
ɡuò shī zé rèn
  • fault liability;liability for fault
  1. 缔约过失责任的法理基础研究

    The Study of the Basis of Fault Liability to Contract

  2. 对合同法中缔约过失责任制度的思考

    Thinking on the System of Fault Liability in Conclusion Contract

  3. 我国缔约过失责任制度之不足及其改造

    The Deficiency and Reform of Contracting Fault Responsibility in Our Country

  4. 信赖原则指向的是行为人过失责任的无,是一种过失责任的阻却;

    Trust principle means denying behavior 's criminal liability for negligence .

  5. 浅议缔约过失责任的认定及其在我国的适用

    Determination of Treaty-making Liability for Fault and Its Application in China

  6. 缔约过失责任概念辨析

    Analysis of the Concept of the Traditional Contracting Liability for Negligence

  7. 缔约过失责任的独立性与特殊性

    The Independence and the Speciality of the Negligence Liability in Contracting

  8. 缔约过失责任历史演进及其启示

    The history evolution and its enlightenment of the contracting fault responsibility

  9. 缔约过失责任是一种过错责任;

    The Contract fault responsibility is a kind of fault responsibility ;

  10. 缔约过失责任的概念和特征。

    Third , the concept and characteristics of contracting fault responsibility .

  11. 赠与合同中赠与人的缔约过失责任

    On Culpa in Contraction Liability of the Donor in the Bestowal Contract

  12. 期货经纪合同中缔约过失责任问题。

    The liability for negligence in conducting futures broking contract .

  13. 建筑活动中缔约过失责任的探讨

    The Exploration on Unpremeditated Fault Duty of Concluding a Treaty on Construction

  14. 论劳动合同的缔约过失责任&以劳动者保护为视角

    On Fault Liability Of Conducting A Treaty In Labour Contract

  15. 而如果没有注意的话,就构成了过失责任。

    Failure to do so is the tort of negligence .

  16. 完善缔约过失责任制度的立法思考

    Legislation Ponder on the Consummation of the Liability of Culpa in Contrahendo

  17. 注册会计师的过失责任:连带责任抑或比例责任

    CPA 's Negligence Liability : Joint and Several Liability or Proportional Liability

  18. 其实无过失责任有相对无过失责任与绝对无过失责任之分。

    Scholars have different opinions on the application of liability without fault .

  19. 信赖原则否定过失责任的根据。

    (ⅲ) the foundation that trust principle deny the criminal liability for negligence .

  20. 第三章,缔约过失责任的法律基础。

    Chapter III discusses the legal foundations of fault liability in conclusion contract .

  21. 缔约过失责任的认定与赔偿问题

    Determination and Compensation of Liability for Negligence in Contracting

  22. 大陆法系缔约过失责任与英美法系允诺禁反言原则之比较分析

    Comparison between the Liability of Faults and Promissory Estoppel

  23. 缔约过失责任是合同订立过程中的责任。

    Research on the System of Culpa in Contrahendo ;

  24. 而我国现阶段无过失责任的立法并不完善,存在立法过于原则和模糊等诸多问题。

    In modern China , the legislation of no-fault liability is not perfect .

  25. 论船舶碰撞侵权的过失责任

    On the Tort Liability for Negligence Regarding Ship Collision

  26. 论德国法中的第三人缔约过失责任

    On the Third Party 's Fault Liability of Contract Conclusion in German Law

  27. 无过失责任原则免责条件适用中的缺陷&兼论公平原则在解决环境污染纠纷中的作用

    Limitations for the Application of Duty-exempt Term in the Principle of Non-blame Responsibility

  28. 缔约过失责任形态的法律分析

    Legal Analysis to the Patterns of Liability of Faults in Concluding a Contract

  29. 第三部分缔约过失责任制度构建。

    The third part deals with the construction of culpa in contrahendo systems .

  30. 缔约过失责任适用过错责任原则。

    On Liability of Contract Conclusion Negligence Responsibility different principles of responsibility belonging ;