
  1. 我们正在解决软件冲突,这样就不会再因此而产生此类问题。

    We 're working to resolve these conflicts so that they are no longer a factor .

  2. 理论推导和实践都表明,该结构占用较少的内核资源、也不引起软件冲突;而且实现简单、维护成本低、扩展性好。

    The experiments show that the architecture of IPSec VPN occupies more little core resources , does not results from the conflict of software , is implemented easily , has low maintenance cost and extends well .

  3. 由于服务器和客户端软件版本冲突,无法连接。

    The connection attempt failed because there 's a version conflict between the server and client software .

  4. 本文为面向方面软件开发冲突问题提供了解决方法,对面向方面软件开发在大型复杂软件系统开发中的应用提供了保证。

    This paper presents resolving methodology of aspect conflict , and provides assurance of applying the aspect-oriented technique in the large and complicated software system .

  5. 后台运行的某些内部应用软件发生冲突,结果导致产生登陆临时问题。

    Conflicts occur between some of the internal applications running in the background , and the end result can take the form of temporary login issues .

  6. 下一代通信软件中的特征冲突检测

    Detecting Feature Interactions in Next Generation Communication Software

  7. 开源软件与商业并不冲突,它是一种新兴的商业模式。

    Software opening a source and commerce do not conflict , it is a kind of burgeoning trade pattern .

  8. 如果您的软件包不与任何其它软件包冲突,那么您就不需要包含“Conflicts”信息,等等。

    If your package won 't conflict with any other packages , then you need not include the " Conflicts " information , and so on .

  9. 确保你只有一个杀毒软件,因为许多杀毒软件之间会相互冲突,并减慢你电脑的速度。

    Make sure you only have one antivirus , as many could conflict with eachother , and slow down your computer .

  10. 由于各种应用软件对计算机系统资源的使用需求不同,经常造成软件的冲突而死机,或者系统性能的下降。

    Because all kinds of applied software ask different the resources of computer system , Usually it will cause your computer to crash or performance to decline .

  11. 最后构建出web软件非功能需求层次模型。其次,消解Web软件非功能需求冲突。

    Finally construct web software non-functional requirements hierarchical model . Secondly , web software non-functional requirements conflict resolution .

  12. 尽管从技术上来说,要安装的软件包无须遵循这一约定,但您应该确保软件包名称不与某个正式Debian软件包冲突。

    Even though you technically do not need to adhere to this for your package to install , you should be sure that your package name does not conflict with an official Debian package .