- excess;above quota;overfulfil the quota;overbalance;above the quota;exceed norm

[exceed norm;above quota] 超出规定数额
Credit cards can tempt you to overstretch yourself .
The amounts she borrowed were not excessive .
Planes are crowded , airlines overbook , and departures are almost never on time .
Anyone who has overpaid tax will be able to backdate their claim to last April .
He overfulfilled his production quota for two months running .
The production group has overfulfilled the quota today .
The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits .
It was rather hard to fulfill the task , but they held on and overfulfilled it .
Over 10 months , Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints , many relating to its monthly data cap and overage charges .
It just goes to show , if you set up your own business , you shouldn 't spend money you don 't have . "
Green tape refers to excessive environmental regulations and guidelines that must be followed before an official action can be taken , which may lead to delays and cost blowouts on projects .
The empirical study adopts two methods : cumulate abnormal return ( CAR ), and linear regression method .
The initial underpricing of Initial Public Offering ( IPO ) exists in many capital markets .
Binomial Option Pricing in the Case of Excess Kurtosis of Asset Returns
The surfaee layer of a well activated eathode consists of ( Ba , Sr , Ca ) O + Ba .
In excess of the relationship with the enterprise market competitiveness , the empirical results show that there is a significant inverted U relationship between them .
A gold mania probably won 't burst until we see , say , 'GoldontheMoon . com'raise $ 20 billion in a heavily-oversubscribed IPO .
To obtain the rating , the EFSF had to agree to an over-collateralisation .
It turns out that the overpricing of secondary market is strongly associated with the excess initial return , which is different from the Western countries essentially .
A new mixing rule was proposed by combining the hard-sphere three-parameter equation of state and the excess Gibbs energy model .
The results suggest that cumulative average abnormal return ( hereinafter CAAR for short ) of ST corporations is significantly positive in after restructuring , CAAR ascends and then falls ;
The F function modified cubic equation of state-FRKS and the improved binary interaction function by introducing the pressure factor , were used to correlate excess volumes of binary mixtures at high pressure .
By equal-weighted CAR , former researches on the long-run performance of Chinese IPOs have found that IPOs in Chinese stock exchanges outperform index in the three years after going public .
If an additional over-allotment of 63m shares of Facebook held by investors and underwriters are sold in the coming weeks , as they are expected to be , the IPO could surpass GM.
CHS then made the offer all-cash in April a week after tenet sued it for allegedly over-admitting patients to draw more money from Medicare .
On the basis of reviewing the existing literature , the paper examined the market reaction of the ultra-ability dividends payout announcement by Cumulative Abnormal Return method ( CAR ) The empirical result shows that the market reaction is quite impassive and even negative .
The results show that cumulative average abnormal return ( CAAR ) is significantly positive in three years after ST corporate restructuring .
Such levels of oversubscription ensure sharp rises on the first day of trading , enabling companies to boast of a " successful IPO " and rewarding investors for the long hours spent queuing .
You have to look for companies that ( a ) are selling cheap but ( b ) are committed to value creation , to doing something with their excess cash , to building book value per share , and to getting a good return on equity .
Excess molar volumes of mixtures of n , N-dimethylformamide and water and apparent molal volumes and partial molal volumes of n , N-dimethylformamide in water from 278 . 15K to 318 . 15K