
qīng zài
  • underloading;fractional load;light
轻载 [qīng zǎi]
  • [light] 载货少或不载货的

  • 船轻载而归

轻载[qīng zài]
  1. 并着重分析比较了在轻载和重载两种工况下齿侧间隙变化对系统的非线性动力学响应特性的影响,为我们今后在工程实践中合理设计齿侧间隙提供理论依据。

    Specially this article has compared teeth side clearance change to the system non-linear dynamics response characteristic influence in the underloading and the heavy load two kind of operating mode .

  2. UPS不宜长期处于满载或过度轻载状态下运行;

    UPS should not be used in the fully-loaded or over-light loaded state .

  3. 轻载机器人与AR控制技术的融合是专门为装配线上的工人们设计。

    The integration of light-load robots and AR control systems are especially designed for workers on the assembly line .

  4. 轻载或空载时软开关DC-DC变换器的实现及仿真研究

    Soft-switching DC-DC Converter with Light - or Nearly No-load

  5. 自动跳跃式PFM工作模式保证了轻载下的高效率。

    The auto-skip PFM mode boosts conversion efficiency during light load . 6 .

  6. 为提高轻载时的变换效率,必须使变换器工作在电流断续模式(DCM)。

    The converter must work in DCM for improving the transform efficiency when the load is light .

  7. 为满足谐波要求,传统的变压器式可调电抗器(ControllableShuntReactorofTransformerType,CSRT)在轻载时存在一段不可调的死区。

    On satisfying the harmonic requirement , conventional controllable shunt reactor of transformer type ( CSRT ) has a dead zone under light-load condition .

  8. 不锈钢在Cl~-+H2SO4溶液中轻载下的腐蚀磨损

    Corrosive wear of stainless steel in cl  ̄ - + h_2so_4 solution under low loads

  9. 但在一些应用条件下,比如工作在轻载状况下或是给RF供电时,DC/DC的静态电流及开关噪声就显得比较大了。

    Conditions in some applications , such as work in the light load conditions or when to RF power , DC_DC quiescent current and switching noise becomes greater .

  10. 在轻载或空载时由于存在大的功率损耗,双极性PWM控制只能被应用于中、小功率伺服控制系统。

    As the existing great power consumption of empty-load or light-load , the bipolar PWM control can be applied only in small or middle power servo control systems .

  11. 重点分析了eXtremeProgramming轻载软件开发方法,并对eXtremeProgramming方法加以优化,以使其更适合我国的软件开发业。

    It also analyzes a lightweight software development method , Extreme Programming in detail . In addition , some optimizations are given in order to make XP fit the circumstances of software industry inside the country .

  12. 一种适于MMOG的轻载服务器寻找算法及分析

    A Finding Less-loaded Server Algorithm Based on MMOG and Analysis

  13. 220kV主变压器低压轻载时电容器的运行

    Capacitor Operation of 220 kV Main Transformer Under Low Voltage Side Light-load

  14. 本文基于开关控制升压原理,采用CMOS工艺,设计研制出一种高稳定性,低功耗,轻载时具有较高转换效率的新型低压直流转换电路。

    Based on the switch control voltage boost principle , novel DC-DC converters are designed using CMOS technology , achieving high stability low power consumption and high conversion efficiency of light load .

  15. 基于PIC16F877单片机的交流异步电动机轻载运行的节能装置

    A Study on Energy-saving for AC motor Light-load Operation

  16. 它在重载下工作于电流控制模式,轻载下工作于脉冲频率调制(PFM)模式来降低功耗。

    It operates both in current mode at high output load and in pulse frequency modulation ( PFM ) at light load to reduce the power dissipation .

  17. 该负载均衡算法以最小化负载重分配时CPU间消息发送、接受的数量为目标,根据过载、轻载CPU数量的变化动态调用D算法和R算法,以降低负载均衡开销。

    The algorithm aims to minimizing maximum number of messages sent or received by a processor . The algorithm call D algorithm or R algorithm according the difference between overload processor and load-deficiency processor for reducing the cost of load redistribute .

  18. 可独立与并网双模式运行的逆变器在并网模式下,由于输出滤波电容的影响,在轻载时进网电流ηTHD高,输出功率因数低。

    In grid-tied mode , because of the effect of the output filter capacitor , the grid-connected inverter has high THD of the grid current and low power factor at light load .

  19. 实验表明,其最大输出功率为10kW,功率因数达到0.99,轻载时直流母线电压小于800V。

    The DC-link voltage is below 800V and the power factor of the system is above 0.99 .

  20. 所设计芯片在重载和中载时工作于PWM模式,在轻载时工作于LDO模式,实现了低噪声与高效率的优化组合,有效地节省了应用成本。

    The chip will work in PWM Mode at heavy and medium load while in LDO Mode at light load , which implements optimization and combination between low noise and high efficiency and can save the cost for application .

  21. 针对石油开采中电动机长期处于相对轻载状态的问题,提出了规则自调整的RL模糊神经网络模型,并将其应用于抽油机的间歇控制中。

    Aiming at long-term relatively light condition of motor in petroleum exploitation , we proposed a rule self-regulating RL fuzzy neural network model , that was applied to the intermittent control of pumping units .

  22. 与脉冲密度调制(PDM)功率控制DC/AC逆变换器相比,具有输出电流平稳,控制脉冲分布均匀、电流连续等优点,即使在轻载情况下,也能使逆变器输出电流波动变小。

    This PSM serial-resonant DC / AC inverter performs better than PDM ( Pulse-Density Modulated ) power control DC / AC inverter by ways of smooth power output , symmetrical pulse distribution , continuous output current while very little fluctuation even in the condition of light load and so forth .

  23. 弹流润滑计算初步表明,在轻载(0.1MPa)下,凹面型轴承中不可能存在完全流体膜将轴颈与轴承全部分隔开,但可能形成宏观尺度的流体膜。

    EHL analysis reveals that at low load , for concave-type bearing , it is impossible to form a hydrodynamic water film to separate the shaft and the rubber completely .

  24. 传统移相全桥ZVSDC/DC变换器具有两个主要的缺点:一是副边占空比丢失较大,二是变换器在轻载时无法实现滞后桥臂开关管的ZVS。

    There are two disadvantages in the traditional FB PS ZVS DC / DC converter : one is the loss of duty cycle of output voltage of secondary winding is high , the other is it is hard to realize ZVS for the lagging arm in light load condition .

  25. 整个试验在格拉斯哥大学流体动力实验室完成,测量了轻载和满载下SchiehallionFPSO的运动及波浪载荷。

    The whole experiments to obtain the FPSO motions and sea loads were carried out in the Hydrodynamics Laboratory of University of Glasgow with a 1 / 80 scale model of Schiehallion FPSO in both fully loaded and ballast conditions .

  26. 在高速轻载时,Ni-Fe-W合金镀层在摩擦过程中会生成有弥散强化作用的中间硬质相和起固体润滑作用的氧化物,使其磨损表现为轻微的磨粒磨损。

    Result shows that with high velocity and light loads , the frictional and wear mechanism is slight abrasion wear due to the generation of dispersion strengthened intermediate harden phase and solid lubricative oxide during the process of friction .

  27. 进行了芳纶(Twaron)帘线动态力学性能和疲劳性能的研究及其在轿车子午线轮胎、轻载子午线轮胎、工程机械轮胎缓冲层中的应用试验。

    The dynamic and fatigue properties of aramid ( Twaron ) cord were investigated and a study was made on the application of aramid cord to radial passenger car tire , radial light truck tire and OTR tire .

  28. 最终鉴于CPDM相对于PDM的优越性,实现非对称电压控制与CPDM控制相结合的控制方法来调功,使得调功精度更高,而且能够实现轻载时电流的连续。

    Finally , in view of the superiority of CPDM compared with PDM , we achieve a combination of Asymmetrical Voltage-Cancellation Control and CPDM control to achieve the power adjustment . As a result it obtains higher accuracy , and it can achieve continuous of the currents in light load .

  29. 紧密型钢丝帘线在全钢轻载子午线轮胎中的应用

    Application of compact steel cord in all-steel radial light truck tire

  30. 轻载电动机改延边三角形结线运行的节电分析

    Power-Saving Analysis on Light load Motor with Lengthening Triangle Winding Connection