
ruǎn wò
  • soft sleeper ;sleeping carriage with soft (or cushioned)berths
软卧 [ruǎn wò]
  • [soft berth] 火车卧车上舒适柔软的铺位;软席卧车

  • 如果在软卧,她就会用另一种口气说话

  1. 而冬季空调客车的软卧及硬卧车厢CO2浓度均超过国家卫生标准。

    In winter , the concentrations of CO 2 in soft berth and hard berth cars both exceeded the same standard .

  2. 本文以25T型空调软卧客车为研究对象,利用数值计算方法对不同气流组织下软卧包间内部的温度场、速度场、CO2浓度场的分布进行了模拟。

    In this paper , the distribution of temperature field , velocity field and CO2 concentration field in 25T air-conditioning soft sleeper compartment were studied by numerical method based on different air organization .

  3. 变制冷剂流量空调系统在列车软卧车厢中应用新概念

    New application of variable refrigerant flux air-conditioning system in sleeper trains

  4. 在大多数车站,我们还可以享受专门的软卧候车室。

    Most stations we'vebeen to also have special soft-ticket waiting areas .

  5. 请来两张下铺的票和一张软卧的票。

    Two lower bunks and a cushion sleeper , please .

  6. 我国既有线软卧空调客车车内噪声测试及结果分析

    Interior Noise Measurement and Analysis of the Existing Line First-dass Vehicle Passenger Compartment

  7. 软卧太贵了。差不多和飞机票一样贵。

    Soft sleeper tickets are too expensive . They 're almost as expensive as plane tickets .

  8. 列车员:软卧车厢在列车中部,6号车厢。

    The soft berth car is in the middle of the train , car Number Six .

  9. 对不起,硬卧没有了,只有软卧了。

    I 'm sorry , hard sleepers are sold out and we just have soft sleepers left .

  10. 椅子和其他坐椅的椅垫你想要软卧还是硬卧?

    Bottom for chairs and other seats Do you want a soft berth or a hard berth .

  11. 软卧包厢可睡4个人,包厢的门可以关。

    The soft sleepers are for 4 people and you have a door to close your compartment .

  12. 我们坐的是相当于印度火车一等的“软卧”。

    We had " soft berths " which is our equivalent to the first class in Indian trains .

  13. 如果乘火车出差,在适当的情况下,可选择软卧过夜。

    If traveling by train , there is the choice of a soft seat with sleeper accommodation overnight where appropriate .

  14. 张家口堡的堡城、楼阙、关厢和街道&张家口访古之一软卧包厢可睡4个人,包厢的门可以关。

    Castle of Zhangjiakou and Its Outer Town Streets ; The soft sleepers are for 4 people and you have a door to close your compartment .

  15. 那些违反偿还义务的“老赖”已经遭到了禁止购买飞机票、入住星级酒店,不得旅游,或是乘坐软卧出行。

    Those in violation of court-ordered debt obligations are already banned from purchasing air tickets , staying at rated hotels or resorts and riding sleeper trains .

  16. 外宾:硬卧车厢同软卧车厢有什么区别?乘客的火车整列都是坐厢或卧厢。

    What 's the difference between a hard berth sleeper and a soft-berth one ? A passenger train is made up of a line of cars or coaches .

  17. 还是我们幸运!但我们乘坐软卧的唯一原因是我们有一位伤了脚踝的客人,我们不能让她坐或站8个小时啊!

    Well , lucky us , but basically , the only reason we are in first-class is because , we have a guest with an injured ankle and we can 't let her sit and stand for8 hours .

  18. 注释:中国的火车分为软卧、硬卧、软座、硬座四个级别,票价依次递减。

    What 's the difference between a hard berth sleeper and a soft-berth one ? Note : There are four classes on the train : soft berth , hard sleeper , soft seat , hard seat . The prices are lowered accordingly .