
  • 网络subsidiary organs
  1. 大会得设立其认为于行使职务所必需之辅助机关。

    The General Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its function .

  2. 乡(或相当于乡的市)没有正式的司法机关,但设有司法辅助机关,主要工作是进行调解,构成边区司法工作的重要组成部分。

    There was no formal judiciary in township ( or the equivalent of township or city ), but subsidiary organs of justice carrying out mediation that constituted an important part of justice administration in the Border .

  3. 这些机关经历了从最高国家权力机关的辅助机关到独立国家机关的变化。

    These organs changed from the auxiliary body of the highest organ of state power to the independent organs .

  4. 第五章:完善我国上市公司内部辅助监督机关的探讨。

    Chapter four : Discussion on how to improve the board of supervisors , the special supervising organ of the domestic listed companies .