- 网络excess demand;excessive demand

There is excess demand for a firm 's products .
Books on popular science are in great demand . excess demand in dynamics
The view that the excesses of deficit countries were partly a response to the behaviour of surplus countries is shared by a number of policymakers , including Hank Paulson , outgoing US treasury secretary .
Without a global credit market , the pre-crisis level of imbalances would have created an intolerable degree of demand for US triple-A rated securities that could simply not be satisfied by the US government .
Excess demand in relation to inventory
Excess demand in dynamics
And without excessive demand , there is no reason to expect a global downturn , he says .
But that would surely mean a danger of inflationary excess demand in surplus countries and deficient demand in deficit ones .
Asia was a source of much of the supply : creditor nations ran enormous surpluses to meet these Western excesses .
Commodity constraints will limit the real output response globally , and most of the excess demand will spill over into higher inflation .
Owing to the artificially low level of interest rates on bank loans , there has been an excess demand for bank loans in china .
If there was an excess demand for financial assets , then there could be an excess supply of everything else what we call a depression .
In a free market , the prices of organs for transplants would settle at the levels that would eliminate the excess demand for each type of organ .
Is it not now clear that the main macroeconomic challenges facing the world today are an excess demand for commodities and an excess supply of financial services ?
But the biggest point about the world economy today is that the credit-fuelled household borrowing that supported the excess demand in deficit countries has come to a sudden stop .
Then the key financial excess demand is for high-quality assets : safe financial places in which you can park your wealth and still be confident it will be there when you return .
The news comes as some economists question the efficacy of these measures in putting the country on a sustainable growth path that relies less on overstretched western demand for cheap Chinese exports .
In response to this excess demand for safety and liquidity , the banking system began exploiting its ability to engineer risk-free assets from risky assets to keep pace with the safe asset shortage .
Drawing on the typology of Estelle James , private school enrollments can be a response to excess demand for school places ; a differentiated demand for school places ; and a large presence .
But economists say the underlying driver of inflation is the excess demand created by the huge flow of funds into China through the trade surplus and other avenues , as well as the velocity at which money circulates in the economy .
With the promotion of the west development , the contradiction between the construction of human and the geological environment will be increasingly sharp-pointed , and all kinds of environmental geological problems will tend to more serious because of excessive demand of geological resources and unreasonable exploitation .
Effect of Nursing Intervention on Excessive Medical Demand Behaviors of Special Inpatients
First , it is necessary to control excessive demand , but also to ensure the effective supply .
In effect , he believes that Americans have made demands , both collectively and individually , that they could not afford .
In addition , there have been excessive medical needs , leading to rising medical costs , due to the " moral hazard " and third-party payment system in medical insurance market .
They accuse the White House of wishing , among other things , to bankrupt the nation , destroy the American way of life and bring in death panels to mitigate the excessive healthcare demands of the elderly .
But what is the financial excess demand , exactly ?
Local government competition in indices of economic growth results in over-investment in infrastructure .
It said oversupply and declining customer demand had driven selling prices " significantly below manufacturing costs " .
To avoid the wreckage of real estate bubble is to abstain demand of speculation and keep the balance of the supply and demand in real estate by efficiency government policy .