
  • 网络raman shift
  1. 从理论上讨论了内腔拉曼频移激光器输出光束的腰斑大小和位置。

    The calculation of the beam waist diameter and it ′ s position of an intracavity Raman shift laser is discussed .

  2. 实验发现,随着PBQ溶液浓度的降低,该谱线的拉曼频移发生蓝移。

    The resonance Raman shift is blue - shifted with ( decreasing ) concentration .

  3. 复合输出镜(Nd,Ce):YAG拉曼频移激光器研究

    Studies of ( Nd , Ce ): YAG Raman Shifting Laser with Compound Output Mirror

  4. 利用Keating模型计算Si((1-x))Gex及非晶硅的拉曼频移

    Calculation of Raman shifts of Si_ (( 1-x )) Ge_x and amorphous silicon using Keating model

  5. 与光学参量振荡器(OPO)和染料激光器(DL)相比,SRS有很多优点:拉曼频移确定、线宽很窄、方向性好和成本相对较低等。

    Comparing with optical parametric oscillation ( OPO ) and dye laser ( DL ), SRS has many advantages : the Stokes output beam properties of tenability , narrow line-width , high spatial purity and relatively low cost .

  6. 为拉曼频移激光器的设计提供了依据。

    The results provide a new base for Raman shifted laser design .

  7. 内腔拉曼频移激光器输出光束参量计算

    The Calculation of Intracavity Raman-Shift Laser Beam Parameters

  8. 三阶色散对拉曼频移的增强和抑制作用

    Enhancement and Suppression of Raman-Induced Frequency Shifts by Third-Order Dispersion in Photonic Crystal Fibers

  9. 从理论和实验两方面总结了拉曼频移、光纤损耗、溶剂效应、仪器响应等对测温结果的影响。

    The influence of Raman frequency shift , optical fiber loss , solvent effect etc are analyzed .

  10. 对在不同偏振态泵浦条件下各级斯托克斯谱线的偏振特性、拉曼频移等参量进行了分析,给出了经验公式。

    The parameter such as polarized light properties and the Raman frequency-shift and so on under the condition of different pump light state is analyzed .

  11. 考虑到真实超晶格系统的有限宽度会造成晶格的非周期性,我们修正了用来决定拉曼频移峰值位置的公式中的倒格矢一项。

    The formula for determining the peak positions of Raman shifts of the strained superlattices is modified by considering the non-periodicity of the realistic superlattice caused by the finite size .

  12. 高功率的掺竹3+双包层光纤激光器输出,注人单模频移光纤,通过拉曼频移,级联地将泵浦光的能量移动至所希望达到的波长处,形成拉曼激光输出。

    High-power output of Yb3 + doped double-cladding fiber laser is injected into single mode frequency-shift fiber , through , and the energy of pumping laser could be transferred to the expected wavelength in cascaded way .

  13. 应用该技术,在实验上研究了溶液浓度变化对β-carotene,rhodamine在CS2中的CC键π-π跃迁拉曼线频移和线宽的影响。

    Applying this technique , we researched the effect of the variation of the concentrations on the linewidths and frequency shifts of Raman spectral line of β - carotene and rhodamine ( in CS 2 ) in relation to the transition of π - π of CC bond .

  14. 光纤飞秒孤子传输的拉曼自频移研究

    Study of Raman Self-frequency Shift of Femtosecond Solitons in Optical Communications

  15. 全光模数转换器中基于拉曼自频移的光量化

    Optical Quantization in All-Optical Analogy-to-Digital Converter Based on Raman Self-Frequency Shift

  16. 拉曼自频移效应使飞秒脉冲向后沿非线性漂移。

    The pulse was drift backwards nonlinear by the self-frequency shift effect .

  17. 孤子光纤中拉曼自频移效应的研究

    Raman Soliton Self - Frequency Shift in Soliton Fiber

  18. 拉曼自频移全光量化中的全光纤脉冲宽度压缩器的设计

    Design of All-Fiber Pulse Compressor for Optical Quantization Based on Raman Self-Frequency Shift

  19. 但对亚皮秒孤子,由于受拉曼自频移效应和三阶色散效应的共同影响,要想继续保持群色散与自相位调制的局域平衡,光纤的群色散分布应加以修正。

    However , for keeping local balance of the dispersion and the self phase modulation , the group dispersion of the decreasing dispersion fiber in which sub picosecond solitons propagate should be modified as a result of the combined action of Raman self frequency shift and the third order dispersion .

  20. 溶液浓度对拉曼光谱线宽和频移影响的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on Effect of Concentration of CS_2 on Linewidth and Frequency Shift of Raman Spectrum

  21. 近年来,人们对钨酸盐晶体在电子顺磁响应、介电性能、微结构、激光性能、拉曼光谱和受激拉曼频移技术等方面产生了浓厚的兴趣并取得了很大的进展。

    In the past decades there are a great deal of interest and development in tungstate crystal in the fields such as electron paramagnetic resonance , dielectric properties , microstructure , laser properties , Raman spectra characteristics and stimulated Raman scattering .

  22. 同时,较大的晶格失配也是导致GaAs外延膜拉曼散射TO声子和LO声子发生较大拉曼频移的主要原因。

    At the same time , the large lattice mismatch is the main reason for the large frequency shift in Raman scattering of TO-phonon and the LO phonon GaAs epitaxial .

  23. 研究了单模圆石英光纤在不同偏振光泵浦条件下,受激拉曼散射(SRS)各级斯托克斯光的拉曼阈值和频移特性,同时测试了光纤输出端的泵浦光和斯托克斯光的偏振状态。

    The Raman threshold , frequency-shift and the states of Stokes spectrum of stimulated Raman scattering under the condition of different polarized pump light in single mode circle core optical fiber were studied . The polarization of pump and Stokes spectrum at output terminal of fiber were measured .

  24. 固态拉曼激光器的输出波长由泵浦激光和拉曼增益介质的拉曼频移决定,每一个泵浦波长,通过固定的拉曼频移以后都能产生一个新的波长。

    The wavelength of the Raman laser is determined by the wavelength of the pump source and the Raman shift of the Raman gain medium . In theory , every pump wavelength can generate one corresponding new wavelength through SRS conversion .

  25. 受激拉曼散射属于三阶非线性效应,频率转换后的波长由泵浦光波长和拉曼介质的频移共同决定。

    SRS belongs to the third-order nonlinear optical effect , and the wavelength of the scattered light is determined by the wavelength of the pumped light and the Raman shifts of the Raman-active media .

  26. 由拉曼光谱法的分析可知物质的振动、转动能级情况,研究了特定条件下拉曼峰值对应拉曼频移关系。

    By Raman spectroscopy analysis it can know the situation of the material vibration and rotational level , at the same time study of the Raman peak corresponds to the Raman frequency shift by the specific condition .

  27. 观察比较不同温度下多孔硅样品的拉曼谱趋向,发现在激光功率与样品温度之间的关系曲线上分为三个过程,与拉曼频移和拉曼强度的曲线相一致。

    The Raman spectra of PS in different temperature are compared . The trend of spectra is observe . The curve of the relationship between laser power and sample temperature is showed as three processes .

  28. 论文先介绍了微拉曼光谱法的基本原理、仪器组成和测量环节,给出常用的树脂和纤维的拉曼光谱,解释了与应变相关拉曼蓝移现象,给出拉曼频移与应力的标定实验方案。

    The basic principles , instrument and measurement aspects of MRS were introduced . Raman spectra of some resins and fibers were given to explain the phenomenon of Raman blue shift related to strain . The calibration schemes for Raman shift vs. stress were given .