
  • 网络Dawa;Dava;daiwa
  1. 达瓦党是自萨达姆侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的逊尼少数派政权倒台以来在伊拉克占据主导地位的伊斯兰什叶派系,获得了华盛顿和德黑兰不同程度的支持。

    the Shia Islamist party that has dominated Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein 's minority Sunni regime - with varying degrees of support from Washington and Tehran .

  2. 达瓦有个梦想:当一名英语老师。

    Dawa has a dream : he wants to be an English teacher .

  3. 接着,这对皇室夫妇前往海边的岛达瓦,这是岛屿北岸一个景色优美的度假胜地。

    The royal couple then headed to Dalvay by-the-Sea , a scenic resort along the island 's north shore .

  4. 巴基斯坦2002年取缔拉什卡圣战组织之后,达瓦慈善会成为这个组织的政治和慈善部分。

    After Pakistan banned Lashkar in 2002 , Jamaat came to the forefront as the group 's political and charitable wing .

  5. 这一文化在新石器时代早期广泛分布于前南斯拉夫和现匈牙利、罗马尼亚及摩尔达瓦地区。

    This culture was widespread on the territories of the former Yugoslavia , modern Hungary , Rumania and Moldova during the Early Neolithic .

  6. 所以,上面提到的人们的不同类型不能离开了达瓦或吉哈德的责任而被宣布为罪人。

    So the kind of person mentioned in this question cannot be declared a sinner for leaving the responsibilities of Dawah or Jihad .

  7. 吉拉尼在木尔坦和记者交谈的时候否认巴基斯坦政府受到印度要求取缔达瓦慈善会的任何压力。

    The Pakistani prime minister , speaking to reporters in Multan , denies his government is under any pressure from India to shut down Jamaat .

  8. 巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼回应印度有关取缔达瓦慈善会的要求时表示,在采取这种行动之前,必须进行调查。

    Pakistan calls for investigation Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani - responding to the Indian request to ban Jamaat - says there must be an investigation before such action can be taken .