
  1. 预备立宪公会与1910年国会请愿运动。

    Preliminary constitutional consortia and the Congress Petition Movement in1910 .

  2. 清末的国会请愿运动就是其所领导的立宪运动的最激烈的一部分。

    The movement of petition to congress in the late Qing Dynasty was the constitutional movement led by them most intense and influential .

  3. 广东谘议局参与了全国的国会请愿运动,在广东独立过程中起了重要的作用。

    Guangdong Provincial Assembly took part in the parliament petition all over the country , which took great effect for the independence of Guangdong .

  4. 该报创刊于国会请愿运动兴起之时,故本文对《国风报》的国会请愿运动主要从国会请愿团体、国会请愿活动及请愿的理由方面进行宣传和系统的阐述。

    The newspaper founded with the movement of congress . So this paper introduces congress movement mainly from the petition to congress groups , petition to congress activities and the reason aspects petition propaganda and system of exposition .