- Cofactor;accessory factor;auxiliary factor;helper factor

The secretion apparatus of the type ⅴ secretion system is simple and no energy coupling or accessory factor seemed to be required for the translocation process .
Juvenility cofactors have been identified as terpenes .
Which was independent of platelet aggregation or heparin cofactor activity .
Plasma heparin cofactor activity was measured by chromogenic method .
Fox also may have an accomplice or " co-factor " in or around epithelial cells that prompts it to activate , the researchers said .
Secondly , setting up the thematic maps and attributes data bases of all factors of different classification levels using GIS as platform , and accomplishing the pre-classification of every level by overlaying the thematic maps .
Objective To explore the physiological significance of the anticoagulation effect of heparin cofactor ⅱ( HC ⅱ) in vivo and investigate the pathogenesis of the development of thrombosis in hypertensive pregnancy .
Tissue factor ( TF ), a receptor on the cell surface of factor VII as well as a coactive factor to activate factor VII , plays an essential role in hemostasis through the activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways simultaneously .
Individuals who express an identical phenotype without THRB mutations are believed to have defects in cofactors for the actions mediated by the nuclear TH receptor .
Complement regulatory factor CD46 is identified as a physiological costimulatory molecule for T cell activation . It can induce IL-10 production in CD4 + T cells .
At the same time , FAD was a cofactor that was indispensable to the activity of sulfhydryl oxidase of ALR , and it maybe helps the mutation protein at the time of renaturation .
Selection and analysis of auxiliary factors using sampling method of sub-compartment
Magnesium ── The Important Assistant Factor of Energy Metabolism in the Human Body
Studies of Protein Refolding Facilitated by Folding Aids
These enzymatic reactions may do not need any cofactor and do not release electrons .
Effects of homocysteine on human vascular endothelial cells , platelet aggregation and heparin cofactor activity
Inhibition of the cytotoxicity of human complement by porcine endothelial cells expressing human membrane cofactor protein
The Important Role of Three Auxiliary Factors of Mammalian Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Complex in The Cellular Signaling Network
Inorganic compounds , particularly metallic ions and complexes , are essential cofactors in a variety of enzymes and proteins .
These are likely to be a multi-step processes , which are assisted by many nuclear-encoded auxiliary and regulatory proteins .
Mg2 + is an important cofactor of many enzymes in the yeast metabolism and it 's density effects directly the fermentation of beer .
The biosensor based on fresh tender corn umbilicus pulp has a long usable lifetime and fast potentiometric response without additional cofactor of Pyruvate decarboxylase .
Copper is one of the essential trace elements in the body , plays an important role in various physiological processes as a catalytic cofactor .
In this process , human protein Lens epithelium-derived growth factor ( LEDGF / p75 ) is discovered to function as a cellular cofactor for the integration .
Modulation of type ⅰ iodothyronine 5 ' - deiodinase activity by selenium is probably due to selenium 's direct role as a cofactor of the enzyme ;
A third approach that bypasses the redox imbalance issue is to replace the reductase and dehydrogenase with one enzyme xylose isomerase that can be expressed in yeast .
Hyperimmune eggs contain the same amount of protein , calories and fat as regular eggs , but are enriched with advanced immune co-factors through a technology similar to human vaccination .
Results Steroid receptor coactivators are essential for several kinds of steroid hormones binding to steroid receptors , so they are important accessory factors that induce the initiation , development and recurrence of breast cancer , and predictive factors that estimate the prognosis of breast cancer .
Forster established the essentiality of minerals as accessory food factors required for maintaining life .
Determination of ETO interaction domain within nuclear receptor co-repressor