
  • 网络superorganism
  1. 医生和生物学家很可能相信人类是超级有机体的说法,也有可能不加理会。

    Doctors and biologists may truly come to think of people as superorganisms .

  2. 这些优良的蛋白质纤维可以任由电子在其中来回穿梭,使细菌群成为一个超级有机体。

    These fine protein filaments could shuttle electrons back and forth , allowing communities of bacteria to act as one super-organism .

  3. 尽管关于超级有机体众说纷纭,尽管在人体间转移的东西很恶心,移植微生物的简易性远不是心脏或肾脏移植可比。

    For all the talk of superorganisms ( and despite the yuck factor of what is being moved from one body to another ), transplanting a microbiome is far easier than transplanting a heart or a kidney .