
  1. 田间试验和室内分析表明,沿黄稻区石灰性土壤常因pH值偏高、含锌量低而导致水稻缺锌,诱发赤枯病;

    Results from field test and lab. analysis in 1993 ~ 1994 showed that in rice-growing area of Yellow River Basin the rice plants , grown in limy soil with higher pH value and low zinc content , were induced stifle because of lacking zinc .

  2. 防治水稻赤枯病等一整套综合栽培技术。

    The control of rice red blight and so on .

  3. 古柏赤枯病病原菌的研究

    Study on the red blight of old juniper caused by Alternaria tenuis nees

  4. 氮钾平衡与条纹型水稻赤枯病发生关系的研究

    A study on the relation between n-k balance and occurrence of the streaked type Chi-Ku disease of rice plant

  5. 这种状况有利于二者在植物病害生物防治中协同作用的发挥,表明了两种微生物在松赤枯病生物防治中联合作用的可能性。

    This was beneficial to cooperative role of the mentioned two antagonists in plant disease control , and also showed that two antagonists had combination possibility in biocontrol of pine blight .

  6. 从防治效果的绝对值来看,预先接种病原菌方式在实际生产中表现为病害已发生再进行生防菌处理,这种情况对松赤枯病的控制无实际意义。

    From the absolute value of control effect ," Priority of the pathogen inoculation " means the disease has happened in the practice , the case is not meaning for controlling the pine needle blight .

  7. 能促进施用作物的光合作用,改善作物个体性状,叶片肥厚浓绿。可增强作物的抗病能力,水稻的赤枯病和纹枯病株率分别降低23.9%和6.0%,白菜软腐病下降0.9%。

    The new fertilization can promote the photosynthesis of crops , individual character , improve crops dark green , full and flesh and increase crop disease-resistant ability , the rice plants withered and Sheath Blight respectively reduce 23.9 % and 6.0 % , cabbage soft rot disease dropped 0.9 % .