- pseudo potential

Low-dimensional Coulomb correlations and negative Coulomb pseudopotentials in the high-Tc superconductors
The Comparison of Two Pseudopotentials in ZnO First-principles Calculation
Self-consistent Pseudopotential Calculation of the Electronic Structures of Short-period ( Ge ) _n ( Si ) _n Strained Superlattices
Computed the optical property of ZnO based on the first principle of super-soft pseudo-potential method .
A Series Development of the Dual Basis Function in Hartree-Fock Pseudo-Potential Method
Energy level distribution are investigated with the method of LCAO combined with norm-conversing pseudopotential for zinc oxide nanoparticle .
Relativistic Pseudopotential Ab Initio Study of Boron Halides
The electronic structures of ZnO and Sc doped ZnO were calculated by using the plane-wave soft-pseudopotential method based on density functional theory .
Calculations of Hugoniot curves for five simple metals with pseudopotential method
First-principle calculations based on the plane-wave pseudopotential method have been used to study the surface energy and structure of anatase TiO_2 ( 101 ) surface .
In our tight-binding calculation for bands of Si , Bloch sums constructed of s , p , d andf-symmetry atomic-like Gaussian orbitals are used and the nonlocality of the crystal pseudo-potential is taken into account .
By fitting the empirical pseudopotential band structure data using piecewise polynomials , an analytical band model of ZnS is presented for thin-film electroluminescent devices .
ZnO adsorption on the α - Al 2O 3 ( 0001 ) 2 × 1 surface was studied by using dynamics calculations based on density-functional theory and pseudopotential method .
Pseudopotential Calculation of the Band Edge Structures of the Type ⅱ InAs / GaSb ( 001 ) Superlattices
The ultrasoft pseudopotentials , generalized gradient approximation and electron spin polarized methods were used in calculations .
A method using first principles and pseudopotentials based on density functional theory is applied to calculate the geometric structure , the formation energy of impurities , and the electronic structure of ZnO doped with Ag .
The electronic structures of zinc blende GaN ( 001 )( 1 × 1 ) surface are studied by employing an ab initio ' mixed basis + norm conserving non local pseudopotential ' method .
The electronic structures and optical linear response functions of ZnO are calculated , the relationships between electronic structures and optical properties are investigated by using first-principles ultra-soft pseudo-potential approach of the plane wave based upon the density functional theory .
The calculations of total energy , energy band structure , electronic density of states and Mulliken population of LaNi_5 were performed by adopting the method of total energy combined with ultra-soft Pseudopotential technology .
The ground state 's density of electronic states and the magnetic properties of V-and Cr-doped zinc-blende CdSe have been investigated by carrying out the first-principles plane-wave pseudopotential method within the generalized gradient approximation .
First-principles density-functional theory and supercell models are employed to study the structural stability and electronic properties of the periodic two-dimensional arrays of identical Nb_4 clusters on the Cu ( 100 ) surface .
The optical properties and electrical structure of V in ZnS supercell have been computed by means of plane wave pseudo-potential method ( PWP ) with generalized gradient approximation ( GGA ) .
This paper presents the ab initio calculations results of K vacancy in KDP crystals . The electronic structures and formation energy as well as the relaxing configuration of K vacancy were detailedly studied .
The optical properties of single crystal Lithium Fluoride ( LiF ) are investigated by means of a plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory method in a range of hydrostatic pressure up to 500 GPa .
We have calculated the optical properties of anatase TiO_2 and anatase TiO_2 by N-doping by plane-wave pseudo-potential method ( PWP ), namely the imaginary part of dielectric function ε _2 (ω), the optical absorption coefficient I (ω) and the reflectivity R (ω) .
Calculation of K-Rb Phase Diagram by Pseudo-potential Method
A method based on Slater type orbitals has been used to build up Wannier functions of diamond for studying its energy bands self-consistently with empirical pseudo-potential .
Ab initio Studies of The Electronic Structure of MoCl_2 ~ ( 2 + ) and MoCl_4 Using Relativistic Effective Core Potentials
An ab initio method with norm conserving non local pseudopotentials based on the local density functional theory has been used to investigate the non carbon bearing anode material InSb for lithium batteries . The formation energies of lithium intercalation and their electronic structures have been calculated .
The atomic structure , electronic , and magnetic ordering properties , phase stability of pure γ - Mn have been investigated by the first principle density-functional calculations based on ultrasoft pseudopotentials for paramagnetic , ferromagnetic , and antiferromagnetic states , respectively .