
  1. 中国政府要求越方立即采取坚决有效措施,确保所有在越中国企业和人员的安全。

    The Chinese government is urging the Vietnamese side to immediately take effective measures to protect the safety of Chinese citizens and enterprises in Vietnam .

  2. 印度越来越担心中国对印度洋航道的影响,而中国则对印度在南中国海(SouthChinaSea,中国称南海)勘探石油保持警惕。

    India is increasingly worried about China 's influence over Indian Ocean shipping lanes , while China is wary of India 's oil-exploration in the South China Sea .

  3. 他们似乎越来越担心中国经济增速的放缓。

    They appear to be increasingly concerned about China 's economic slowdown .

  4. 尽管巴基斯坦是美国的长期盟友,但它却越来越将中国视为其首选供应商。

    Although a long-time ally of the US , Pakistan increasingly views China as a supplier of choice .

  5. 现在越来越难说中国是否能相对地不受全球金融危机的影响。

    It is growing harder to say that China is relatively immune from global financial and economic problems .

  6. 加长车型越来越受到中国消费者的青睐,就连一些强调运动性的豪华型中级车也不例外。

    The Long Wheelbase Version of cars get more popular in China , and that also includes the SUV .

  7. 安妮:希望北体大越办越有中国特色。

    Annie : We hope that the running of the Beijing University of Physical Education has more and more Chinese characteristics .

  8. 随着改革开放的进一步深入,民营经济越来越成为中国经济增长的一大热点。

    Private enterprises are becoming a highlight in the Chinese economic growth with the deep going of Reform and Opening policy .

  9. 澳大利亚以高等教育和旅游为龙头的主导产业服务业,也越来越依赖中国客户。

    Australia 's leading services sectors , led by higher education and tourism , are also increasingly dependent on Chinese clientele .

  10. 随着这些自然资源的长期开发,其储量迅速下降,由于开发造成的环境问题也越来越受到中国的关注。

    With the long-term exploitations , the reserves of natural resources decline rapidly and the environmental problems become more and more serious .

  11. 随着对英语口语交际的需求和要求的增加,口语交际越来越成为中国英语教和学的一大挑战。

    With the increasing demands of oral communication , it poses a great challenge for both English teaching and learning in China .

  12. 韩国公布的最新贸易数字显示,朝鲜越来越依赖中国来满足其经济方面的需求。

    New trade data released by South Korea shows that North Korea is becoming increasingly dependent on China for its economic needs .

  13. 在眼下澳大利亚经济越来越依赖中国这样的国家的时候,从来源看其人口构成正越来越亚洲化。

    Australia 's population is becoming more Asian in origin at a time when its economy has grown dependent on countries like China .

  14. 随着中国的发展日益迅速,许多国外片商和制作人越来越关注中国纪录片。

    With the increasingly rapid development of China , much of foreign film companies and producers become increasingly interested in China 's documentary .

  15. 有迹象表明,平壤的野蛮举动及其对邻国的挑衅越来越让中国感到担忧。

    There are indications that China has grown steadily more concerned by the brutal goings-on in Pyongyang and the provocations staged against its neighbours .

  16. 研究表明,中国工业结构越来越符合中国的资源和要素禀赋,劳动力成本低廉的比较优势得到不断发挥。

    The results show that the adjustment of China 's industrial structure has been in line with its endowments of resources and factors to production .

  17. 人们越来越担忧中国房地产市场出现了不可持续的泡沫,这项新政策是北京方面对此做出的首个具体回应。

    The new policy is the first concrete response from Beijing to growing fears that an unsustainable bubble has formed in the real estate market .

  18. 另一个表述文化力量的词是“软实力”,一个近年来越来越挑战中国政策制定者和思想领袖的课题。

    Another word for cultural power is " soft power , " a subject that has increasingly over recent years challenged Chinese policymakers and thought leaders .

  19. 多发的安全生产事故正越来越成为中国的挑战,依法治安是实现长治久安的必然道路选择。

    Frequent industrial accidents are becoming an increasing a challenge in China , and the rule of law is the inevitable way to achieve long-term political stability .

  20. 一个欧洲商会组织周二表示,外资公司越来越担心中国的贸易保护主义和监管问题,这些问题会阻碍它们的投资和并购活动。

    Foreign companies are increasingly worried by protectionism and regulatory problems in China that can block their investments and acquisitions , a European business group said Tuesday .

  21. 企业文化是企业生存与发展的动力和源泉,越来越受到中国企业界的广泛关注和重视。

    Enterprise culture is the power and source of the enterprises ' survival and development . And it is getting more and more widespread concern and attention of Chinese enterprises .

  22. 完善社会保障体系已经越来越成为中国社会主义市场经济体制建立、改革和发展的重要课题。

    Perfecting the social security system has already become the important subjects of the setting up , reform and development of China 's socialist market economy system more and more .

  23. 费穆重视电影本体、讲究电影“空气”的“布置”、强调电影的民族审美情趣,他的这些电影观在今日已越来越受到中国电影界的重视。

    Today , Fei Mu 's opinion of movie , which emphasizes the noumenon , the atmosphere , and the nationality of movie , has drawn more and more attentions .

  24. 这表明世界越来越关注中国,也反映了各国的企业界加强合作,谋求发展的共同愿望。

    This indicates that the world has become increasingly concerned of China . It also shows the common desire of enterprises of all countries to strengthen cooperation and seek joint development .

  25. 随着中国高效农业的崛起,国外公司越来越关注中国农业市场,并把大量精力投入针对中国市场的新品种的研究和开发,纷纷在中国设立分公司,研发中心,试验示范推广农场等。

    With the rising of the Chinese agriculture , more and more foreigner seeds companies focus on Chinese market and put a lot of energy on the new varieties ' research and development .

  26. 然而,现代汽车的高管回到韩国后,越来越担心中国竞争对手正在科技和设计方面缩小与韩国的差距,对该公司而言,这种发展可能是灾难性的。

    Still , Hyundai executives returned home with growing fears that their Chinese rivals are closing the technological and design gap with South Korea a development that could be disastrous for the company .

  27. 在发达市场仍在竭力摆脱全球金融危机的影响之际,从巴西到新西兰,全球不少经济体越来越依靠中国来拉动增长。

    With developed markets still struggling to shake off the effects of the global financial crisis , economies from Brazil to New Zealand have become increasingly reliant on China as a locomotive of growth .

  28. 但食用素餐越来越受到中国知识分子阶层的青睐,方元和卢怿明相信在上海这座中国最为发达的城市,高档素餐馆的前景一片光明。

    But vegetarian eating is growing in popularity among China 's urban intelligentsia , and Fang and Lu were confident there were new opportunities for a high-end vegetarian restaurant in the country 's most sophisticated city .

  29. 随着企业战略管理在我国实践的不断深入,如何提升企业的战略执行力越来越为中国企业界所重视。

    With the development of the enterprise strategy management in our country 's practice , how to promote the enterprise ' strategy to be carried out is becoming more and more important to the Chinese enterprise .

  30. 的确,这是一种更具普遍意义的外交考验&未来数十年,中国在亚洲都会面临这种考验。亚洲国家越依赖中国经济,就越对中国的强大感到不安。

    Indeed , this is the broader diplomatic test that China faces in Asia over the coming decades . The more dependent Asian countries become on China 's economy , the more uneasy they will be about its power .