
  1. 可转换股票好于权证,因为以后这些银行应该不需要额外注资。

    Convertibles are better than warrants because the banks should not need additional capital infusions later .

  2. 可按面值转换股票的公司信用债

    Debenture convertible at par

  3. Uber被收购的可能性非常小,但万一出现这种情况,上述可转债将如何处理我们尚不清楚。我的猜测是它们可以按类似的估值水平转换成股票。

    No word on what happens to the convertible notes in the highly unlikely case Uber is sold , although my assumption is that the conversion calculation would be similar .

  4. 但他承认,必须通过“选装”(pickandmix)方式来确定哪些资本工具股票、可在资金紧张情况下转换为股票的债券、或其它债务应当用来构成系统缓冲。

    He admitted , however , that there would have to be a " pick and mix " approach over which capital instruments equity , bonds that can be converted to equity in situations of financial stress , or other debt should make up the systemic buffer .

  5. 区间数据矩阵转换在股票投资中的应用

    The Interval Data Matrix Transformation Applied for the Stock Investment

  6. 这种债券还可以转换成股票,赋予企业更多灵活性。

    The bonds can also convert into shares , giving companies added flexibility .

  7. 随着超过400亿美元的无担保债券将转换为股票,通用汽车的资产还将缩水。

    And the GM balance sheet would be downsized as over $ 40 billion in unsecured debt would be converted into equity .

  8. 投资形式一般是股票或可以在未来转换成股票形式的工具。

    The investment is usually in the form of stock or an instrument which can be converted into stock at some future date .

  9. 美国政府将以证券形式提供这些资金,根据需要,这些证券可转换为股票,以支持普通股。

    The government would provide this capital in the form of securities that converted into shares as needed to shore up common equity .

  10. 发行可转换为股票的公司债券,应当报请国务院证券管理部门批准。

    The issue of corporate bonds convertible into shares shall be submitted to the securities administration departments of the State Council for approval .

  11. 必要时,部分尚存的无担保债券将被转换为股票,所得资金用于支持上述过程。

    A portion of the surviving unsecured debt would be converted into equity , where needed , to provide capital to support the process .

  12. 其在未转换为股票前,由于票面利率比较低,在不考虑转股失败的财务风险时,资本成本确实很低。

    Before transforming to shares , cost of capital is indeed low . Because nominal interest rate is lower when financial risk is not included .

  13. 作为回报,这些股权单位将以高出参考价20%的价格转换成股票。

    In return , the units convert into stock at a premium of 20 per cent to the reference price , which will be set shortly .

  14. 公司债券可转换为股票的,除具备发行公司债券的条件外,还应当符合股票发行的条件。

    Corporate Bonds convertible into shares shall meet not only the requirements for the issue of Bonds But also the requirements for the issue of shares .

  15. 股票投资者(那些未能履行监督责任的人)失去了一切;债券持有人转换为股票持有者,可能也会损伤巨大。

    Equity investors ( who failed to fulfil their responsibility of oversight ) lose everything ; bondholders get converted into equity owners and may lose substantial amounts .

  16. 上市公司发行可转换为股票的公司债券,应当报国务院证券监督管理机构核准。

    To issue corporate bonds that may be converted into stocks , the listed company shall file an application with the securities regulatory institution for examination and approval .

  17. 发行可转换为股票的公司债券,应当在债券上标明可转换公司债券字样,并在公司债存根簿上载明可转换公司债券的数额。

    Corporate bonds convertible into shares shall be marked convertible corporate bonds , and the quantity of convertible corporate bonds shall be recorded in the corporate bond register .

  18. 由于可以转换成股票,这类债券所付的利息通常较低,因此它们对利率的变动不那么敏感。

    The conversion option usually lets the issuer offer a lower initial interest rate and makes the bond price less sensitive than conventional bonds to changes in the interest rate .

  19. 这意味着在可转债到期时,只有国美股价比债券发行时的参考价格高出50%以上,债券持有者将债券转换为股票才有利可图。

    This means that at maturity , the bondholders will only profit from converting the bonds into shares if Gome is trading at more than 50 per cent higher than the reference price at the time of issuance .

  20. 不过,通过让债券购买者有机会在日后将债券转换成股票,可转债发行人事实上向投资者提供了一种廉价的认购期权,一旦股市复苏,他们便可执行这一期权,并从中获利。

    By giving bond buyers the chance to convert their bonds into shares of the company at a later date , issuers are , in effect , granting investors a cheap call option that can be exercised at a profit if equity markets recover .

  21. 可转换债券和股票因素是否存在更好的办法来替代Fama-French三因素模型等等。

    Convertible bonds and stocks factor whether there is a better way to replace Fama-French three factors model and so on .

  22. 本文扩展Stein(1992)的模型,从控股股东角度出发考察在有控制权利益的情形下,企业对不同融资工具的选择,包括发行普通债券、可转换债券以及股票三种融资形式。

    This paper extends the model of Stein ( 1992 ) in order to study how the firms of different profitable abilities under the existence of private benefit of control choose their financing tools , including issuing bonds , equities and convertible bonds .

  23. 你能理解所有的条款,并知晓可转换票据和股票间的区别。

    You need to understand all these terms and also the difference between convertible notes and equity .

  24. 综合考虑国债因素、信用价差因素和可转换债券和股票因素等,评估债券型基金绩效。

    Considering Treasury bonds , credit spread , convertible bonds and stocks factors into bond fund performance evaluation .

  25. 你可以通过购买进期权这么做,其中,期权的转换价等于股票的现价。

    This is possible if you buy a call with the exercise price equal to the current share price .

  26. 可转换债券和股票,债券市场的信用价差等归纳为影响债券型基金收益率的主要因素。

    Convertible bond and stock , the bond market credit spreads and so on of the main factors influencing the bond fund returns .

  27. 城堡这样的可转债-套利基金引领了行业的复苏。它们利用企业可转换债券和股票之间的价格差异赚钱。

    Convertible-arbitrage funds , such as Citadel , have led the industry 's resurgence , exploiting pricing discrepancies between corporate convertible debt and equity .

  28. 发行可转换债券对公司股票价格影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis for the Effect of Stock Price of Convertible Bonds Issuing

  29. 介绍了可转换债券同时具有股票、债券和期权的特性。

    Introduces that the convertible bond has the characteristics of stock , bond and option .

  30. 其中,可转换债券由于兼具股票与债券的双重功能,是一种安全性较高的投资品种,逐渐被广大投资者所接受。

    Possessing the double function of stock and bond , transformable bond is an investment with high surety and is being accepted by investors .