
  • 网络Software Designer;software architect;Software developer
  1. 这是针对CIO、CTO或公司的软件设计师的一个新专栏的开始。

    This is the beginning of a new column directed at the CIO , CTO , or the software architect of a company .

  2. 就盖茨而言,他挂上了首席软件设计师的头衔。

    In Mr Gates ' case , he took the additional title of chief software architect .

  3. 他是Oracle认证的Java专业人员,担任Rational产品的软件设计师。

    He is an Oracle Certified Java Professional and works as a software designer for Rational products .

  4. 为实现Web服务,软件设计师不得不向他们的上级证实Web服务模式商业原理。

    In order to implement Web services , software architects will have to justify the business rationale of the Web services model to their superiors .

  5. 需求诱导(requirementselicitation)这个过程让软件设计师或工程师可以尝试发现特定应用程序的所有功能和特性。

    Requirements elicitation is a process whereby a software designer or engineer attempts to identify all the capabilities and features of a specific application .

  6. 软件设计师在设计最新最好的程序时,会瞄准最大的平台在移动计算机领域,苹果(apple)和android就是这一现象的获益者。

    Software designers will aim their best new stuff at the biggest platforms a phenomenon from which apple and Android are benefiting in mobile computing .

  7. 面向对象编程(OOP)和面相对象设计(OOD)的发展采用了设计模式和设计原则,模式设计就是给众多的软件设计师以结构合理、易于复用、易于维护的一些标准。

    The development of OOP and OOD adopt the design pattern and design ruling .

  8. 对戈斯来说,这个人就是帕特里克菲茨杰拉德(patrickfitzgerald)一位具有多年经验的软件设计师。

    For Mr Goss , that was Patrick Fitzgerald , who had years of experience as a software designer .

  9. 这些标准使得工程师和软件设计师可以通过将基于代码的开发进程转化为模型驱动的开发(MDD),来极大地改进效率。

    These standards enable engineers and software designers to significantly improve their productivity by transitioning from a code-based development process to model-driven development ( MDD ) .

  10. 同时文档还适用于软件设计师、架构师、甚至CIO,他们应该了解这些可能出现的弱点,并采取恰当的措施。

    But the document can also be used by software designers , architects and even CIOs , which should be aware of these possible vulnerabilities and take appropriate measures .

  11. 软件设计师可以基于面向方面的技术开发这样的一个机制,并且,面向方面技术应用于MDD框架包也是一个可以再利用的资产。

    The architect can develop such a mechanism based on aspect technology , and with the Aspects for MDD framework package it could be put up as a reusable asset .

  12. 微芯片制造商、视频游戏软件设计师和计算机公司。

    microchip makers , video game designers , and computer companies .

  13. 索尼有硬件与软件设计师,还有自己的商店。

    Sony has the hardware and software designers , as well as the stores .

  14. 软件设计师必须通过智能设计,定义并满足项目需求。

    The software architect must , through intelligent design , define and satisfy the project 's requirements .

  15. 即使最优秀的软件设计师也不能预料到随着时间的推移设计将显示和演化的所有方法。

    Even the best practitioners of software design can 't anticipate all the ways a design will manifest and evolve over time .

  16. 你说你能通过领带判定对方是软件设计师,还能通过左手看出对方是退休的管道工。

    You said you could identify a software designer by his tie and , what was it , a retired plumber by his left hand .

  17. 41岁的软件设计师帕克是一名追逐僵尸,他正在树荫下休息,这时两名装扮成猫王的男子出现在前面并向他慢慢跑来。

    Mr. Packer , a 41-year-old software designer , was a chaser . He was resting in the shade when two men dressed as Elvis emerged on the path up ahead and began jogging toward him .

  18. 在四兄弟很小的时候,他们的父亲--通用电气的软件设计师达林·韦德会对孩子诸如说谎等违规行为施以惩戒,比如,惩罚他们做仰卧起坐、俯卧撑,或围着街区跑圈等。

    When they were younger , their father , Darrin Wade , a software architect for General Electric , would punish disciplinary infractions like lying by making them do situps and push-ups and run around the block .

  19. 曹学林说:我大学时学的是数学,并不是计算机科学,然而毕业后我的第一份工作竟是软件设计师。他原本以为自己会成为一名数学老师,或者去一家研究机构工作。

    I studied mathematics at university , not computer science , but I began to work as a software designer after my graduation , said Cao , who initially thought he would become a math teacher or work for a research institute .

  20. 有此想法的并不止微软的软件总设计师一人。

    Microsoft 's chief software architect is not alone .

  21. 在计算机领域,建筑设计师就是硬件总设计师,戏院设计师就是软件总设计师。

    In the computer world , the construction architect is the chief hardware designer ; the theater architect is the chief software designer .

  22. 这款EOSmartConnecting2电动汽车是由德国不来梅机器人技术创新中心研发的,该团队由软件开发者、设计师、电子和结构工程师组成,他们最近三年都在改进这款智能微型车。

    The EO Smart Connecting Car 2 is an innovative design from DFKI Robotics Innovation Center , based in Bremen , Germany , where a team of software developers and designers , as well as electronics and construction engineers , have been refining the smart micro car project for the last three years .

  23. 服务实现是由软件架构师和设计师来完成的。

    Service realization is performed by the software architect and the designer .

  24. 她是一家软件公司的设计师。

    She 's a designer for a software company .

  25. 通过运用该软件,服装设计师可以大大提高等宽T恤衫条纹色彩设计的准确性、完整性和可用性。

    By using the software , the costume designer can greatly improve the accuracy , integrity and availability of color design on T-shirts with equal-width stripes .

  26. 在听到她的计划之后,余博雅的男友——某软件公司平面设计师决定帮助她实现这个想法。

    After hearing about the plan , Yu 's boyfriend , a graphic designer working for an IT company , decided to help turn her idea into reality .

  27. 亚马逊正在中国招聘包括互联网软件工程师和Alexa设计师在内的数百个职位,以此来收复其被阿里巴巴在世界上最大的在线购物市场上蚕食的部分份额。

    Amazon.com is hiring by the hundreds in China to fill jobs ranging from internet software engineers to designers for Alexa , positioning the company to recoup some of the market share it lost to Alibaba in the world 's largest online shopping arena .

  28. 如果没有软件,网络规划设计师和数据分析师又有什么用?

    What would all that planning and design by network and data analysts be worth without software ?

  29. 运用了基于XML的设计方法,使各种软件设计方法得以统一,便利交流和协作,容易发布,方便软件设计师和程序员协作,使基于Internet的软件开发模式成为可能。

    With XML based method and standard for software designing , various existing designing methods are unified , communications and collaborations between developers are facilitated , and thus Internet-based mode of developing software becomes possible .