
ɡuò lǜ shè bèi
  • filtrating equipment;filter plant
  1. 新型高效过滤设备&橡胶带式过滤机

    A New Effective Filtrating Equipment : Rubber Band Filter

  2. 带式输送机制动装置新型高效过滤设备&橡胶带式过滤机

    Brake Install of Belt Conveyor A New Effective Filtrating Equipment : Rubber Band Filter

  3. 加压过滤设备在ABS装置上的清洁生产应用

    Application of Pressure Filtration Apparatus in ABS Plant for Cleaner Production

  4. 过滤设备能够根据CAM中的规则对流经的报文进行匹配过滤。

    The device can filter packets that match the configured rules in the filter CAM .

  5. 详细叙述了加压过滤设备在丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)装置上的实验和应用情况。

    This paper described in detail the test and application of pressure filtration apparatus in ABS plant .

  6. 本文中主要就如何利用防火墙或数据包过滤设备ACL配置的不完善,来越过防火墙进行内部网路由发现进行讨论。

    This part is focused on using the faultiness of ACL configuration to get across firewall or packet filtering devices .

  7. ·利用ICMP错误消息,检查目标子网上数据包过滤设备的存取控制规则;

    · ICMP Error Messages are used to detect the ACL of packet filtering devices on the target subnet .

  8. 本文采用第二种思路,因为相对来说第二种思路在包过滤设备端就能把IP分片过滤,更能在源头解决问题,提高了数据包传输效率。

    This paper adopts the second idea because relatively it is able to filter the IP fragments in the packet filtering equipment , which can better solve the problem at the point of origin , and improve the efficiency of packet transmission .

  9. 在比较多种过滤设备的基础上,选择XYZ自动压滤机作为萤石精矿的过滤脱水设备。

    On the basis of comparing various types of filtering equipment , the XYZ automatic filter press has been selected as the filtering and dewatering equipment for the fluorite concentrate .

  10. 简述了应用于地表水的程控反渗透系统的工艺水泵、澄清过滤设备、加药装置以及RO装置的一些配置设计要点。

    In this paper , the design characteristics of equipment disposal of program-controled reverse osmosis system were introduced briefly , which were related to process pump , clarifier and media filter , reagent dosing and RO unit .

  11. 返回值是任何在你的设备之下紧挨着的设备对象的地址,这个设备对象可以是PDO或者一些较低过滤设备对象的地址。

    The return value is the address of whatever device object is immediately underneath yours , which can be the PDO or the address of some lower filter device object .

  12. 同时由于P2P技术的快速发展,如今的P2P软件能够利用动态端口、HTTP搭载P2P数据等技术,很难被防火墙、路由器以及其他的过滤设备发现。

    On the other way , as a result of P2P technology fast development , P2P software use various of technologies such as dynamic ports , HTTP carrying P2P data , etc , which make very difficult for firewalls , routers and other filtering device to discover .

  13. 根据日照某石材企业污水生产现状,提出过滤设备主要的技术指标和设计要求,对主要结构件进行结构设计,利用SolidWorks软件得到了其三维实体模型。

    According to one of Rizhao stone enterprises sewage production status , put forward the main technical indicators and design requirements of the filtration equipment , and make the structural design of the main structure , get its three-dimensional solid model using SolidWorks software .

  14. YWH型过滤器是一种高效率的新型过滤设备,主要由罐体、液化泵、阀体、管汇及其控制系统组成,制造工艺和质量控制要求严格。

    YWH Filter is a high efficiency filter of new type , mainly made up of tank shell , liquor pump , valve box , pipe joint and the control system . The requirements to its manufacture process and quality control are very strict .

  15. 高效卧式过滤设备高压大型化模块研究

    Research on High Pressure Large-scale Module in Efficient Horizontal Filtering Equipment

  16. 一种报文过滤设备配置管理系统的实现

    Implementation of the Configuration Management System for a Packet Filtering Device

  17. 过滤设备在污水处理中的应用研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Filtering Equipment in Sewage Disposal Process

  18. 错流膜过滤设备在罐底油上的应用

    Application of cross flow filtration on residual oil in tank

  19. 碳酸法制糖增稠过滤设备结构与应用方法

    Equipment Structure of Thickening Filtration in Carbonation Sugar Factory and Its Operation

  20. 精细过滤设备在铜电解精炼中的应用及改进

    Application and improvement of fine filtering equipment in electrolytic refining of copper

  21. 硅藻土及其过滤设备在清汁型饮料中的应用

    Application of diatomite and its filters in clear juice beverages

  22. 毛糠蜡脱油的研究和密封过滤设备技术

    A Study on De-oiling of Raw Rice Bran and Sealed Filtering Equipments

  23. 本实用新型涉及一种全密闭液体过滤设备。

    The utility model relates to totally-enclosed liquid filtration equipment .

  24. 采用先进的种子、成品过滤设备。

    Using the advanced seed and the finished product filtering equipments , 6 .

  25. 过滤设备以烛式硅藻土过滤机为好。

    The candle type diatomite filter is most ideal .

  26. 水平真空皮带过滤设备及其在湿式烟气脱硫工艺中的应用

    Horizontal vacuum belt filter-important equipment in wet limestone-gypsum FGD

  27. 国外过滤设备的若干改进与发展

    Some improvements and advances in filtering equipment abroad

  28. 如果工厂环境较差,灰尘多,须加装前置过滤设备;

    If the Factory poor , dust , and have to retrofit pre-filtration equipment ;

  29. 加强生产过程中储酒、过滤设备及成品酒储运管理;

    Strengthen the management of wine storage , filtration equipments and product wine transportation ;

  30. 过滤设备的控制问题浅谈

    Comment on Tne Control of Filter Eguipment