
chē qián
  • snokeweed;Asiatic plantain
车前 [chē qián]
  • [Asiatic plantain] 一种多年生草本植物,叶丛生于基部,叶片卵椭圆形,花白色,穗状花序,花轴由叶丛抽出;蒴果椭圆形,种子黑褐色

车前[chē qián]
  1. 车前子水提取条件的探讨及冲剂的制备

    Studies on the Extraction Conditions of Asiatic Plantain Seed ( Plantago asiatica ) and Its Preparation into Granular Dosage Form

  2. 车前草的理化性质和红外光谱特征

    Asiatic Plantain 's Physics and Chemistry Nature and Infrared Spectrum Characteristic

  3. 他冒着雨急匆匆地跑到巡逻车前。

    He hurried through the rain , to the patrol car .

  4. 我灭了车前灯后下了车。

    I doused the headlights and got out .

  5. 有什么东西突然冲到我的车前,我的车撞到它了。

    Something darted out in front of my car , and my car hit it

  6. 一只海鸥突然扑到她的车前,她急忙猛踩刹车。

    A seagull swooped down in front of her car , causing her to slam on the brakes .

  7. 车前灯掉了。

    A car headlight has come off .

  8. 搭校车前她给了我一个大大的拥抱。

    She gave me a big hug before catching her school bus .

  9. 保罗下车把巴迪抬到车前座上。

    Paul got out and lifted Buddy to the front seat of his car .

  10. 如果没有压力,你也许无法从车前及时地跳开。

    You may not be able to jump out of the car 's way soon enough without the stress .

  11. -14-在下雨天开车要减慢车速,车前有老人、小孩、宠物时放慢车速。

    Drive slower in the rain , especially when old people , children or dogs are nearby .

  12. 迈克尔的尸体不偏不倚正好落在他妈妈的车前,这位可怜的妈妈将车马上停了下来,跳下车,跪在迈克尔的身边,抽搐地哭了起来,她被震惊了,脑海一片混乱。

    Michael 's mother slammed the brakes as the body of her son landed in front of her . She leapt from the car and fell to her knees by him , sobbing19 in shock and confusion . There was no need to look for a pulse .

  13. 重金属Ni对车前草的生长和发育有影响,延长了营养生长期一至两周;

    The stage of nutrition growth of Plantain was delayed .

  14. HPLC测定车前草提取物中熊果酸、齐墩果酸的含量

    Determination of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in plantago major extractive matter by HPLC

  15. 基于FTIR反射光谱-化学计量学方法的三种车前草分析研究

    Studies on the Herba Plantaginis of Different Kinds and Habitats by FTIR Reflection Spectroscopy-Chemometrics Analysis

  16. ICP-AES法测定车前子中无机元素

    Determination of Inorganic Elements in Plantago by ICP-AES

  17. 在双轴汽车悬架KC特性试验台上进行了对标车前、后悬架的KC特性试验,得到其悬架KC特性试验结果数据。

    With the dual-shaft suspension K C characteristics test bench , the suspension K C performance test result data of the front and rear suspension were got .

  18. 方法:用高脂饲料喂饲健康成年SD大鼠3个月,诱发高脂血症的同时,分别加入不同剂量的车前子,观察其对血脂及抗氧化作用的影响。

    Methods : A hyperlipidaemia model was established by feeding SD adult rats with high lipid diets for 3 months .

  19. 在A车前底板CAD数学模型的基础上,对结构进行简化处理,分析了该结构的动力学性能。

    Based on the CAD mathematics mode of the front body floor of vehicle A , the structure is simplified , and the dynamics performance is analyzed .

  20. 车前子对晶状体氧化损伤所致LEC凋亡抑制作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Semen Plantaginis Inhibiting LEC Apoptosis Induced by Oxidative Damage of Lens

  21. 这头受惊的黑白花奶牛将Robert的车前盖砸出了一个坑,然后又反弹到繁忙的马路上。Robert的雪铁龙C5也因此报废了。

    The frightened Friesian has written off Robert 's Citroen C5 after denting the bonnet and breaking a wheel after bounding onto the busy road .

  22. 首先,19岁的KevinSchumann提早避开了车前代表孩子的大型充气玩具。

    At first , nineteen-year-old Kevin Schumann easily avoided large , dolls thrown in front of the car to represent children .

  23. 通过建立板簧总成片与片之间的接触单元,采用ANSYS有限元分析软件对某一新型混合动力牵引车前悬架的上、下板簧总成的刚度和强度进行分析。

    Stiffness and strength of upper and lower leaf spring assembly of the front suspension in a new compositely powered traction vehicle are calculated respectively with the ANSYS finite element analysis software .

  24. 方法本研究用18~22g的雄性ICR小鼠75只,按体重均衡分为5组即:阴性对照、便秘模型对照和三个剂量组(饲料中车前谷粉含量为0.3%、0.6%和1.8%)。

    Methods 75 mice of 18 - 22 g ICR were divided into 5 groups .

  25. 并以对标车的K&C特性曲线的斜率为目标,在Insight模块对目标车前、后悬架硬点进行整体灵敏度分析。

    And in marked cars on the K & C characteristics of the slope as the goal , in the ADAMS / Insight , the target vehicle before and after the suspension hard points in the overall sensitivity analysis .

  26. 结果表明:车前植株中N、P、K含量为K>N>P;整个生育期间,根系吸收的氮首先在叶片中积累,然后逐渐转移到穗和种子中;

    The results showed that the order of the content of K , N and P in the total plant was K > N > P , during the whole growth stages , the N absorbed by root accumulated in leaf firstly , then transferred to spikes and seeds gradually .

  27. 结论:车前草和杜仲的乙酸乙酯和正丁醇提取物对TAA急性肝损伤有明显的保护作用,其作用机制可能与清除自由基,保护肝细胞膜,抑制肝细胞凋亡有关。

    Had obviously protective effects on TAA acute liver damage , which might be related the effect of anti-oxidation , protection of liver cell membrane and inhibition of liver cell apoptosis .

  28. 长叶车前花叶病毒上海株(RMVsh)外壳蛋白基因的克隆、序列分析及原核表达

    Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Gene of Ribgrass Mosaic Virus Shanghai Isolate and Expression in E. coli

  29. 采用虚拟样机技术,借助于ADAMS软件这个操作平台,针对某商务车前悬架建立了多体动力学模型,并对其进行运动学仿真分析。

    This paper introduces the methods of using the virtual prototypical technology , with the aid of in ADAMS software this operation platform , in view of some commercial vehicle in front of the suspension establishment dynamics model , and carries on the kinematics simulation analysis to it .

  30. 中药口服痛风颗粒(土茯苓、蚕沙、威灵仙、粉萆薢、重楼、徐长卿、车前子等组成)。每日3次,1次1包(10g),共服2周。

    Gout medicine granules ( Tufuling , silkworm excrement , Clematis , Bixie , Chonglou , Xu Changqing , Plantago etc. ) . 3 times a day , 1 package ( 10g ) for once , serving a total of 2 weeks .