
tónɡ bù fú shè
  • synchrotron radiation
  1. 同步辐射X荧光技术在北极气溶胶和南极动物骨骼研究中的应用

    The Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence to Research on Arctic Aerosol and Antarctic Animal Bones

  2. 同步辐射X射线光刻掩模镀金工艺的研究

    Research on Process of Mask Au-Plating in Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Lithography

  3. C(60)粉末压片的同步辐射真空紫外反射光谱

    VUV reflection spectrum of C_ ( 60 ) compacted powder

  4. 用于大尺寸样品的同步辐射硬X射线衍射增强成像方法研究

    Anew diffraction-enhanced imaging set-up for large sample using synchrotron radiation X-ray

  5. 同步辐射软X射线对枯草杆菌的诱变效应

    Mutagenic Effect of Soft X-ray of Synchrotron Radiation on Bacillus subtilis

  6. 北京同步辐射装置X射线衍射实验站在材料科学研究中的应用

    Application of BSRF X-Ray Diffraction Station to Researches in Material Science

  7. 材料拉压加载试验实时同步辐射CT分析系统

    A Real-time Synchrotron Radiation CT System for Materials Analysis in Tension / Compression Testing

  8. 同步辐射X射线光刻中热辐射引起掩模畸变的研究

    Study of Mask Distortion Caused by Thermo-Radiation in Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Lithography

  9. X射线镂空硅掩模在同步辐射X射线深层光刻中的应用

    Application of X-ray stencil silicon mask in synchrotron radiation X-ray deep lithography

  10. 同步辐射X荧光微探针扫描分析氟碳铈矿物中的稀土元素

    Scanning Analysis of REE in Bastnaesite by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe

  11. 同步辐射X射线吸收光谱在环境矿物学中的应用

    Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Environmental Mineralogy

  12. 同步辐射X光束空间相干性的物理分析

    Analyses of Spatial Coherence of X Ray Beam from the Synchrotron Radiation

  13. 单颗粒大气气溶胶的同步辐射微束X射线研究

    Study of single aerosol particles using synchrotron radiation micro-beam X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

  14. 采用同步辐射装置,测试和研究了纳米金刚石薄膜在软X射线波段的透过率。

    NCD films are also tested for soft X-ray transmission by synchrotron radiation .

  15. 同步辐射X射线衍射的谐波成分计算

    Calculation on the harmonic diffraction of synchrotron radiation X-rays

  16. 同步辐射硬X射线弧矢聚焦单色化技术的研究

    Study on technology about hard X monochromatizing sagittal focusing beam in synchrotron radiation

  17. 同步辐射X射线光刻机中电机发热对进给工件台定位测量的影响

    The Influences of X-Ray Lithography System Motor on Positioning Measurement of Feeding Stage

  18. 同步辐射X射线衍射研究短链DNA/磷脂多层膜的结构

    Structure of solid-supported short chain DNA / lipid multilayers

  19. 同步辐射X射线衍射装置及其在结构生物学中的应用

    Synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction facility at NSRL and its applications in macromolecular crystallography

  20. 同步辐射X射线掠入射衍射实验技术及应用

    Development of Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Grazing Incident Diffraction Method

  21. 人造金刚石晶体缺陷的同步辐射X射线衍射形貌像浅析

    Study on Crystal Defects in Synthetic Diamond with Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Topography

  22. 单细胞凝胶电泳法检测研究同步辐射软X射线辐照引起的DNA损伤

    Studies of DNA damage induced by synchrotron radiation soft X-rays using single cell gel electrophoresis

  23. 用同步辐射X射线反射率法研究薄膜结构

    Study on the structure of thin film by X ray reflectivity with synchrotron radiation

  24. 用同步辐射X荧光分析法研究兔肝金属硫蛋白中的微量元素

    Study on trace elements distribution in rabbit metallothioneins by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis

  25. 大鼠脑切片样品的同步辐射X荧光分析

    Synchrotron radiation-xrf analysis of cut-sections of rat brain

  26. 金刚石的同步辐射X射线单色光形貌研究

    Monochromatic X-ray topography of diamonds with synchrotron radiation

  27. 同步辐射应用于软X射线探测器的标定

    Calibration of Soft X-Ray Detection with Synchrotron Radiation

  28. 合肥国家同步辐射X射线吸收精细结构实验站简介

    XAFS station of Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

  29. 同步辐射X荧光法测定电泳分离后蛋白条带内的锌

    Analysis of zinc in protein bands after electrophoresis separation by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence

  30. 同步辐射X射线光刻光束线真空系统设计

    Vacuum System Design for the X-Ray Lithograph Beam Line of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facilities