
guò dù
  • transition;transit;interim;ferry;limbo
过渡 [guò dù]
  • (1) [transition;interim]∶事物由一个阶段逐渐发展而转入另一个阶段

  • (2) [limbo]∶中间状态

  • 过渡政府

  • (3) [ferry]∶由此岸至彼岸

  • 官帆过渡迟

过渡[guò dù]
  1. 在向民主过渡的时期他将依然是国家首脑。

    He will remain head of state during the period of transition to democracy .

  2. 我们得确保新旧制度间的平稳过渡。

    We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one .

  3. 在大选之前的过渡阶段由副总统执政。

    The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election .

  4. 他们生活在社会边缘的过渡区域。

    They lived in the twilight zone on the fringes of society .

  5. 他再次呼吁加快向市场经济过渡。

    He again called for a faster changeover to a market economy

  6. 过去这一过渡过程常常很艰难。

    In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult .

  7. 我们正逐渐过渡到完全使用公制。

    We are gradually changing over to a completely metric system

  8. 她3月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。

    She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March .

  9. 法国人说他们倾向于向民主过渡。

    The French say they favour a transition to democracy

  10. 迅速而顺利地过渡到民主体制的政治希望破灭了。

    Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed

  11. 我们仍然处于新旧方法的过渡阶段。

    We are still in the transitional stage between the old and new methods .

  12. 过渡时期难免会出现一些困难的时候。

    Inevitably the transition will yield some sticky moments

  13. 当他试图解释为什么扎伊尔需要一个过渡政府时,他们大声叫嚷着把他的声音盖过去了。

    They shouted him down when he tried to explain why Zaire needed an interim government

  14. 他没有进一步说明过渡政府和立法机构将采取的形式。

    He didn 't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take

  15. 但是,在过渡期间,我们显然有责任维护治安。

    But , in the interim , we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order

  16. 工作曾经只是毕业和结婚之间的临时过渡,但这样的日子已经一去不复返了。

    Gone are the days when work was just a stopgap between leaving school and getting married

  17. 尼克松-福特过渡时期的国务卿不希望推动那些提案得到通过。

    The secretary of state during the Nixon-Ford transition did not wish to push the proposals through .

  18. 主要叛乱集团已同意参加会议讨论建立一个过渡政府。

    The main rebel groups have agreed to join in a meeting to set up a transitional government .

  19. 在她的继任者真正到任前有一段过渡时间,因为她得干满离职通知规定的时间。

    There was an interim before her successor actually came because she had to work out her notice .

  20. 好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。

    If nature abhors a vacuum , journalists abhor a transition , when there is little news to cover .

  21. 青春期是儿童和成人阶段的过渡时期。

    Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood .

  22. 总量理论是研究从微观模型到宏观模型过渡的理论。

    Aggregation theory is concerned with the transition from micro-to macro-models .

  23. 我们的儿子刚刚从骑三轮车过渡到骑普通自行车了。

    Our son has just graduated from a tricycle to a proper bicycle .

  24. 一段时间后,学生就需要将父母身上的经济责任过渡到自己身上了。

    Over time , students need to transition financial responsibilities over from their parents .

  25. 除去过渡元素外,价电子位于最外面的电子层。

    Except for the transitional elements , valency electrons are in the outermost electron shell .

  26. 中国正在从温饱过渡向小康。

    China is proceeding from being barely fed and clad to a more comfortable life .

  27. 无论是从进口石油过渡到国内石油,还是从煤电生产过渡到天然气发电厂,政客们都喜欢夸夸其谈。

    Whether it is a transition from imported to domestic oil or from coal-powered electricity production to natural-gas power plants , politicians love to talk big .

  28. 三阶段的生活很少有过渡,而多阶段的人生则有很多。

    A three-stage life has few transitions , while a multi-stage life has many .

  29. 我敢肯定,她当时认为自己在教我细节、过渡、结构、风格和观点。

    At the time , I am sure she thought she was teaching me about mechanics , transitions , structure , style and voice .

  30. 可以用休假作为每个阶段间的过渡,人们可以找到时间休息、恢复健康、重新投资他们的人脉、或提高他们的技能。

    Transitions between stages could be marked with sabbaticals as people find them rest and recharge their health , re-invest in their relationships , or improve their skills .