
  • 网络radiational excitation;radiation excitation;radiaion excitation
  1. 同步辐射激发直接干化学刻蚀

    Synchrotron radiation excited photochemical etching

  2. N44内部炽热年轻亮星的恒星风和强烈辐射,激发四周的云气发出辉光,也雕塑出这些奇形怪状的云气丝。

    Winds and intense radiation from hot , young , luminous stars in N44 excite and sculpt filaments and streamers of the glowing nebular gas .

  3. 因此,用红外辐射作为激发光源是切实可行的。

    Using the infrared wavelength as radiated light source as practical .

  4. 与生物体共振频率一致的电磁辐射,激发一种抑制微生物生长的能量,从而降低疾病的发生机率。

    Electromagnetic radiation where the frequencies coincide with the resonant frequencies of the organism may stimulate energy which suppresses development of micro organisms and thereby reduces illness .

  5. 在忽略放大的自发辐射和激发态吸收的基础上,简化了四能级模型的速率-传输方程。

    With ignoring the Excited State Absorption ( ESA ) and Ampli-fied Spontaneous Emission ( ASE ), the rate-propagation equations of the four-level system are simplified properly .

  6. 以北京同步辐射光源作激发光源,采用掠出射方法测试了Si基片上不同厚度的单层Cr膜样品,测试结果与理论计算基本符合。

    The Cr film samples with different thickness deposited on silicon ( Si ) bases are tested with grazing method using Beijing synchrotron radiation source ( SR ) as excitation light .

  7. 文中对有关的辐射特性及激发机制进行了详细的分析和讨论。

    The excitation mechanisms involved were discussed in detail .

  8. “激光”这个术语的原义是利用辐射的受激发射来放大光波。

    The term laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation .

  9. 辐射场平移激发相干态的非经典物理特性

    Non-classical Physical Properties of the Displaced Excited Coherent States of the Radiation Field

  10. 生命的演化本来就是在轻度的放射性环境中发生的,还有一些实验室实验和动物研究表明,低水平的辐射暴露可激发保护性抗氧化剂并刺激免疫系统,据此可以相信这对多种癌症都有预防作用。

    Life evolved in a mildly radioactive environment , and some laboratory experiments and animal studies indicate that low exposures unleash protective antioxidants and stimulate the immune system , conceivably protecting against cancers of all kinds .

  11. 原子的自发辐射是处于激发态的原子在无外来扰动作用下自发的跃迁到低能级态并辐射出一个光子的过程,是量子光学领域研究的重要课题之一。

    The atomic spontaneous emission is that an atom transits from its excited state spontaneously to its lower energy state to emit a photon without external disturbation . It is one of the most important research areas in quantum optics .

  12. 类氧铥离子辐射跃迁几率和激发态寿命的GRASP计算

    Grasp calculation of radiative transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes for 0 like TM ion

  13. 环境辐射对原子高激发能级Stark态寿命的影响

    Influence of environmental radiation on lifetimes of stark states in highly excited atom

  14. 最后,通过总自旋量子数的分析,一般地断定了辐射场不可能激发局域模以及一切K0≠0的散射模。

    Finally , a general analysis of the spin quantum number of the spin wave states leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to excite the scattered modes with k0 ≠ 0 as well as the localized modes by the electromagnetic radiation .

  15. 本文用速率方程分析了泵浦光源中激光波长辐射对激光介质激发态粒子数积累和激光器阀值的影响情况。

    By use of rate equations , we have analyzed the effect ot laser wavelength radiation in pump light source on excited state population accumulation of laser medium and laser threshold .

  16. 分析表明,由于冷水涌升加大了海洋混合层的热惯性,云辐射海温反馈能激发出周期为三年左右的海气耦合振荡。

    The frequency analysis shows that the feedback mechanism of ' cloud-radiation-SST can stimulate a kind of oscillation of nearly three-year period , for the thermal inertia of the mixed layer of ocean is enlarged by the upwelling of cold water .

  17. 从量子力学的基本理论出发,研究了辐射场与介质相互作用的高阶效应,推出了介质在辐射场中有激发时的密度矩阵的运动方程,套出了辐射饱和时的强度计算公式。

    From the theory of quantum mechanics , we studied higher-order effect that radiation field interacts with medium , and got the equation of kinematics of density matrix that medium had excitation in radiation field . From this , we got the calculating formula when radiation reached saturation .