
  • 网络Multinational Corporation Management;TNCs Management;MNC's Management
  1. 为了使会计能适应当代国际经济的发展,满足我国加入WTO以后对会计工作的要求,以及国际投资和跨国公司管理的需要,近年来,国际会计界日益重视不同国家之间会计的比较研究。

    In order to suit to the international economic development , the circle of international accounting has stressed more and more importance to the study of international accounting comparison so as to meet the need of international investment and multinational corporation management .

  2. 跨国公司管理中的文化整合与跨文化商务沟通研究

    Cultural Synergy in Multinational Corporation Management and Intercultural Business Communication Study

  3. 跨文化沟通是跨国公司管理中的重要方面。

    Cross-cultural communication is an essential aspect in multinational management .

  4. 《跨国公司管理》案例教学法应用的思考

    The Thinking of Case Teaching Method in Transnational Corporation Management

  5. 利益相关者理论在跨国公司管理体系中的应用

    The Application of the Stakeholder Theory to the Management System of TNCs

  6. 在华跨国公司管理本土化及其影响分析

    Managerial Localization and Impact of Transnational Corporations in China

  7. 跨国公司管理模式探析

    Analysis on Management Model of Transnational Corporation

  8. 提出跨国公司管理者胜任素质及其关键行为。

    Core competence and key performance of managers for achieving corporation strategy in multinational company .

  9. 跨国公司管理移植的理论框架研究

    Multinational management transplant 's theory framework research

  10. 其二,从管理成本、决策模式、员工激励、组织沟通等不同视角考察文化差异对跨国公司管理诸环节的影响。

    The crucial point of cross-culture management is to study how the cultural difference affects various managerial links .

  11. 在此基础上,本文分析了跨国公司管理汇率风险的运营性对冲战略,并用数个指标将这些战略量化,通过这些指标对汇率风险的影响,分析了运营性对冲的绩效。

    The paper also presents analysis of the operational hedging strategies and measures the hedging effect through some indexes .

  12. 进出口关税税率等变量,建立模型的目的在于帮助跨国公司管理者制定转让定价政策。

    The objectivity of formulating the model is to help the corporation management evaluate the effect of transfer price decision on the worldwide profit .

  13. 文章试图以西安杨森为例,就跨国公司管理中伦理力建设提出几点建议。

    The author attempts to introduce Xian-Janssen , then promote several suggestions for the construction of the ethic power in the transnational corporation management .

  14. 诺凡麦的管理团队拥有丰富的跨国公司管理经验,且深谙中国的医药销售和营销之道。

    The China management team is all MNC experienced and have a proven track record in the sales and marketing of the pharmaceutical industry in China .

  15. 但是,相关实证研究却表明,缘于母国文化的跨国公司管理模式,对于海外子公司营销战略的制定并无显著的相关关系。

    However , empirical studies showed that there were no significant correlations between the management patterns of MNCS that base on home culture and the formulation subsidiaries ' marketing strategies .

  16. 本文在分析跨国公司管理本土化的全球趋势与特征的基础上,重点考察在华跨国公司管理本土化的发展过程及其背后的推动因素,分析在华跨国公司管理本土化对我国的影响。

    Based on an analysis of the trend and characteristics of managerial localization of transnational corporations , this paper focuses on discussing the developmental process , the driving factors , and the impacts on China of the managerial localization of transnational corporations in China .

  17. 跨国公司战略管理子系统&业绩评价系统研究

    Study on the Performance Evaluation System of Multinational Corporations Strategic Management Subsystem

  18. 跨国公司绿色管理战略选择及启示

    Multinational Companies ' Green Management Strategies Choice and Its Implication

  19. 研究跨国公司财务管理的新方法&整体模型法

    Integral Model Method & A New Method to Study MNC Financial Management

  20. 跨国公司风险管理中的内部审计问题研究

    Research on the Internal Audit of Risk Management in the Multi-national Companies

  21. 有大的跨国公司和管理的采购背景经验。

    Have the procurement background in large multinational companies and management experience .

  22. 跨国公司盈余管理中的转移价格

    The Transfer Prices in the Earnings Management of MNCs

  23. 联合国跨国公司和管理司

    Transnational Corporations and Management Division of the United Nations

  24. 跨国公司风险管理及内部控制程序介绍

    Risk Management and Internal Control Procedure of Multi-national Companies

  25. 利用金融创新优化跨国公司财务管理

    On Optimizing the Financial Management of the Transnational Corporations By Utilizing Financial Innovation

  26. 跨国公司的管理组织分权化。

    The plural of the transnational corporations ' management .

  27. 经济全球化背景下美国跨国公司战略管理研究

    A Study on U.S. Transnational Corporations Strategic Management on the Background of Economic Globalization

  28. 跨国公司知识管理的模式分析

    Models of Knowledge Management of the Multinational Corporations

  29. 论新经济对跨国公司财务管理的影响

    Research On The Influence of New Economy on the Financial Management of Multinational Company

  30. 你也许会重视我发表的一篇与贵公司类似的有关跨国公司的管理战略的文章。

    You may prefer my professional thesis on management strategy for multinational corporation like yours .