
chāo duì chèn
  • supersymmetry
超对称[chāo duì chèn]
  1. 线性对撞机上R宇称破缺超对称效应研究

    Study the effects of R-parity violating supersymmetry at linear colliders

  2. 动力学U(36/24)超对称性在轻核的表现

    Dynamical supersymmetry u ( 36 / 24 ) in light nuclei

  3. 最小超对称模型与b→s稀有衰变研究

    Study of b → s Rare Decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

  4. 3维O(N)超对称理论破缺机制

    Supersymmetry Breaking in Three Dimensional O ( N ) Supersymmetric Theories

  5. 最一般的超对称模型应该包含R宇称破坏的部分。

    The most general MSSM should contain the R-parity violating part .

  6. R宇称守恒与R宇称破坏的超对称模型在理论上地位是相同的。

    The R-parity violating MSSM and the R-parity conservative MSSM have the same theoretical status .

  7. 本论文是在R宇称破缺超对称模型中,我们系统研究了B介子弱衰变。

    In this thesis , we study the weak decays of B mesons in the RPV SUSY .

  8. 首先简要介绍了标准模型、超对称和B介子弱衰变。

    We first give a brief review on the SM , the SUSY and the B meson weak decays .

  9. 原子核中的U(6/4)超对称

    The u ( 6 / 4 ) supersymmetry in complex nuclear spectra

  10. 原子核动力学U(15/30)超对称群结构

    The group structure of supersymmetry u ( 15 / 30 ) in nuclei

  11. U(6/20)超对称性的U(5)极限

    U ( 5 ) limit of u ( 6 / 20 ) supersymmetry in nuclei

  12. 分析CP破坏与超对称模型,然后由超对称模型出发,认为u。

    CP violation and the supersymmetry model are analysed .

  13. 因此单top夸克伴随超对称粒子产生过程是研究R宇称破坏最小超对称模型的一个有力途径。

    So the single top quark production in association with a SUSY particle production process is a powerful way to study the R-parity violating MSSM .

  14. CP破坏与超对称模型

    CP Violation and Supersymmetry Model

  15. O(N)超对称手征模型中的非定域无穷多守恒流与Kac-Moody代数结构

    Nonlocal infinitely conserved currents and Kac-Moody algebraic structure of o ( n ) super-chiral model

  16. 超对称Boussinesq方程的Lax对表示

    The lax representation of the supersymmetric Boussinesq Equations

  17. 本论文主要是运用超对称量子力学的方法来研究带权的椭球波动方程在小c时的特征值和特征函数,包括两方面内容。

    In this thesis we will solve the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the spin-weighted spheroidal wave equation in case of small c by the way of supersymmetric quantum mechanics , it contains two parts .

  18. 径向Schrodinger方程的超对称性

    The Supersymmetry in The Radial Schrodinger Equation

  19. 在寻找超对称时,可能存在的破坏轻子数和重子数的R宇称破缺耦合受到了充分关注。

    The possible appearance of the R-parity violating ( RPV ) couplings , which will violate the lepton and baryon number conservation , has gained full attention in searching for the SUSY .

  20. Planck粒子、磁单极子和亚夸克超对称伴子的相互关联

    The correlation between a Planck particle , a magnetic monopole and a supersymmetry companion of a subquark

  21. 超对称WKB近似与一维无限深势阱

    The supersymmetry WKB approximation and the infinite well

  22. 超对称WKB近似简介

    A Brief Introduction of Supersymmetric WKB Approximation

  23. 多光子集体辐射原子的J-C模型超对称求解

    Solving the Jaynes-Cummings Model for Two Collectively Radiating Atoms in Multi-photon Procees by Supersymmetric Transformation

  24. 本文发现了描写双光子过程的Jaynes-Cummings哈密顿量的超对称结构。

    For Jaynes Cummings model which can describe two photon processes , it is found its supersymmetric structure .

  25. 二维超对称模型的超对称破缺和Witten指数

    Breaking of supersymmetry and Witten index in two-dimensional supersymmetric models

  26. ATLAS的目的是寻找黑格斯粒子,较重的类W、Z玻色子以及超对称粒子,研究基本费米子的结构以及B衰变中的CP破坏。

    The purpose of ATLAS is to find Higgs particle , heavy W and Z ' objects and super-symmetric particles and to investigate the structure of fundamental fermions and the CP violation in B-physics .

  27. 不对称级联型多电平变频器的分析及改进超对称WKB方法对Morse势能级的精确求解

    The Analysis and Improvement of Asymmetry Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Supersymmetric WKB Approximation and Morse Potential Exact Energy Spectra in SWKB Approximation Method

  28. 在最小超对称标准模型的框架内计算了gb→tH-过程产生截面的单圈超对称QCD修正。

    In this paper one loop SUSY QCD radiative correction to gb → tH - cross section is calculated in the context of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model .

  29. 证明了在球极坐标下,哈特曼势在维度r和维度θ都具有超对称性和形不变性,从而求得此势的能量本征值和能量本征函数。

    This article shows that in spherical polar coordinates , the Hartmann potential has supersymmetry and shape invariance in the r dimension and in the θ dimension , and thus it obtains the energy eigenvalues and energy eigenfunctions of this potential .

  30. 在FBF背景下带反射边界条件的超对称t-J模型的代数Betheansatz方法

    Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the Supersymmetric t-J Model With Reflecting Boundary Conditions in FBF Background