
The adaptive mesh developed in80'is now considered the most perfect and more accurate method of grid generation .
Recognition of critical slip surface based on GA and SVM
Automatic searching most dangerous sliding surface of a homogeneous slope based on Bishop method
For the fcc-metals , the close-packed ( 111 ) surface energy is the lowest of these index surfaces .
According to the technique regulations , a method is offered to search automatically the most critical slip surface and calculate the optimal soil nail length . Furthermore , the corresponding program is compiled with Visual C + + .
Based on the assumption of circular slip surface and idea of genetic algorithm , a method which uses genetic algorithm to determine the most dangerous slip surface and the corresponding minimum safety factor is presented .
The most dangerous sliding surface search was realized through MATLAB programming , the programming also provides a visualization output for the calculation result . The applicability of the method in this paper was verified by engineering examples .
In addition , it search for the most dangerous slip surface of slope through the Geo-slope software under the current state and calculate the slope stability factor .
A fitness scaling technique is introduced into simple genetic alogrithm ( SGA ) to improve its convergence performance and an adaptive genetic algorithm ( AGA ) is proposed for the stability analysis and the most dangerous slip surface search of broken jointed rock slope .
Method of determining the most danger failure surface of soil
The determination of the critical slip surface and the corresponding stability factor .
Simulated Annealing Algorithm of Global Search for Critical Sliding Surface of Slope and Improvements
Defining the most dangerous failure surface in slope stability analysis is a key point .
The reinforce scheme was designed using portal double row anti-sliding piles and prestress anchor cable .
Application of accelerating hybrid genetic algorithm to searching for the most dangerous slip surface of slope
By this means , the ages of Oligocene-Pliocene sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces are determined .
How to ascertain the sliding surface and the factor of safety ( FS ) is the key problem of slope stability .
Studied on the change of stability factors with time and the equation between stability and time is linear regression for rainstorm .
The anti-shear failure safety factor and slide depth were calculated based on the established typical stratum under waves with different return periods .
The most dangerous sliding surface and the corresponding minimum stability coefficient of the deep excavations can be determined by using Equa-Arc algorithm .
The result indicated that with the delay of rainfall the slope safety lowered accordingly and the unstable sliding plane was the shallow slide .
Second , after calculating a series of factors of assumed slip surfaces , the minimum one is token as the critical slip surface .
For locating the critical failure surface , the particle swarm or the harmony method is used , which is an upper bound approach .
Thirdly , it uses Sweden strip method to find the most danger slippage face , and makes checking computation on its stability after supporting .
Compared with traditional methods this method demands less condition . If data file can be setup correctly it can search the critical slip curve successfully .
Found that the most dangerous slip surface search problem is actually solving the problem of the minimum of the Multimodal Multivariate Functions in the feasible region .
The position of the most dangerous sliding surface and the minimum safety factors of soil nailing support in different soil mass conditions were studied by this method .
For convenience , only the reliability index of the dangerous gliding plane is given , and the dangerous gliding plane is searched by the safety coefficient method .
An evolution program based on annealing chaos mutation operator and modified select operator is used to determine the most dangerous slip surface and the corresponding safety factor .
The selenium content variation displays a positive correlation with the sea level fluctuation curve , with the selenium content reaching a maximum at the highest marine flooding surface .