
  • 网络Aromatherapy;Aromatherapy oil;Essential Oils;aromatherapy essential oil
  1. “香薰精油”并非纯精油,而是经过稀释的。

    ' Aromatherapy oils ' are not pure essential oils but dilutions .

  2. 这是为那些喜欢泰式按摩,而且喜欢结合特殊配制的香薰精油的客人准备的。能够带来双重放松好处,帮助增强人体免疫系统。

    For those Guests who enjoy a traditional Thai Massage combined with a choice of uniquely blended hydrating Aromatherapy oils to give the dual benefit of relaxation and help to boost the immune system .

  3. 主要成分:药用凡士林、天然保湿剂、香薰精油、渗透剂、维E等。

    Main components : medicinal Vaseline , natural moisturizers , essential oils , penetrants , vitamin E , etc.

  4. 售卖香薰精油、花水、基础油、底油、香水瓶、饰物、精华素、洁面乳、唇膏、润手霜、纤体油等。

    Sells essential oil , carrier oil , base oil , floral water , hydrolate hydrosol , perfume bottle , body oil , hand cream , cleaning lotion .

  5. 在她所工作的酒店,相对于男性管家而言,女性管家更有可能被分派负责诸如为周年庆祝准备房间这样的任务,这种情况下,管家会负责准备好从鲜花浴到香薰精油在内的所有事情。

    At her hotel , female butlers are more likely than their male colleagues to be assigned tasks such as the readying of rooms for anniversaries , where they prepare everything from flower baths to scented oils .

  6. 无火香薰挥发精油的使用环境怎样最佳?

    What is a good environment to use Aroma Reed Diffuser ?

  7. 无火香薰挥发精油是否可以喷洒在纺织物上,当香水使用?

    Can I use Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil on Fabric as perfume ?

  8. 香薰植物精油主要成分的气相色谱/质谱分析

    Analysis of main components in fumigation essential by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry

  9. 无火香薰挥发精油的保质期是多久?存放条件怎样?

    How long does the Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil last ? How do I storage it ?

  10. 无火香薰挥发精油是一种日用品,买来就是为了净化空气、舒缓压力、放松心情的。

    Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil is for giving you a relaxed , cozy and comfortable environment .

  11. 无火香薰挥发精油为什么放在我家客厅里,感觉味道不浓?

    Why I don 't smell much the scent of Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil in my living room ?

  12. 回答:这可能与无火香薰挥发精油的使用环境、使用面积、温度湿度有关。

    There are few factors can change the strength of the scent : environment , square area , temperature and air humidity .

  13. 为什么无火香薰挥发精油开瓶后过几天,液体就有轻微发黄或者液体中会有小颗粒?

    Why does the Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil colour turn slightly yellow few days after I use it ? And why are there sometimes some solid particles in the oil ?

  14. 无火香薰挥发精油的挥发介质是挥发性溶剂,它的主要作用是帮助香味散发,但又要保证挥发使用时间足够稳定,才会使产品的性价比更高(香味持久稳定)。

    There is a slowly evaporating solvent in Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil that helps scent to disperse into the air at a very slow rate making for a long lasting scent .

  15. 套装中可以包括香薰蜡烛,精油套装,甚至软毛巾也可包括在内。

    You can even include gifts such as scented candles , aromatherapy kits , and even soft towels .

  16. 适量水中加入几滴精油,缓慢加热进行香薰或将精油滴入干花罐中。

    Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in a potpourri pot .