好。

    The optimum method to determine the soil mineral N is using fresh soil sample , adopting 3 mm sieve , 10:1 extract solution to soil ratio , and 60 min of vibration time , and determining the mineral N in soil extract right after extraction by Continuous Flow Analyzer .

  25. 面粉和烤粉过筛加入鸡蛋混合物中,拌匀。

    Sift the flour and baking powder into the egg mixture .

  26. 面粉,淀粉和香草粉混合过筛备用。

    Whisk together flour , starch and vanilla powder and sift .

  27. 协同法过筛检测金属β-内酰胺酶的研究

    Study on screening assay of metallo-beta-lactamase by synergic methods of antibiotic sensitivity

  28. 基质包括试验地原始土壤和混合过筛的沙质土。

    The original soil and substrate including tested sift the sandy soil .

  29. 加入过筛过的面粉,盐,肉桂粉和苏打粉,搅拌均匀。

    Add flour , salt , cinnamon and soda and mix well .

  30. 用于识别一类缺陷字符的过筛连通模板匹配法

    Sifting-connecting Templet Matching Algorithm Applied to Disfigurement Character Recognition